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    Some Suggestions 3


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    Char: ShotUp, TeKilla, Killah, Ragnarok
    Type: All

    Started adding new stuff at the bottom, not on the numbered list.

    Must Fix / Should Fix / Ideas & Suggestions:

    1. Some exc items do the same dmg as normal items;
    2. Some items on test server have different damages from Inception;
    3. There is a painting in Devias store (Izabel) with another server's name;
    4. We should be able to find ancient items by their names in Web Market, instead of typing the gear name and checking the ancient box;
    5. A must fix is the 3-second DL Chaotic issue;
    6. A third vote server could be added, since there are a few more good top lists (ex: www.arena-top100.com/mu-private-servers/);
    7. If not many people are voting for the server, increase reward of vote from 2 credits to 5;
    8. Some emotes are missing, or with other names, ex: /honor, /kneel, /charge, /clap;
    9. Add the Rageful blow to combo again, and don't make it a PvM ability;
    10. Make CC by reset. I think it was, at some point, don't know why it was changed back;
    11. Chaos Machine: 10 Guardian Angel = Angel (don't remember the name) & 10 Imps = Demon.
    12. Some items have different damages ingame and in web market;
    13. Add 1 more Giant to Lorencia Golden Invasion;
    14. Add drop to Medusa & Selupan in "Inception Official Information";
    15. Gold medal drop rate of +5/6 items too high;
    16. Rare sets should be tradable;
    17. Add socket items to test server;
    18. Find a solution for trash excellent items;
    19. Zen drop rate is too low;
    20. Fix Command DL;
    21. Make capes reduce damage correctly (Low levels);
    22. Add something that tells us who killed us (ingame or website);
    23. Transfer credits from Inception to Genesis should be 100%, maybe only until a certain amount (1-5K credits);
    24. Allow adding jewels to Web Wallet from "packed jewels";
    25. Add messages on website;
    26. Allow warping with store open;
    27. Add a new moderator / staff member;
    28. Should be able to /post at lvl 1 after first reset;
    29. Should be able to add items to webmarket at lvl 1 after first reset;
    30. Allow more than 2 clients per IP - But only 2 clients per server;
    31. If rare sets not tradable, then disable the chance of dropping it and other people catching it;
    32. Allow rare items to be placed in vault, or somewhere else;
    33. Make rare items always drop with dd, hp and reflect;
    34. There are some / many items that have different damages from the website to the game;
    35. The Char / Race "Dark Wizard" is written as "Dark Wizzard" with 2 Zs on the website;
    36. Inception could go up to 150 days;
    37. Inception chars should automatically transfer to Genesis if the player doesn't choose neither transfer or keep creds for next Inception;
    38. Players should be warned by email about transfer windows (in case it's not automatic);
    39. Inception should have socket set also. Just not the last missions and wings;
    40. Fix the bug that closes the game after being open for like 1-2 days;
    41. Make bigger Rankings list on Genesis;
    42. When the server has a low population (as is the case of the present Inception), improve the XP from lvl 0-250/280/300;
    43. Maybe allow 3 accounts per IP;
    44. On Genesis, Jewel of Life should go up to Add+28;
    45. Wings 4 could be tradable for people 50rr+;
    46. If Wings 4 not tradable, add a Chaos Machine mix to add 2nd Wing4 option;
    47. 50+ quests 3, 6, 9 and 12 should have another reward other than the possibility for reset;
    48. Ancient Rings and Pendants do not show +5 or +10 stamina in Web Market;
    49. Make a consumable that can be created with 50 or 100 of each jewel;
    50. Reduce drop rate of Condor Flame a little bit;
    51. Every new player in Genesis could start with some set +9 - +13 +L +DSR;
    52. Every new player in Genesis could choose to lvl up normally or start at reset 30. (Or increase the xp by a lot);
    53. Mention everything that's different on this server from the original, on the "all about the server" post, or on a new post;
    54. Elf Triple Shot has Visual and Damage freeze bug.


    1. Exc items should always do more dmg than normal items (only AA doesn't, I think);
    2. They need to be correct, so that we can successfully and correctly test. Or I may have the idea that an item is better than the other, because it is in test server, and then in real server this item is worse.;
    3. This just looks bad;
    4. Instead of having to search by Guardian and ticking the ancient box, it would be much better if I could just type "Aruan". This way, Gywen items wouldn't show;
    5. II know it's become very hard to fix it. But it should never leave your fix list;
    6. More vote servers = more visibility for the server;
    7. If more people vote, we rank better and more players come. Also, if the reward is higher, noobs (don't play seriously) that don't donate will be able to have some credits as well;
    8. I miss doing some emotes that were available in GMU;
    9. Makes no sense to remove Rageful from combo. BKs can also double combo with ice skill. / If BKs become OP because of that, just reduce dmg;
    10. It's better 1-5rr player to fight against 5rr smurf (maybe 2/3 players can kill the smurf) than 1-5rr fighting against 15-20rr, not even 100 newbies can kill the higher rr guy;
    11. Guardian Angels have essentially no economic value. This would give them some value. Also, it's something to be done with angels and imps, some people have many of them by now. And it just makes sense (it's actually like that on some servers);
    12. For example, Alba bow exc +11 in web market had the same damage as normal alba bow +11, but ingame the damages are different;
    13. Lorencia is bigger than Elbeland. So if Elbeland has 5 Rabbits, Lorencia should also have, at least, 5 Giants (instead of the current 4);
    14. In the "Inception - Official Information" post, the drop for Medusa, Selupan,  is still "TBA". It should already say what the monster drops;
    15. I am not sure if I'm just "unlucky" or gold medal drops way more +5 & +6 items than +7/+8. If it indeed has a higher rate for +5/6, then the rate should just be the same for every level of item because, at the time people are dropping gold medal items, there's already many people with exce+dsr or exce+dd that don't need it. So, if the rate is just normalized, the noobs that don't yet have exc, will be able to have a better set to compete with others;
    16. Rare items should be tradable because for some classes they are the best set, while for others they aren't, but the rare set is way harder to get than the others. Put maybe a 1 trade limit, or something. But it should be tradable.
    17. There are already some socket items, but I don't think anyone has yet found the secret to drop them with 5 sockets and different elements;
    18. Something could be done with trash excellent items. Lower Refining Stone is no good, so people just throw excellent items away. They are still rare items, so something could be found to put them to good use;
    19. I still catch all medals to sell and still use Rudolf, and my zen is going down. You should either greatly improve Rudolf's zen increment, or increase zen drop (at least in swamp or something). Otherwise, it is almost mandatory to have an alt char farming zen, which at this point in late game makes no sense; -EDIT- Zen drop is crazy low. I just started a new inception season, with only 1 char. With1-3m I go afk some hours in Tarkan, I come back I have almost no money. Makes no sense to be losing money while the game goes. In Aida maybe, but even there doesn't make sense.
    20. I've seen some people saying that command DL doesn't work correctly. Not sure if it's true, but I think I also saw GMs on that discussion saying CMD DLs are not meta. Make CMD DLs great again;
    21. Basically, when we were all 1/2/3 resets and had mini cape, using capes made us use more HP potions than without capes. Capes should always reduce the damage we take, not make us use more potions. This doesn't make sense;
    22. Most of the time we can't see who killed us, due to "anomaly event" messages, or because we were in Karutan 2 and when we die we basically change server so the killer message can't be seen, etc etc. It would be great if we always could see who killed us;
    23. Some people worked super hard for their credits without ever donating, and seeing them reduced to 50% is a waste. This can be maybe avoided by buying items with credits and selling them back for credits when they reach Genesis, so it doesn't make much sense in my eyes. Until, at least 1-5K credits, we should not be deduced any when transferring - Additionally, especially after the first transfer, there are loads of people with thousands of credits in Genesis, so why cut in half when transferring from inception?;
    24. Having to break / part jewels before adding them to the wallet is a lot of unnecessary work;
    25. It would be cool if we could message each other's accounts on the website. It's practical for negotiating, or simply talking without going into the game;
    26. It's lame that we got to close the store every time we want to warp. Stores are useful in the beginning of Inception servers, for example. And having to close them and open again, sometimes leads to people forgetting or not opening at all;
    27. Admin used to be way more active in the old days. A new staff member could be a nice addition to the server;
    28. It's pretty annoying that we can't do our life "normally" for a while, after we reset. The lvl 50 for /post and 100/ for webmarket should be only during reset 0;
    29. Same as above;
    30. It would be much cooler if we could play on both servers at the same time, with 2 accounts. Should be maximum 2 clients per IP per server, not just per IP;
    31. It's pretty stupid that the set can't be traded (which means it is a personal achievement), but other people can throw it in the floor and let you catch it. Many people are building the set like this and doesn't make sense. Either make it tradable, or disable this option;
    32. Some people only wear the rare items once the set is complete. Having to carry the set in the inventory until complete is pretty lame. We should be able to keep it in the vault, but not trade it in web market;
    33. It's sad that one has to drop rare set parts multiple times to get the best options. The set is already extremely hard to make even if those 3 options come included. Only the 4th option should be random;
    34. There are items whose damage is x ~ y on the website, but then in game it's z ~w (such as the Sylph Wind Bow +9, it shows a much lower dmg on the website). This is a must fix, as it is totally misleading;
    35. This is purely cosmetic, but it could be fixed;
    36. One more month would be nice;
    37. People may stop playing the game near the end and regret not being here for the transfer in the future;
    38. In case there is no automatic transfer, players should have an option to activate email warnings for this reason;
    39. It doesn't make much sense that Inception has 2 of the best sets, but not one of them. Some chars may go to Genesis with the best set, while others must wait to get it in Genesis;
    40. I've tried changing some stuff in my computer to no avail. Maybe if I was a tech expert, I would be able to fix it, but I'm not. And like me are many other players that have this problem. If this was simply fixed in the client folder / installation or something, it would be much nicer;
    41. Would be cool to make top 200 or 300 or 500 on Genesis. It's a permanent server, so it will have lots of people. And like this we can recall other old players' names that are not on the top 100;
    42. Lvling to 250-300 is a very boring part for those many that are lvling up alone (when the servers have low population). We don't see anyone farming the spots, or if we find someone they have re auto off. The game gets boring until we find parties again, thus increases chances of quiting;
    43. By allowing 3 accounts per IP, it would "improve the player count" for new/outside players, and it would also fill up the maps more;
    44. Add +16 is too low. +28 is funnier/harder and also, would improve the price of jewel of life which is now 1/2 creds;
    45. Some people get Wing4 with just one option and they don't want the wings, so others could buy it;
    46. Or make some Chaos Maxine mix (easier than creating Wings 4 again) for adding the 2nd option on Wings 4. It's kinda unfair seeing people with the BIS wings and others that still need to trash theirs in order to get the BIS;
    47. The quests 3, 6, 9 and 12 of lvling up after 50rr should have another reward other than the possibility for reset. Otherwise people that don't care about the wait time, will just skip them without even trying;
    48. This doesn't have much use. But some players want the complete BIS (independently of impacting less than 0.01%), so it would be nice to know if the rings or pends in web market have +5 or +10 stamina;
    49. With this consumable, every jewel will always have value. People will always want to make it for CS and so. Maybe 5% crit, 5% edr, 5% double damage and 2% dmg. This way every single jewel will keep value. We could also have a defense consumable (hp, defense, pvp defense rate, etc) for another stuff that gets useless (trash exc items, guardian angels, imps, unirias/dinos, +10/+11/+12 items that were good and valuable in the begining with dsr and so, and others that I'm not thinking right now);
    50. Condor Flame costs between 10-20 creds. That's a bit low for an item like that. If the drop rate was reduced a little bit, the price could be more correct;
    51. So as to bring more players to start on Genesis, or so that they don't feel hard or bored lvling up alone, a new char could start with full DSR set. IDSR items are not worth anything anymore, so there's no problem people exploiting this;
    52. Same reason as above. Poeple could choose to lvl up the normal way, or jump to 30/40 rrs. Or the whole xp from 0-50 could be increased by a lot;
    53. There are some things that are different and not mentioned anywhere, and that's pretty stupid. Ex: There's no Auto SD recovery, attack speed is capped at 600, on elves str does more dmg than agi. And many other things;
    54. Elf Triple Shot is very useful for enemies that are not yet close to us. It should be working correctly.


    - H doesn't work anymore, but the message to check H to see event times still keeps appearing in the game.
    - Elves are shit in PvP, maybe they'd be better if they could use ice without needing 4k ene. Since also the missing rate is around 90% in end game (when people have ice resistance).
    - There should be some way to add the second wing 4 option (maybe paying almost the same as building a new wing again, or something). Because no1 will trash their W4 and make a new one, so many people will be permanently disadvantaged due to luck. Some people even quit when they get Wing 4 with only 1 option.
    - 0 to 5 or 10 resets is suuuuper boring. I created a new char and it sucked. I'd have quit if I was a new guy. We see no1 on the spots or maps, and we can only go up to some maps and survive, and they are all empty. Or we can try to find some spot and just party and stay away from the area, to come back and most time being dead. That's boring AS F*CK. Just make resets 0 to 5 easier, otherwise 9/10 newbies will not stay.
    - Grand reset and resets after the 55th don't seem to count for the ranking points. Make them count, it would more clearly show strength of players and guilds especially.
    - Str MG is pretty useless late game. Should be changed.
    - Arena player requirements should be reduced. For example: if only 2 players participate, the reward is a couple of jewels or credits. If more players, the rewards increase up to 10 players inside. As it is, arena is never played, basically.
    - Gaion and doppel could be made easier as well, so that 4 player team can do it. This would not have much impact, wopuld simply allow people not to wait hours or days to be able to find a team for Gaion. The faster guys would not mind also, they'd simply do it faster.
    - OB4 shouldn't drop Condor Flame anymore. It is worth so little, it makes us cry when it drops from the 2nd best OB.
    - After first rr, exp should be faster for the people under 1 rr. 300 to 350 is too boring.
    - If there was a way not to be able to whisper ourselves, it would be cool. Sometimes we are walking, whisper ourselves instead of other people. Or, in this matter, each whisper says who it went to.
    - Assistant Guild Masters should be able to add people to the guild as well, and kick also.
    - There could be a new feature for guild battle masters, something to make it interesting.


    Readers, let us know if you agree/disagree with any suggestions.

    Best regards,

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    Most of the subjects were already discussed in the past: web market cannot be modified, at least not for now / if the emotes are not included in the files that we bought I doubt that we can manually introduce them / I don't see how some of other suggestion will bring value? You were requested to state that in your suggestion / CC by reset not possible - would have been made years ago, obviously / etc so you need to elaborate more

    I wanna ask you some shit, but you might tell me a lie
    But, ayy, I barely care
    I no longer live in my feelings, shit, I'm barely there 
    I can never live in New York 'cause I can't carry there
    They say I can't live in my city 'cause it's crazy there
    I'm like "Shit, that's everywhere"

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    12 hours ago, Gion said:

    Most of the subjects were already discussed in the past: web market cannot be modified, at least not for now / if the emotes are not included in the files that we bought I doubt that we can manually introduce them / I don't see how some of other suggestion will bring value? You were requested to state that in your suggestion / CC by reset not possible - would have been made years ago, obviously / etc so you need to elaborate more

    Why can't web market be modified? It has been modified countless times throughout the years.

    Edited the post with explanations. I think most of them were kinda self-explanatory, but yea.

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    Personally I am at a beginner level with the web development, but maybe in the future?

    I wanna ask you some shit, but you might tell me a lie
    But, ayy, I barely care
    I no longer live in my feelings, shit, I'm barely there 
    I can never live in New York 'cause I can't carry there
    They say I can't live in my city 'cause it's crazy there
    I'm like "Shit, that's everywhere"

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    New stuff

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    you better create another topic, your post is too old and long, it's hard to read

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    18 hours ago, TheBackMan said:

    you better create another topic, your post is too old and long, it's hard to read

    2 weeks is too old?

    Want me to make a video for you to not have so much work moving your eyes also? ^^^

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    this forum is almost dead, so 1 week can be old enough


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    BlackMan I only see negative things from you, won't you keep them for yourself? Last warning for you

    I wanna ask you some shit, but you might tell me a lie
    But, ayy, I barely care
    I no longer live in my feelings, shit, I'm barely there 
    I can never live in New York 'cause I can't carry there
    They say I can't live in my city 'cause it's crazy there
    I'm like "Shit, that's everywhere"

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    speaking truth = negative things = warn ???

    and why u don't reply the main content and only focus on me xd, don't i made some kind of positive action to attract you here to read ? lol

    hatred on me ???

    i guess so but i never mind, your warning is meanless lol


    any, i have a suggestion that i can open a forum for you and set you as admin there, you better go staying there alone and no one can't speak truth, think about it

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    You ain't speakin shit but insulting. Quote one of your posts, only one where you used more than 2 neurons in its making or just zip it. 

    And yes, it is meaningless, let me sit back.


    And the suggestions are for you, not for me, that's why I don't relpy?

    I wanna ask you some shit, but you might tell me a lie
    But, ayy, I barely care
    I no longer live in my feelings, shit, I'm barely there 
    I can never live in New York 'cause I can't carry there
    They say I can't live in my city 'cause it's crazy there
    I'm like "Shit, that's everywhere"

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    Up up up

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    @ADMIN @Gion

    Any comments?


    Some may be shit, but others are certainly good.

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    Some tweaks based on the total feedback from players were already released for both Genesis & Inception and noted in the following topic:

    We would like to thank everyone for their input, we tried to make an average of everything and reflect it on the new server / the existing one.

    I wanna ask you some shit, but you might tell me a lie
    But, ayy, I barely care
    I no longer live in my feelings, shit, I'm barely there 
    I can never live in New York 'cause I can't carry there
    They say I can't live in my city 'cause it's crazy there
    I'm like "Shit, that's everywhere"

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    New stuff to be ignored by the devs added.

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