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  • Garbage

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    Garbage last won the day on February 18

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    About Garbage

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      Taking out the trash
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    1. I got cancer from all the emojis so now that im dead, i wont even bother answering. You can fight for a spot but calling them npc on post and belittling them is bullying. I log in, all I see is toxicity and bullying and people like you who take advantage over the weak. Im saying if you respect a person and fight for it, it is acceptable. What you are doing is just toxic.
    2. No Butcher. Everything you just said is wrong. Im getting tired of this because people with your mindset, bullies, they always get away with it. Some people dont have the resources or time to get all the hardware, grind up all chars only to fight for a spot that was taken from them by a bully who's only single excuse is "dont like pvp, go away". That is the weakest and most bland excuse for you, because you ruin other peoples experience by bullying them and then justify that. You have no consideration for your fellow people who just want to enjoy the game. You can always fight at bosses and cs but no, it doesnt fulfill you. You crave attention and laugh at people when they get mad. Your enjoyment comes out of ruining other peoples experience and bullying them. This is all what you are. A bully. No integrity, no nothing. Just absolute garbage of a human being. People like you dont raise the server up. You tear it down. And youve got it all wrong. Its not "never us always them", its "they did it first so we must counter". Every shit trick abuse and anti-game came from one place only and now you are recycling that to play the victims. You all cry for enemies, spread toxicity, have the most self-righteous mindsets how everyone else but you are bad and then pull shit like that all over again because people must live months in that toxic environment and when someone dares to strike back, first you cry and play victim and then recycle and do that shit tenfold. Its you whos with "never us always them" mindset. But its all pointless, many will soon quit, not because you are better, but because you do everything to get rid of players instead of making them good rivals. And my ranting in forums will always become laughable because you are all too narrow-minded to see the consequences of your own actions. So go ahead. Justify how you are right, what you are doing is good for everyone and the players losing time and resources are happy to be bullied. Go tell that to yourself in the mirror. Nothing but bullies.
    3. Just to clarify: The limit is bypassed if there is a fight for a spot or fight with KS'ers. The condition is that the attacker must have a full party (4 or 5 members) and at least 3 other party mates must be in his 6x6 zone (to be marked as eligible). If the conditions are met the attacker can bypass the limit of kills. Its the same thing Butcher is abusing in swamp just to bully other people because his mom allowed him to buy a third laptop+vpn for the total 6 chars he has logged. Calling people npc while acting like the biggest npc ever in game and irl. My boy hasnt touched grass since 2017.
    4. https://imgur.com/mMQcL2l
    5. https://imgur.com/a/n57iSDL Not very nice language in global chat talking abour rape and raping homosexual people. /posted to correct sub-forum.
    6. Wrong place(this is inception server sub-forum). That is Apokalypse using Doinks old account. If its Doink's old accounts, it's most likely Apocalypse or Bennyto. Doink hasnt insulted people like a child so it must be the other 2 Slovakian mates.
    7. Sadly I think mute is the only punishment this server is gonna give out. The toxicity coming from Apokalypse and BADBLOOD is by far the worst global chat garbage I've seen lately. I dont understand why they go so personal with insults and threat. Its almost like mentally ill people think that this is good for server and then they cry about not having enemies when they talk like that 24/7.
    8. https://imgur.com/rXox4hU My report is against Apokalypse, McDonald said some bad stuff too but Apokalypse here is just mental.
    9. Why are you making such a big deal out of it? Is it because you think that if you know my identity you can catch me in /post and report me? I cant give others the chance to do the same to me because I dont bark in /post. That is the difference and that is the idea behind me. Im just a security camera, watching, monitoring. That is the whole point. You cant report me, you cant anti-game me, you cant hunt me. And I will just report and report as much as it is needed to take out the trash. Im not locked in here with you, you are locked in here with me.
    10. How far is your head up your ass? I did not start spreading toxicity. I started reporting it. Every person who has not corrected their behavior will get the same attitude back. I dont need to be nice because you all aint. Im not here to inspire people, im here to take out the trash.
    11. Well since you enjoy bullying people, I enjoy taking out the trash. If you werent such a pussy living with your parents, maybe you would have turned out to be a nicer and more considerate person. If you act like a bully, I act like one too. So the only person who must look into a mirror is you.
    12. Unless I'm reading the clock wrong, you said it around 12.02 at 05AM(when I got the screen at 5:23AM). I reported it 13.02 12-01AM. At 13.02 05AM it would have been 24hours. I dont even know why I have to prove this. Ive posted many screens without timestamps and Gion has not corrected me about timestamps. If im wrong about time, Im wrong, but I am not a liar.
    13. Actually by the time I posted about 18-19h had passed. You need to report within 24hours and the date-time is not required, only full F4 chat length.
    14. Dont cry. Instead you can better your behaviour on server and not be such a prick.
    15. https://imgur.com/a/CSfDYOe With timestamp: https://imgur.com/xdxhL7X Threatening to kill family members and dropping bombs, I dont think that is appropriate behaviour.
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