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    Phoenix#2 The War for Supremacy episode X


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     A controversial episode with spectacular upheavals took place last Sunday in the battle for Phoenix's Supremacy. 

    OneSteppy, guild that held the supremacy of the server for its first time, a guild that seems to be growing and that is focusing on recruiting all active players, (they manage to recruit people even from Hardcore last week), prepare the defense, managing to gather a large number of players, organizing about 4 parties. Some "voices" told me that they were 21 players but 3 of them were afk, most of the time.  

    On the other side, Hardcore, the guild that dominated this data base winning most of the battles for Supremacy, starts as attackers. Fewer and weaker than ever, they barely managed to gather only 10 or 11 warriors, ("voices" told me that at the start of the battle. They were only 9 at that moment) and give the impression of throwing themselves blindly in a battle without odds for win.

    The fight begins, Hardcore "unleashed" the attack, a pale attack, an attack in which they are massacred inside the castle, but they do not seem affected at all and continue, they manage to register several times and make some points.. The only warrior who seem to shine, from Hardcore, is "The magnificent" Crucify who knocks down everyone in his path including BedeJutro who was slayed 2-3 times by him. But everything seems lost for Hardcore, mafy dies continuously every time he gets near the crown and tries to register, we approach the last half hour and the ones from OneSteppy are almost preparing to celebrate a new victory. Tokyo "The Slayer", Voymax "The Brave" and "The Lethal"  Incubus  were the protagonists of this massacre, making rivers of blood flow in the throne room , and it seems like the easiest victory is already there for them because everything seems to be played, they lead with a huge difference points, at 18:22 the score was 10594 vs 3484 in their favor.

    Hardcore manage to record and this is the moment when the people from RISE decide to take part in the battle, and, man.. they did it, but they didn't attack to win points or to try to conquer the throne. Driven by anger and hatred they take part in this fight just to hit the OneSteppy guild, so they join on Hardcore side and starts helping them by preventing  OneSteppy from registering. We enter the last half of hour and OneSteppy starts to lose precious points, they try to stay in the lead of the fight by making multiple kills and trying to move RISE warriors from  switches, but they fall in to the dark and  after they were on the wave believing that nothing can stop them from keeping the castle for another week, they start to feel helpless, because the victory starts to be threatened.. The time passes, they struggle, they try but they seem lost, confused, watching, as the time goes by, how the huge difference of points they had is getting smaller and smaller, the crown on BedeJutro's head starts to shake. 

    Time flies and eventually Hardcore wins an unexpected battle with the help that some of the guild members did not want, because in past they lost the castle weeks in a row in exactly the same way, even if they dominated the fights back then, they were defeated by dirty anti-games and unfair-play strategies, they won this fight and put the crown back on mafy's head but this time the crown looks stained with dirty blood, an unexpected victory won without being fully deserved.

    This week I asked here and there about what happened. What made these warriors, who in the past fought on the same side, in the same guild, hate each other so much now? The first answers came from Snook and I will write down a part of the small discussion with him bellow :

    Reporter: " Hello! What really happened between you, guys, and OneSteppy? How did you end up here as "the worst enemies" ?

    Snook "Hello! Well, I like to think that we are the "worst enemies" because we are really good at what we're doing , especially when someone's pissing us off. What happened is that we didn't want to play with guys that think they are good when the competition is done. Stepy is a guild wihthout any principles or character." 

    Reporter: "Are they worst than Hardcore?"

    Snook : "Well, you can’t really compare a guild with history on the server with a mixture of random players, even though so many from HC stopped playing, also I'm pretty sure some were happy that I did  , while others probably hated it completely. We didn't do it for them "

    I went forward with investigation and asked ncux from OneSteppy about their point of view

    ncux :" Snook was in our guild with Venom, and he was afk all the time, focusing only for lvling up, we were always asking for his help during the fights for bosses like Selupan or Medusa and he never came, Tokyo and others started a conversation about why we need those kind of players in guild, who just ask for items but never helps, so Snook left and he asked all ppl who wants to join his new guild so Waste, DarknesSBK and FKinGCunT left following him, mostly because now they are fully geared and they do not want to help low lvl guys from our guild. They are led by the principle " when you are strong you want to be in a top guild but you don't care about the newbie members" "  

    At the beginning of this week, another important moment was the start of a war between OneSteppy and Hardcore, a war that seems to never end and that makes the safe zones from Vulcanus or Swamp to become more populated than ever, a war that hold the time in one place for these guilds because they hunt each other day and night, and if some of the players try to take refuge, going afk through safe locations they are chased by enemies and if they can't be killed, secondary characters are left on them to slow their exp down.

    As I write this article I see some guilds that have already registered Sign of lord, is it an attempt of Hardcore or Rise to prevent OneSteppy from taking part in the fight on Sunday?

    Will OneSteppy have the strength to return to the battle? Will they accumulate enough points to be able to participate?(it is already Friday and they can register only tomorrow but they cannot add Signs of Lord anymore)


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    Freedom of speech is the concept of the inherent human right to voice one's opinion publicly without fear of censorship or punishment! 

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    Sparkle, stop IT :D 

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    If you have no idea what happened last CS, why you write bullshits about that ? Where is paragraf about most importatnt incident tht Snook ripped of a set and a wings from BedeJutro and all time have him DC? Where is paragraf about dirty game of them ?  We lost not becouse rise came... We lost becouse ppl who played with us long time have no honor and they are pathetic thieves and pathetic ppl. 

    As i said better write nothing than bullshits... 

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    Snook stealing items from a player during cs and talking about principles or character. Now that's hilarious.

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    Snook stealing items? I had access to that account or something?  If anyone wanted to "steal" anything , im pretty sure they would not have returned the items after cs.


    "so Snook left and he asked all ppl who wants to join his new guild so Waste, DarknesSBK and FKinGCunT left following him" . Asking all ppl? RISE has and will be as long as the server will last based only on selection and invitation  not what your random guild has been doing.  BTW, Waste was never in stepy , nor was darkness.


    Guys, wake up , smart up , learn this game better and stop being morons. I hate it , I'm allergic to it.

    GL in real life , while I was afk "only lvling" I managed to finish my master thesis and get my master degree. What did you achieve for a freaking Selupan? 😄


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    You know what you did. "Stole" items just to give it back after cs.

    You will always be known as a thief as much as Chukundah will be known as a scammer.


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    As previous mentioned, smart up, try hard and get into 3 digits iq and stop embarassing yourself on forum.

    I give 0 fucks about your opinions when you're all talking without even knowing what happened , which is also hilarious.

    Read the article , I love people that hate on me , it means I am doing something good.Meanwhile noone gives a damn about you guys because you're completely unimportant with 0 impact on the game.




    Snook ( thief, whore, gipsy and w/e other names i've heard this edition)


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    if u ask to stop write bullshits, u should do the same! STOP 

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    8 hours ago, White1993 said:

    If you have no idea what happened last CS, why you write bullshits about that ? Where is paragraf about most importatnt incident tht Snook ripped of a set and a wings from BedeJutro and all time have him DC? Where is paragraf about dirty game of them ?  We lost not becouse rise came... We lost becouse ppl who played with us long time have no honor and they are pathetic thieves and pathetic ppl. 

    As i said better write nothing than bullshits... 

    Snook to the left , Snook to the right , starting to think i'll soon be the most popular char on the server with all your advertising. 

    If reporter has no idea , you guys have even less. Brain up.

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    @Florin you can use any terms and definitions on your actions, but is fact that you steal items from the character during the CS, give the /dcfriend and put /lock on Bede.

    and Sparkle, who knows the exact time and score of the CS, but does not say a word about this incident with the Bede, tells us that he is protecting his Guild from a dirty "victory", and on the turnover put everything as if 10 people turned the course of the game and won in an unequal battle

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    dieeeeeeeeeeee u can only cryyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
    about cs this was a very good CS, equal chances... about the numbers of ppl and theirs abilities... one of the most equal cs of the server..
    still dont know why u cry.. hope if in the future we will meet in the same situation if band of shits will group up in the same guild like 3 times more ppl of the other guilds and the GM decide of the fair play to put off the items.. ill respect him same as this time.. RESPECT FOR BEDEJUTRO FOR FAIR PLAY, outnumbering opponents tripple time and playing without of items. very nice play, very nice players very nice guild. hope they will do the same next tries.
    management its all about it, some ppl have respect, the others has no idea what to do, it happens, what do u recive? 4/5 server in one shit easy place, EASY
    what i can suggest.. do not something what u cant do.. i have some example from todays day.. hello to the hc members.. he knows who i am talking about.. shit is shit, fk urself and stop beg
    enjoy boyz, maybe next time.. we will see.. but one thing.. shits are shits.. never forget!

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    ahh.. about DIEEEEEEEEEEEEEE never cryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.. i said once at the beginig of the Phoenix.. that one noobish bk started to behave like cryyyy DIEEEEEEEEee on the kundun. we found out its the same guy. the same guy we have the kundun without mg who use cyclone, the same guy who says to stop use cyclone at selupan coz they are bad players :D i would say one thing cryyyyyyyyyyy will always cryyyyyyyyyyyyyy coz he  is ************* but it means he is a onestepy member. everything in one place :D

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    14 hours ago, GlowaX said:

    You know what you did. "Stole" items just to give it back after cs.

    You will always be known as a thief as much as Chukundah will be known as a scammer.


    get my name out of ur rat mouth u worthless dogshit RF

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    8 hours ago, Spawn said:

    @Florin you can use any terms and definitions on your actions, but is fact that you steal items from the character during the CS, give the /dcfriend and put /lock on Bede.

    and Sparkle, who knows the exact time and score of the CS, but does not say a word about this incident with the Bede, tells us that he is protecting his Guild from a dirty "victory", and on the turnover put everything as if 10 people turned the course of the game and won in an unequal battle

    How do you survive irl day by day?


    Just to remind you how dumb you guys are, you were  trying to kill me on stamp with 20 people when all of that was happening.


    Take a break from games , open a book once in a while , it will help you more.

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    @Waste hey retard, u already alive ? i too glad to see u and i will hope what next time u will can leart a play for BK, ^^

    P.S. ppls with handicap like Waste too have access on "Conucil" ? 


    @Florin https://ibb.co/QHSZ4W5


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    15 minutes ago, Spawn said:

    @Waste hey retard, u already alive ? i too glad to see u and i will hope what next time u will can leart a play for BK, ^^

    P.S. ppls with handicap like Waste too have access on "Conucil" ? 





    Should I translate for you? Cause i know for a fact your English is garbage. What do you want to show with that? How pathetic you guys are? We know that since the remake. Sorry for taking your first CS away , newbies , but if you can't kill me with 25 players , idk what else you could have done.

    PM for translation in case you didn't understand something.

    You guys are really funny , this is my last reply , im done trying to enlighten you. Waste of time. Good luck in your lives, you surely need it in abundance.

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