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    Mercenary Quests


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    • Group:  Legends
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    Suggestion Type:-

    Mercenary Quests PVP changes



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    People have been using /pvpquest and hunting in group going in as 1v2 1v3 to secure the quest , or when they are being hunted they ask party for help and when the hunter comes they start pk him until he runs out of sd and the hunted player kills him or /challenge if the hunter moves map or out of sd.

    My suggestion is making this /pvpquest system only the both players that are hunter and hunted being allowed to target each other and not by other players to "help" him since is a solo quest.

    How it will bring Value:-

    A more balanced pvpquest between both players , considering this system was made for "solo" fight and not a teamfight

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    I would suggest that if quest happens , the target of the quest (hunted person) can not teleport to different maps , and if they switch character it count as if they got killed so they lose points, some people are pure chickens and run away for 15 minutes straight teleporting between each map back and forth.



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    • Group:  Administrators
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    On 4/29/2021 at 6:17 PM, numbb said:

    Character Name:-


    Suggestion Type:-

    Mercenary Quests PVP changes



    Content :- 

    People have been using /pvpquest and hunting in group going in as 1v2 1v3 to secure the quest , or when they are being hunted they ask party for help and when the hunter comes they start pk him until he runs out of sd and the hunted player kills him or /challenge if the hunter moves map or out of sd.

    My suggestion is making this /pvpquest system only the both players that are hunter and hunted being allowed to target each other and not by other players to "help" him since is a solo quest.

    How it will bring Value:-

    A more balanced pvpquest between both players , considering this system was made for "solo" fight and not a teamfight

    We'll see what we can do, sounds fair enough, but it isn't as easy as it looks, as there can be cases where it can be abused in this way (i.e start quest during a boss so you can't be attacked by others at the boss).

    On 5/1/2021 at 2:17 PM, Kenpachi said:

    I would suggest that if quest happens , the target of the quest (hunted person) can not teleport to different maps , and if they switch character it count as if they got killed so they lose points, some people are pure chickens and run away for 15 minutes straight teleporting between each map back and forth.

    The only "forced fight" is challenge, anything else can't be "forced", as you'd like.

    "The only way to do great work is to love what you do" - Steve Jobs

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