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  • Dominic

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    Everything posted by Dominic

    1. https://ibb.co/TxVn8PcN You calling your Donky friend a manipulator too?
    2. Benny :)) https://ibb.co/c5p6JYz https://ibb.co/B2JrRGDF ERROR: Fairness not found https://ibb.co/PzrJKWBp https://ibb.co/V0sf7wC0 (he's gone mad tbh)
    3. What "they" been saying or what you been saying? Dude u are crazy...
    4. @DeepHouse "The greatest fools are those who meddle in affairs that do not concern them." I looked up the definition of a scam for you: A scam refers to a dishonest scheme or fraud designed to trick someone into giving away money, property, or personal information. It typically involves deception to gain something unfairly or unlawfully. A scam can take many forms, such as fake offers, deceptive business practices, or fraudulent online activities. In a broader sense, when someone is accused of "scamming," it often means they are deceiving or cheating others for their own benefit. .... Now imagine you’ve spent all this time working your way into an opposing guild, only to break them from the inside, using all the information you gathered to steal their items. And then you still talk about liking a fair game?
    5. He’s just here to TROLL—he’s not even trying to prove anything. So many posts from Donky, yet still no proof. I guess everyone can make up their own minds. Unless he comes here with actual proof that I talked behind his back or a valid reason for stealing my items, there's nothing more to say.
    6. Haha, another post from Donkey—yet you're still trying to dodge the main topic. Is this screenshot supposed to be proof that I was talking behind your back? Every screen you send i will send 2-3x back - as you wish https://ibb.co/rKZMG9T3 @AlmightySM @Endorphin https://ibb.co/rVvssCs @Lucifurr https://ibb.co/rR85DJ97 @Azir Just so you understand, Doink... you keep diverting the topic, and you get a response. Unless you have actual proof related to the topic I started, consider this a warning—if you want to make it personal and bring up unrelated things, remember that you also trusted me with some delicate info. Keep it on-topic.
    7. You are not responsible,for me to lose my items, you are right. Why are you posting here exactly? "haha you got your items stolen"?
    8. I admitted I made a mistake by sharing it with someone I trusted—who, by the way, was also in our guild management. But don’t start bringing up the rules now. You don’t have to return my items, but this just proves you guys are fine with scamming. That also means you’re okay with an unfair game. First, it’s trash talk—now it’s a scam—what’s next, cheating? Do whatever it takes to win the game right?
    9. So what are you trying to prove with that screenshot? That I talk behind your back? "many ppl tell me this and that" - another bullshit claim without proof. BTW, all your screenshot shows is that when you came to me complaining about things happening behind your back, I actually took the time to give you my honest opinion. Not only that, but I even accepted your voice call afterward to explain what I knew about the situation. But instead of listening, you just seemed to be trolling, barely accepting anything I said. The 'Benny factor' is clearly too strong for you to consider anyone else’s perspective. Also... Nice screens but if you would have posted just one more message continuing those texts then everyone could see how appreciative you were for my answers. I'll leave the screen here: https://ibb.co/N6rfmdC6 Can you actually provide any proof that I’ve been talking behind your back? Maybe something that justifies you scamming items or makes it fair for me to be excluded from competing against you guys? What exactly are you afraid of? Or are we just going to get more baseless claims from you—claims that, let’s be honest, seem to come from no one else but Benny? And now you're saying I'm the one telling people you're Butcher? Give me a break! I knew Butcher before I even knew you—I can tell the difference within a few sentences. Besides, not just sentences, i can tell when its butcher playing or one of you nobs. If you wouldnt post something like that maybe people wouldt call you Butcher? https://ibb.co/nqhmPvPL Are you indicating your sexual orientation with that post for everyone to see? Keep sharing—I’m sure plenty of people are enjoying the show with their popcorn. I’m more than willing to respond to every single one of your claims. So go ahead, show me what I’m supposedly so guilty of that justifies you guys scamming me. https://ibb.co/DfDgy2BP
    10. OMG, I can’t believe you actually faked a Discord chat. I’ve been trying to get messages through to all of you via other people because we’ve been blocked and banned from each other since last year. We DID NOT talk on February 23rd. The last message I sent you was on December 31st, 2024—so stop lying. I’m sure you’ve been feeding Doink false info, making him think I’ve been talking trash behind his back. https://ibb.co/mrC0P0vg For Doink - "waiting for gion to check logs and match HWIDs. Even if you or dom changed IP while fake transferring items off to alts, logs will clear things up " Will you tamper the logs afterwards and post false info here again? When you asked for proof, I gave you proof. Now, do the same—send me screenshots of whatever you claim I said behind your back. Anything at all. I doubt you have any… unless it’s just coming from Benny’s mouth. BTW, Doink, you’re good with IT—you should be able to tell if Benny's screenshots are edited or not. That is, if you actually want to find out the truth. Hints: https://ibb.co/nN3bkDVd https://ibb.co/s9nqV0gR https://ibb.co/4nGT8b4Z (edited parts in pink/purple) They are tampering info to make them look justified. Since when can you send messages on Discord without a mutual server or being accepted as a friend? You didn’t do a good job faking that. (also again, the dates..."member since") And why the hell would I trade you my items (2x Fenrir and a pendant)? So you’d stop what? Trash-talking or killing AFK players? What a joke.
    11. It's ironic when you offer game suggestions while simultaneously scamming items from other players.
    12. Everything you're saying right now is complete nonsense. Are you just good at lying, or is this what Benny has been telling you? Either way, you have no proof of any 'false statements' on my part. "You've been constantly bugging me to make cici and knightmare stop trashtalking you" - you lost your mind? Or short memory? - we fuking enjoyed the trashtalk. what are u talking about? You're a thief, and it's laughable that you're still trying to deny it—when you're 100% guilty. ("I stole your items but its justified because i left some of my chars to someone in your guild"?) Here is the screenshot you requested as proof of the theft: https://ibb.co/SwBp87Nh. If you want more you ask Gion to give you/benny the logs. "you kept making up new accusations and getting people to harass me on discord." -- Now if u dont have any proof of your own then perhaps go back to listening the stories from benny... "I believe this defamation streak you're on won't stop any time soon and I don't have the time to indulge in your constant mind games, this is the last time I'm giving you attention. Generally when making claims such as framing someone as a "scammer" it's expected to provide solid evidence of the "scam" that took place." And yet you keep stealing, day after day. "Constant mind games" is trying to listen to all three of you and make sense of the chaos you create together. You are disgrace.
    13. For quite a while, @Bennyto REDBLOOD/BADBLOOD played here, trying so hard to win at something—but nope. So, what’s the next step? Stealing items from someone, thinking that might finally give you an achievement? I hope the items you stole help you finally win something. I really hope your life is better now. PS, i lost first fenrir on sunday 23rd because i forgot i shared pass to Doink last year for one gaion run.... After sunday 23rd i put lock on the char... Admins should look into it how you bypassed it. Anyways this is for all the server to see what all benny is capable to doing to ruin ppl game. His brother @Apokalypse apparently doesn’t talk to his brother Benny at all or is unwilling to help retrieve the items. But hey all he keep repeating is "I LIKE FAIR GAME". And for Donky Doink who said past is past and i can trust him with NOT sharing stuff that we talked about - yeah suggon deeznuts you too @Doink. no surprise u have all these issues irl you are double sided snake that is worried about ppl talking behind his back but yet calling himself NOBLE man and shares something that he promised to never do. "benny doesnt have access to my discord", "i dont have anydesk" - i guess you are part of it so you shared it to him. Enjoy my items. - Oh right - You dont play? Who knows maybe doink helped with benny writing some scripts for unlocking the /lock code. Some of us know u are good at this shit. Sadly it was my mistake to set it for only 4 digit code which supposedly has 10 000 combinations only and server doesnt have cooldown for typing /lock code in game... And when Benny keeps repeating that it's my karma that made him steal my items —please provide some facts or enlighten us. What exactly have I said or done to you or anyone in the game that justifies this or makes up for all my supposed wrongdoings? Im sure u still wouldnt do that because all of which you are full - is SHIT. I’m guilty of trash talk, but even then, I don’t pick targets at random—it usually happens with mutual interest. All my in-game enemies or anyone I trashtalked—I always had some level of respect for them. But never for those who steal. I guess I’m not here to farm, nor do I want to fight wars with people who steal and antigame. For quite a while i enjoyed the fights only but i not gonna farm again to get back to competitive for people that like to steal. Yes yes yes.. eventually its my own fault for sharing password to Doink who was in our guild management for quite a while - just dissapointed he turned out to be such a backstabber. Peace out. This post just to inform everyone and help avoid similar situations in the future.
    14. https://ibb.co/Rpzb3Y58 Report for badblood. I'll forgive Almy - hes just mad about losing gaion =)
    15. Top 1 pussyrat. Where are all the STARKS who cried so much about reports? Once again proving that IF WE DO GIVE THE OPPORTUNITY - they will report. Just back then u guys didnt have shit on us. Enjoy your free server.
    16. Teamfight BK suck mostly because weapon skill moves opponents too much.BK is just good char to annoy someone but in crowded teamfights is shit. But i guess its never meant to be teamplayer char. Let it wait for opponents in Duels, CC, Arena and leave it out of Medusa/Selupan/CS?
    17. There is one day in week that we must do it later at the day. Couldnt do it during medusa either. And yet you are afraid and block Gaion. Rest of the days we done gaion first thing after reset, always giving you advantage. What a pricks! Endo u can fuk off too, always unfair player, u been done it many times too. Guilty as Emperror. Losers are afraid to lose more, what can i say. Antigamers suck!
    18. I mean registering 3 alt guilds as defenders. You are obviously happy for no enemies. Enjoy your farm gayroby.
    19. You are saying that but with no proof - why would i wanna waste my time blocking someone to enter gaion? You are lying as usual. Afraid to lose Gaion, you pull this antigame "trick". You confirmed that you are TOP1 in something and that in a douchebags ranking. You suck hard, RestDL
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