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  • Blank

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    Blank last won the day on September 2 2024

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    About Blank

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    1. Whatever you guys say. It doesn't warrant taking items that aint yours.
    2. Bring back to teleport to crown and switch, since TP ally has CD. no point disabling it
    3. You should use your brain if you have 1 that is. Don't talk to me thank you.
    4. really? You ask me to suicide. and now I'm disgusting? really?
    5. Looks like it. So someone in their Guild is selling fenrir for $
    6. Asking people to suicide. Suicide is sensitive topic so please be mature at least! even in game
    7. How about you share proof that we ACTUALLY using VPN. Instead of accusing?
    8. Why would you assume we Use VPN? What if I can afford 2 wifi connection and 2 PC in 1 household. Can't both my grandparents play? Is this considered anti game? And what rules in the server prohibits using VPN? hmmmm? Please enlighten
    9. Can't even start an argument without having to call Doink "NAMES"
    10. It's not our fault lots of people quit your guild or stops playing Because you guys are toxic! So should we be the ones to adjust because of that? And like I said before. You guys have ulterior motive which you guys clearly want an advantage.
    11. Are you serious right now? Toxicity? BL? You guys are always reported for doing it! Which clearly is the best example! Zaoo, You endo, Chuku, Knightmare. It's like you guys get sick when the day passes without being racist or saying hurtful BL!
    12. You guys suggest lower participants on CS. But before when you were so many which came from Inception. And beat us by numbers. You didn't suggest this? Why so? Because it's in your favor! But now that you have less and less people in your Guild because you guys are toxic in itself. You propose this? Your intentions are clear as day!
    13. You guys PK everyday even reaching 100 kills which should've been impossible since 40 is the limit. After PK you hide on K7 to avoid PK Which I understand. But it's also the right of those you kill to get there revenge at you. You start PK and when Karma strikes you, You guys complain
    14. Any update regarding this? On how to troubleshoot this? I'm experiencing the same issue. can't open more than 2 client. tried regedit, restart computer, compatibility version, run as admin, etc., I'm the only one connected to this wifi network. @Gion
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