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  • Bangladesh

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    Bangladesh last won the day on August 4 2024

    Bangladesh had the most liked content!

    About Bangladesh

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    1. Or u are dumb or u just try to help ur racist friend, if that report its corect, anybody can make a screen from part what him like
    2. Sry for my late answer, just now i get a time for that. In that post Bizu make skreens and hide full cheat of our conversation and lie about provocation.
    3. BL and racism https://imgur.com/a/B691sl2
    4. Because they have an agreement with the Admns, these racists allegedly "revive" the server using any methods, and for this they are not blocked. It is not for nothing that the rules were changed for the arrival of these pice of s**t A dirty move from the admins
    5. https://imgur.com/a/1mpfI0r more favor for racist ppls !!!!
    6. how does this message relate to you? cry its freeeeeeeeeeeeee
    7. https://imgur.com/a/N0ZfkhZ I hope people will pay attention to all the racist statements and draw their own conclusions about the server and that the Admins don't give a shit about anything as long as there's drama, don't give a shit about dignity, don't give a shit about racism, don't give a shit about someone's mother.
    8. My question is, why does someone get 2 consecutive penalties and someone doesn't? Is the "oldsquad" now encouraging racism? softening at the rules for them, ignoring their shit? What happened to the world? Why Pain get 2 consecutive warns for his words in same day https://imgur.com/a/AclKnat But shity racist dosen't ? although these are 2 different episodes not connected with each other that happened on different days. https://ibb.co/G7r73Xw
    9. In my opinion, the best option is to reduce the pvp damage from TS
    10. I agree that something needs to be changed in Bk, even if you remove the AttackSpeed from twisting, Bk will be left with a left click, which is even more effective than twisting. I think that the problem started with the fact that the title “stamper” passed from the elf to the Bk. Because the elf’s ice is such a useless thing that it loses in all respects to a BK stun. The elf needs to spend 4k stats, he has a lot of missies, he has a weak attack speed and low range. Bk has an excellent attack speed, in the stun no one will be able to run away (SM teleport), there are no problems with misses and the character is more tanki
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