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    1. Characters report : Knightmare, Genesis, Marlboro Reason : AFK/Not join the game
    2. @Gion @ADMIN I want to tell you something, I was on the null discord where Alex/chuki are. They don't play on the server that opens, only Chuki, open a player in order to destroy you, you will serve to murder the whole server that will end quickly, the DB because he and Alex want season 18 to open, that's why they kill people all day On the GENESIS server, if you notice, there is no one in the game who hasn't fought with them on every server all day long, there are threads about them and about them they destroy your server and they wrote in Discord if you don't bring them PERMA VIP they will still destroy you, play as if you owe them something why don't you just block those people who destroy Will you serve? In the end this is your livelihood and there are people who enjoy playing on your server for example now chuki opened a player in Nick Pain and kills all GENS D just like that he is not really playing the server he is just trying to destroy it for you think about it and do what you want in the end Talk but this man is poison and if you want poison it's your choice He can't kill me personally, but he can kill all the other players, so think about what you're doing with it. I want the server to succeed. It'll be fun. I'm in favor of him only chasing me because he died in ICE.
    3. Great! How can we play? How to have fun? How to pass Quests in IT5? Those abusers and Anti-game masters striking again! Lets see the action of admin again how long will it takes? Will they get an IP ban for IT5 (not like it matters because they can log from another VPN..but at least to see those 4 guys banned will be nice) Kindly reminding the posted video - where 2 people (me on Emperor and my brother on Luckster) did nothing wrong.. but just playing and trying to win the event for their own teams as it was visible on the video.. - we got undeserved ban right on the quest time 2/3. Those guys finish their Quest 3/3 on 2pacc again... and they do real antigame visible on the video posted here. Tonight will share to all a video from where u can see that when u two of our characters are online at the same time in event = its real people playing on! (As u can see them in CS (Emperor / GHOSTRIDER / Skippy) or in CC battles or in IT5 events. ) Its time to show all the reality behind Badabing/Infinity ... so there will be also screens of the people who used VPN and was AFK in CS (Stark won in 25 vs 30 where Badabing had 4 ppl playing on 8 chars using VPN! ) gg wp
    4. On behalf of Superstar who was in gamble for credits with Chukanda. This video clearly shows unfair game. Either bug exploit or hack that he picks up pots from Nephilim? Video clearly shows it. Another hardcore cheat? I cannot fathom that dude is so rude to everyone but also cheat... I see that mutes doesnt work for him that well. What about this @Gion Video here: https://streamable.com/bdggj0 https://streamable.com/5hydzo Participants seen in this bug exploit/hack: Chukunda, Nephilim, Crimson
    5. When BoDamMayjo need quest and helps himself with alt bodamayjodl - afk in enemy team. In additional RedMK brings BodaMayjo ball to his side of the map and BiiLoveYou helps them too. But hey Gion pls dont bann them... cuz this was already his last of the quests - so they dont need to do it on that characters. Please dont bann them..
    6. https://easyupload.io/aq8o57 https://easyupload.io/qjq2ip It is not fair when 2 vs 8 in IT
    7. Yoh, I don't want to report, just want to start a discussion. https://imgur.com/a/2oppgRi Look at the uploaded screens - one player parties with 4 alts. I know there are some ways to omit 2 client rule, but this begin to look like a indian bot center. Is this how we really want to keep server up?
    8. Hi there, video explain itself, they don't ever move all in the same time from both teams, same players 2-3 players different IPs VPN blocking fair play in IT, they even say in party chat. Server goes to shit, if u guys keep spamming chat and cheat any way possible, keep abusing anything you can and you will play alone here. Admin is expected to ban all the players in IT, you have all the proof you need, hope this time you will answer in a timely manner not after 1 month, gl&hf.
    9. Since the topic of exploits is currently relevant, I want to report abuse on the server. The character Zaoo bypasses the maximum percentage of REF, which gives him an advantage over the others. Max DD and REF is 60%. After a little checking we see that the ref we get from this character(Zaoo) is almost 75% (3670 my damage vs 2730 ref = 74.39%), which is radically different from the server descriptions. Because this person did not report this error within 24 hours and should be punished for use a "Exploit" There is a full video, I can provide it if necessary.
    10. Hello, as promised Gion i'm here with a gift i found out from our dear Lanaya. As we all know, Energy Elf works only Castle Siege Server, aka Cry Wolf right? RIGHT?? well... WRONG. If you simply take buff, and move to any other map (exept lorencia ring ofc, which reset all buffs) magic will happen. You will have Energy Elf buff for whole 2minute. Just enough time to make your best ever record on Gaion Ranked. How did i found out? well... i wondered what is a full energy elf doing in Valley of Loren same time as Lanaya was doing Imperial. Oh and this was 2 months ago i think, but sadly i am a too good guy to report after he pleased me not to becouse he needed an "edge" aka cheat to beat hardcore gaion ranked. This was taken 30th of May https://imgur.com/a/R18D2Su , server time in image. You have: 1) Elf name 2) Date and server time in which she was buffing 3) Some hint to who might been doing Gaion at that exact time. Now my biggest curiosity, will you investigate how long has he been cheating or just patch exploit and no consquences?
    11. Admin, Do something bout this, this past few days i saw players suspiciously killing BQ faster and some new players are like glitching/blinking. They sell this hack for 70$. PLEASE update Admin. Thanks
    12. Firstly, I know that this is a freetoplay server and you can kill anyone with impunity. But there is a question about the character Zigg. he is not a member of guilds (although I am 90% sure that he is a HC), he does not continue the Game although he has all the capabilities. but he kills everyone all the time. Without reason, it kills the entire server, goes to clean Pk and kills everyone again. This is the worst shit that can happen, because this kind of shit has nothing to do, and it kills all interest in the game.
    13. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FRiHJY1RSBcu9d3TDhloPc-2zKL7dcP3/view?usp=sharing Emperror/Luckster brings 2 chars to IT. Makes them both tank so there is no chance to kill him and just abuses this mechanic to get the win. In the video you can see that he leaves one char afk at statue and then comes with another to pick up. So he only runs around with 1 char while other is afk at statue for quick pickup. I got the recording going at the end and didnt have time to adjust the settings but the names should be readable at least and the afk strat can be seen.
    14. Login multiple afk accounts and blocking event fair play. Good game guys. Video : Video https://clipchamp.com/watch/05D9bt0NQib
    15. Huuum, he is still playing IT, so I guess the ban didn't work xD https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ODY0sMp9akergYXeiTVXzg9FPt8mAX-p?usp=share_link See Screenshots
    16. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ODY0sMp9akergYXeiTVXzg9FPt8mAX-p?usp=share_link 4 videos proving DLEndless trolling, AFKing and playing another char on the other team. We can also (badly) see 2 other players apart from me saying on chat to report Endless.
    17. Hi Admin and Gion, sorry for the inconvenience, but I have to post this so admin and Gion can read the story later. I am HoaBatTu , top3 OSGM February , but until now I have not been supported to receive the seed as I wanted , although I have pm Gion in the game as well as mail to Admin at the forum but have not received the results , the The event has been over for 1 week but I still have not received the reward I want, although I know admin and Gion are busy for the new server, but I want to receive the reward of 4 DD seeds. I hope admin and Gion support me as well as top1 and top2, thanks
    18. Hi, i was in IT5 event in the winning group (4:0) as you can see in the image I entered the blue portal and the whole game stucked and i didnt got my reward Image : https://ibb.co/xzrkSQF i would like to get my reward if its possible.. IT event once in 12h so its pretty big deal.. Nickname : RedMG Thanks!
    19. Even i have type /re on and i see at the screen top left request on, i cant put party automatic my alt. I dont know for other players also but i think is the same.
    20. Like i post in title, Scam ?, I m not sure but i don t know what title i can put. https://imgur.com/a/f9nnzu2 Here you have PrintScreens. I don t know where to post to announce other players, so if is bad section please move it. I think it`s my mistake but i want to announce all. This guy in elbeland just staying and steal Drop Items from Bok, Careful with drop there or careful with that Player. His Nickname: BKIIGeraLD In first printscreen, You can see he join in pt and in left corner ( up side ) you can see he pick my silk armor. In second printscreen, you can see his answer " sold " in less than 2 seconds, and after put Store and left party. And Cuz it`s pvp server, can someone tell me his main account?, Thanx. And sorry if it s bad section. GL
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