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    1. Hi everyone, i wanted to open this topic to understand if there is demand of making PvP / PvM artefacts tradable or convertable. By convertable i mean keeping them non tradable, but convertable (like x pvp = 1 pvm and viceversa). Rn me personally i have 20 PvP and 3 PvM and i heard of opposite situations where people have PvM and close to 0 PvP. Idk just throwing out this post to see if there is high demand on server for such a thing!. Thanks in advance!
    2. Character name: Endorphin Suggestion type: Genesis server Suggestion content: Hello everybody! If you check https://oldsquad.ro/forum/forum/151-player-reports-warns/ you will see that there are many complaints about BL. Many of them cross the limit of common sense (one of them is Dominic's post about AlexMG) because the rules are not good. For any kind of swearing, the accused receives a maximum of several hours of chat silence for the first bad behavior. Playing with the same people everyday in this permanent server, I suggest drastically increasing the punishments. Many times people dont report these trash talking because they know what will happen... just mute for few hours.I am sure that if these swear words were about you, you would give permanent bans without blinking. Let's narrow this difference down a bit. How the suggestion can bring value: If a newcomer sees these discussions on the post, I'm sure he will give up playing. If the punishments are high, reporting will become rare, because they will not risk being punished. How would you personally implement your suggestion: For BL/Racism 1st offence = 1 day ban on the first 2 main chars 2nd time = 2 days ban on the first 2 main chars 3rd time = 4 days ban on the first 2 main chars 4th time = 4 days and so on
    3. Character name:ZotacVIP Suggestion type:Server, Genesis Hello there! I play on this server since 2 weeks ago and I saw that you can actually farm Fenrir items only in Kalima6. WHY?!?! I mean there are only some 6-8 spots (that are occupied almost non-stop) right? Well, If a "newbie" would like to farm something it's kinda impossible (even for those who have for example 25 resets because you can't kill the other afk players farming on spots due to 20 reset difference). It's simply not fair for the other players. Why don't you leave it normal in Crywolf (and without fixed spots) so everyone can play & farm equally? Leaving it as it is you admins only privilege the pro players.
    4. Hello, so just out of curiosity, is it normal or just a bug for a SM with 0 kills to win Chaos Castle running around vs a bk with 6 kills? (i also killed around 10 mobs). Really curious if its just a bug or is it supposed to be like that. Just to know if i should make a tank SM to win a PvP event, thanks in advance ^-^
    5. Hello Admins/Moderators/GM's, In the light of recent events and updates, we are now gathering artifacts. The problem is that once you start gathering them, they take 1 slot per each artifact obtained, meaning that until you get 12 total (6 PVP + 6 PVM) which it will "kill" one slot in your inventory for nothing. Imagine being a player who cannot afford a VIP weekly (to get another storage of 8x4), or being another type of player who already has a rare set who occupies already tons of space (because as well, cannot be stashed or put in personal store). My suggestion will be to find a way in which the artifacts to be stacked (for a determined amount like 2-3 / stack). Imagine having 12 occcupied slots of your inventory at any given point in time just because this items not being stackable (slots that can be used for different purposes). I ask you to kindly check the matter from your end and to try to find a solution in which our invetories to have a little air to breathe (2/stack = 6 slots taken, 3/stack, 4 slots taken), space that can be used for different purposes, as not many of us can afford to lose the already limited space we have in our inventories just to carry some items until God knows when we will get the full recipe to try mixing for and Old Ancient accessory. (If not, another solution will be to at least be able to store them into stash / bank) Looking forward to your reply. Kind Regards, RatONE
    6. Hello Everyone, I hope this is the right place to start this topic. I wanted to point out that some elf skills are IMO not working properly. What I mean are mostly triple shot and penetration. I am sure that both of these skills are currently bugged - looks like they are unable to follow the character's attack speed at max AGI (which is 600 for elf). To compare, Multishot works preety smoothly and there is no issue here. But for pene and triple (also with strengthener) it looks like they sometimes don't deal damage at all, they block for some reason, especially when there is a lot of action on the screen. I am raising it, as especially the triple shot with strengthener should be the primary dmg dealer against single targets. Currently elf only has one dmg skill, which is Multishot. Is there any way to fix it? Thank you and kind regards Virulent
    7. Hi, I started David's quest, the one with resets 50+, I have to do the gold and white magicians one. Since I haven't finished resetting yet, I wanted to abandon the quest, to continue exploring, does anyone know how to do it and if it's possible? Thank you.
    8. Hi, question. Does quest 9 still remove old OB from inv/store? I remember some time ago it did, however now description says they just cant be used to finish the quest and they do not get deleted. And second one - just to be sure - after GR quests 3,6,9,12 does not give additional reward besides posibility to do qreset? Thanks
    9. Character name: Lanaya Suggestion type: Server Suggestion content: I propose that we implement a change in wing lvl4 creation as follows- the chance for a 2opt wing is fairly low, yet most people would like to have them. Some get very lucky on first try, some don't get lucky at all. My suggestion would be to implement a change where if one makes for example their 4th wing lvl4 (4-4) to have a guarantee for 2opt given the time, effort and resources spent on creating a new wing. I am sure there may be some resistance from people that got their 2opt from the first try, purely due to the fact that they wouldn't want others to share the same fortune. How the suggestion can bring value: There are people that give up the game due to this very reason - they reached end-game content where every little thing provides an edge especially in PVP. So when they attempt this process for several times only to get the same disappointing result, they quit. Players help keep a server healthy and competition is the main driver. I think this feature would provide players with a sense of security that their efforts will pay off and provide the driver to keep pushing through. In return, more players would farm and battle harder to achieve their desired result. Thank you for your consideration.
    10. Gion

      OSG Events

      Hello, We are gladly announcing the OldSquad Golden Events starting with the next Monday! There will be maximum 1 event per week, organized by Gion and it will not be announced prior to the start, the qualifiers will just spawn in cities when the Event does start. Rewards for each week: Consolation at events: 1x Box of Ancients 5th place at events: 1x OldBox 1 4th place at events: 1x OldBox 2 3rd place at events: 1x OldBox 3 + 1x Star 2nd place at events: 1x OldBox 4 + 1x Star 1st place at events: 1x OldBox 5 + 1x Star We will play the same 4 events that we are using in Inception's OSGM, with the only mention that the maximum number of players here will be 12 for normal events (BlackJack, RussianRoulette and DeathRoll) and 8 for Game of War (the last 4 players qualified for GoW will receive auto-consolation). Info and how to play the events: BlackJack - https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/1646-black-jack-event/ Russian Roulette - https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/2720-russian-roulette-event/ Death Roll - https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/4538-death-roll-event/ Game of War - https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/2347-game-of-war/ Important note: Things like "please wait us to finish X event before doing the OSG event" or "why you do the random time event at night / morning / mid-day" will no longer be tolerated and you'll be muted for 1-3 days and even banned.
    11. Hello, Here are a few suggestions: Seeds Can something be made so the AG value/cost seeds to actually be useful? Maybe raise their sell price to shop, or add an option to mix seeds together? Also, regarding socket items, is it possible unlock a 4th option for the next GRR reward/other event rewards? Rings Is a possibility to add the option to mix rings/pendants? or at least to upgrade them (from +1/+4). Also, regarding rings, can Rare Rings (4opt) can be added as reward for quests/GRR/or other events? Imp/Guardian angels Is it possible to add a new mix receipt to goblin. I know I've seen this topic before (10 imps to make a Demon, similar to Uniria mix) Also, maybe some events as we had on Inception, to revive the joy of the game?
    12. Salut, Am urmat toate setarile din tutorial pentru cazurile cu probleme, am adaugat pana si exceptie in firewall pentru toate 3 exe files, orice am incercat nu reusesc sa pornesc jocul. Punctul final pana la care ajunge indiferent ca pornesc cu PlayGenesis sau main, este splash screen-ul cu LiveGuard care tine sub 1 secunda si atat. Ce am incercat pana acum: - Am descarcat clientul full de pe mega - Adaugat exceptie in antivirus imediat dupa dezarhivare - Adaugat DEP exception pentru toate 3 fisiere exe - Adaugat exceptie in firewall network public si privat pentru cele 3 fisiere exe - Oprit antivirus complet - Rulat cu compatibility Windows XP SP3 pentru cate un exe, apoi toate, apoi combinatii - Run as administrator pentru toate 3 exe - Resetat router sa primesc alt IP Nimic nu a functionat, nu am nici o eroare, doar ca nu porneste dupa splash screen-ul cu LiveGuard. Alte idei?
    13. Hello, i just started playing as BK. As i add some stats on energy, i saw that the DMG multiplier seens to not be working as it suposed to do. Is it some kind of Class Balance? Is it just visual? Thanks.
    14. Dear friends, I am in the following situation, today when I want to run the game this error has appeared, I have tried everything, restarting, deleting the game, etc. but it still appears, could you help me? I don't have any instance of the game open since it would be the first to open and it still tells me that
    15. Hello, We're releasing our special Grand Reset system for Genesis tomorrow (Friday), 12.05.2023 at 21:10. No server restart will be needed unless something goes wrong. If you reach at least 54 resets and level 400 you now unlock the Grand Reset. By doing a Grand Reset, your resets become 0 and you can grind once again up to 55 resets. What's nice about our Grand Reset is that there's no draw-back of doing it, instead, it is just a natural progression. Basically, you keep your points as they were before the Grand Reset, so each time you reach level 400, your character will have the same power as it had without the GR. In order to do a Grand Reset you need to type /grandreset. Rewards for Grand Reset 2500 Credits. 2 weeks of Golden Fenrir (that can't die). 2x HoF Badges. 60 extra free points for each new Reset after the GR [that are accumulated up until 50 resets, where you'll have 3000 extra stat points compared to 50rr chars without GR]. 200 extra free points for each new QReset after the GR, between 50 and 55 resets. [so at 1 GR and 55rr you'll have 4000 more points compared to 55 chars without GR]. Improved quests rewards when doing them again. Extra +1% Damage for every reset after 50rr. [with a total of +10% at 1 GR and 55RR]. [!] Higher top position. Requirements for Grand Reset Your character on Server 1 (Normal Maps). Level 400. 54 or 55 Resets. 1.500.000.000 Zen. 2x2 inventory space for Golden Fenrir. Extra info The EXP rate for 0-55 resets is a linear EXP with a 40% rate of the normal (NON-GR) EXP. The Quests are reset, you can start them again at 50 resets & all restrictions/requirements for the Quest System are being kept once you start them again. Note: After reaching 50 resets you must use /qreset again in order to progress to 55 resets. After starting the Quests again, the first 2 quests from each tier will now reward you with: 15% chance for 1x DD Seed in Sphere, 35% 1x Old Box 5, 50% 1x Old Box 4. You can no longer reset with the usual command (/reset), you must type /mreset in order to reset. You gain the same amount of points as you had before the GR (as free points) MINUS the points gained by going from level 1 to 400. Note: If you do the GR at 54 resets you'll still gain the missing points (800 or 900) that the 55 resets chars get. Note2: After each new reset you gain the same amount of points PLUS the extra points gained for each new reset. You keep the same amount of bonus % Damage as you had before the GR (earned from qresets). Note: If you do the GR at 54 resets you'll still gain the missing 1% Damage that the 55 resets chars get. Each new reset after GR costs 150.000.000 Zen. If you have a Grand Reset, the other systems from game will consider you as having 55 resets.
    16. Hello, On the last couple of weeks, I noticed and tested that SMG is the weakest class in this game in PvP, according to the post regarding class balance, it is mentioned that SMG should be better at PvP than EMG -> that is not true, EMG destroys SMG (along with any other class in this game, which makes SMG the weakest char in game). I know that the Fire Slash bug cannot be resolved, but. Being the most important PvP skill, I think it's mandatory to adjust the % ratio for his def/dmg or buff other skills in order to be viable for PvP -> and in my opinion, is not a players job to test if he can overcome the Fire Slash BUG that is on this server. A new topic must be opened where an Admin/Moderator tested out and came up with a solution for it: Test with a range of points to see if the bug is there: Ex: Str 10k-15k -> Agi 10k-15k -> no fire slash bug (regarding weapons & set items that can influence that, it's the players job to test it) I tried changing the ML tree -> going defensive -> no dmg, going dmg-> you die in 1-2 flame from sm/1 combo from BK. If you can't/won't take any actions to balance a char that is mentioned to be Top Tier in PvP, just let us know so we don't invest months of playtime and credits in something that is not viable in mid-late game. If SMG is a confirmed build, we need to be able to use it and not change to EMG because we need to stay relevant on this server.
    17. From what I noticed the talent is bugged. No matter how many points i put in it hp stays the same.
    18. If i try upgrade a filled socket item from +9 to +15 in case of fail will I lose the seed sphere? (assuming Im using toca)
    19. How does offattack timer works? a. It offers 5 hours every day and timer resets at midnight? Or b. It offers 5 hours and timer resets every 24 hours?
    20. Character name: Hobbit, Suggestion type: Server, Content: Hi there, Since the both servers merged, there's not enough space for all characters on the maps, I talk about the last places (maps) where the character is expected to be there for long time. For people like me (afk players) who don't have much time to be in front of the PC, we need to find spot in maps like (Karutan 2, Kanturu 3 , Raklion , Swamp) there is enough space to add few more spots and not to be bothered from 24/7 players (guilds) that holds every spot in there. How the suggestion can bring value: More effective wasted online hours. Kind Regards,
    21. Character name that is submitting it (for the potential reward). = Monkey Suggestion type (server/website/forum). = Gameplay Suggestion content (make sure to include enough details so your suggestion is clear enough): BC rework idea: Hello, got no idea if its hard / impossible or real to make BUT we were throwing ideas in party during bc on how to make the event more fun and interesting and came up with smth tbh! Basicly the idea is to give BC, also some taste of PVP You know just throwing out ideas, maybe something fun will come out of it ^-^ How the suggestion can bring value.: It will give more value to the event itself by making quest more fun. Boosting reward will incentivize also people who are high ml already, to join the event (Optional) How would you personally implement your suggestion (your vision). - Boost BC quest reward - Increase statue HP - Enable pvp after it spawns - who dies gets tped at start, or maybe less far away for a "penalty" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Splitted btw Non-pvp and PVP bc ( like 1/2 PVP daily, with boosted reward)
    22. How do I trade more than 500 credits for items without risk of getting scammed?
    23. Currently I see Statue w4 MG/SM/BK(GOAT) is failing to put in store or ware like other statue, hope ADMIN will fix this error soon @ADMIN
    24. i even didnt start to play hey guys i kne here and my english are not so good when im trying to connetct the game i get this msg what can i do?
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