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Everything posted by hAse
It s not about resolving the issue right now or something. But like in the previous case, announce the changes before. Not within 1 day window...
Taking example the last 2 CS, I was stamping as AE on switch. One of the reason why I could do that are the antidots, which allowed me to move easier in and out of the killers range @ADMIN. That was my strategy for switch. And now how this strategy will work?, giving 1 full day on farming antidots just to have 150 pack. I was using 500 600 easily. Maybe it s not a game changer for other classes but for my build it is.
If you say so, how can we disagree with you 😁
Why you do important changes right before CS? I remember that when the SD pots problem was raised you said that will w8 for CS to pass..
Was that a secret till now? Or you just didn't followed the news :D?
I m not aware about what demons are u talking. I respect Zazax and Almy but I have to say that they did quite nothing on that CS to deserve the roll mix. In most of the cases I found myself being slowed by their members. Also they were fighting outside the castle where points are not accumulating.. You have to understand that attack guild did not deserved the roll. Get over it. If you request a service from someone and he does not deliver the service, do you still pay him at the end?
Squadron lose - Squadron shit Squadron win - Squadron shit Squadron online - Squadron shit A good laugh :)) Isn't the purpose of Castle winning?
Shit AE U couldn't kill me not even once in a duel, how's that shit. I'm just insane as AE 😆.
This articles seems like gossip since I ve joined. 80% gossip 20% good and interesting phrases. Maybe focus more on the preparation of CS, strategies, key points and weaknesses of each strategy for the newcomers and build an article that can help people prepare for this sort of fights. No1 actually cares that devex left or rusuletz or how 'incompetent' Squadron was in the last attempts, or how bad our strategy was. Focus on explaining the strategy and strenght & weaknesses better. Increase the usefulness of the article. At the moment is just a good gossip laugh. Peace ✌️
Taking out of the discussion the Kundun changes I'd like to add the following: - The 5k ENE mark for ice arrow is a bit too much. Taking in consideration the fact that for PVP build AE needs to invest in VIT quite alot of points and also STR, I think this is an handicap for this class. Also in most of the cases we are in need of CC spells. In the last CS'es i felt a real need to have Ice Arrow. - Crywolf can be made a bit more appealing than only farming fenrir items. Instead of CW event I did not used that map. - There is a gap of 30 lvl's after you reset on which there is no good location where to lvl up. At 20 you go dev4 but after that till 80 and dung3 you cannot do much. Most of the times the events BC/DS saves us. I think dungeon1 or 2 can be populated aswell. We've passed the early game at this point. - Castle Siege is very enjoyable when talking about configuration. What will make it better are more guilds to participate. So far are only 2 which are going since the srv started. I do not know what's the best solution but i'd like to see more guilds trying their luck on this event even if they do not win. Maybe implement a reward option for each guild who participate and this event. Like, every guild who has more than 1 or 2 parties in this event and makes this amount of points and do not win, will get this "box of anything".
Ye but this is different. It takes time to get atlest 3 socket set vs days for 1 full 380 set.
I still fail to see how the mid game will be balanced
I think admin really doesn't understand the snowball that will happen with that lord mix. It''s only funny the fact he think his ideas are better and superior in general. But in general almost all the server is playing this game for years. We've been through lot's of db's and configuration. But that's life between 4 walls . We cannot argue to much.
The idea is not only the 380 potion but the defense increase is huge. Just consider the book 3 set vs book 5 set and u will understand.
Kinda agree, 2 380 item per lord mix in broken. And I do not say that cuz of Rampage or something, but it's common sense. Most of the ppl do not have ACC set finished and yet in 2 CS's we can have 2-3 ppl with 380 exe +3 obts+pink. The fact that you can choose which item do u want it's even worse. It should be random. Because in this case you can choose to gear up at least 1 member from guild each week.
See? Even in ur video they do not use SD Pots. Every event it's owned by the one who has more atm.
boje being boje
He suddenly forgot the 3 times when all Romanians were together and all playing GROOM was unable to enter the castle. In his head, he's the all mighty. This is the kind of behavior that it will kill the server.
Well, it was a nice journey till here, but it's time for me to quit this server. I've tried, as I like in my life, to respect everyone who deserves it. But in the end, i couldn't. From my point of view, this is a very good server, but not perfect. Admin did a very good job with it and I shall thank him for this. But, I cannot force myself in front of a monitor to deal with the toxicity of some polish players. It's too much, summer is here. Cya and have fun.
1. with help ~2 days 2. 30rr 3. DL RF MG - 4 stats / BK SUMM ELF SM - 3 stats points till 220 (with q2) and 4 after 220 - no bonus reset stats 4. just for farming - AE DL or full ene SM, for pvp BK SUMM