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    Report: Bug / Exploit used by non other than Lanaya


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    1 minute ago, Banana said:

    My first time here. If my presence makes you feel uncomfortable. Please forgive me.

    Are you their advocate? You seems to be too much involved in this case.
    I dont need to prove nothing. I know, not I think, you cheat.
    Even a blind man can smell your shit did to win gaion every week.

    I always tell the truth, even when I lie.

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    Banana is same Lanaya we can all notice it location, same time joining forum, also same way of typing.

    Just stop it and don't come to us with "If I'm guilty". 
    You clearly are exploiting a bug of buffing in crywolf and then come to us maybe selupan, maybe medusa and gaion fights. 

    I hope Gion will track your items and set that you've been trading around to your friends and not just ban an empty account.

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    if i get banned for wondering of selling my char (which i clearly did not since was just wondering 2 month ago) 
    I'm curious how there can be middle ways for a bug exploit of more than 2 months 


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    5 minutes ago, snap4ik said:

    if i get banned for wondering of selling my char (which i clearly did not since was just wondering 2 month ago) 
    I'm curious how there can be middle ways for a bug exploit of more than 2 months 


    My God, after which he wanted to help you financially, FOR FREE, you’re just shitting in the person’s soul.
    Here you need a Monkey award, as I suggested earlier, you are truly unemployed, on alimony in a foreign country, an unprincipled person.


    Thanks for the screenshot, it really proves that I'm on the right side and dealing with great people.
    Thank you again Monkey
    WP Lanaya

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    Indeed, it's commendable the @dawiwanted to help him, even if there was no need, but it does not excuse the fact that he got his account banned on "thinking about selling it". 

    I only see the picture that is posted here, so if there are others with him actually trying to sell it....

    And yes, @dawiis a ok guy...but you have some crazy ppl there....:))

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    i dont recall asking for his financial help any, if you find any send me screenshot plz ^^

    The nice guy you talking about, made an "ultimatum" for getting pk twice swamp kek

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    24 minutes ago, Krize said:
    24 minutes ago, Krize said:

    Anyway we now know that most Badabing/Infinty/whatever can`t play fair.... 

    It is your words. It has no value unless you can prove something.

    Bad players always have excuses for their noobness.


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    27 minutes ago, Endorphin said:

    Are you their advocate? You seems to be too much involved in this case.
    I dont need to prove nothing. I know, not I think, you cheat.
    Even a blind man can smell your shit did to win gaion every week.

    I am stand on the RIGHT.

    You don't need to provide something or you don't have things to provide. A liar?


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    it`s already more then proven. No need for further discution. We tested...even if @gion said he is having trouble seeing the difference.

    It`s all good, they already fixed it so it cant be used anymore.

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    31 minutes ago, WhoKnows said:

    Banana is same Lanaya we can all notice it location, same time joining forum, also same way of typing.

    Just stop it and don't come to us with "If I'm guilty". 
    You clearly are exploiting a bug of buffing in crywolf and then come to us maybe selupan, maybe medusa and gaion fights. 

    I hope Gion will track your items and set that you've been trading around to your friends and not just ban an empty account.

    You want some more information? I can be anywhere.



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    1 minute ago, Banana said:

    I am stand on the RIGHT.

    You don't need to provide something or you don't have things to provide. A liar?


    I dont need to provide something. I didnt know about this till Monkey report it and nobody need to provide something. The guilty ones needs to provide something in their help, but seems Lanaya told us more than we need to know. 

    Why whould you do something for months if it doesnt work? You just hope to work and dont test it more? You think I used erf in lorencia before imperial because I liked to log that char everyday? I used because you pushed us to get better and better time. So dont come again here with your speach "if it worked", coz it worked 100%. 


    I always tell the truth, even when I lie.

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    35 minutes ago, WhoKnows said:

    Just stop it and don't come to us with "If I'm guilty". 
    You clearly are exploiting a bug of buffing in crywolf and then come to us maybe selupan, maybe medusa and gaion fights. 

    Can you make it more clearly? How they can do it? Please 

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    I do not hide my game nickname on forum posts because I have the spine to stand by what I say.

    Banana is not me. 

    If Admin changed anything it most likely is to remove any confusion. Gion has already confirmed it several times the game is working as it should and it has been so for the entire time. 

    How many times do I need to explain it again and again I took the buffs whether they worked or not?? How is that breaking or abusing the game?? Are you genuinely that damn thick?

    We are going to continue using the other buffs just like we have, because if nothing else, it is our confidence. It has been confirmed the EE does not work, but yes, we have done them for ~a month and we will continue doing them. There is no abuse. 

    Just like everyone else we have good days and bad days; good gaion runs and bad ones. We go as 3-4 people on occasions because of our differing life schedules. But apart from that, this is one event we are decent at, buffs or no buffs.

    You guys simply seem to not be capable of accepting defeat and so you switch to being the Good Samaritan of the server when the reality is very disappointing.

    Please don't talk about how you care for the server when the only people you care about is your alliance.


    Ask the people that are willing to admit within your alliance if I was not personally helping them with items, quests and my own time when they were starting out and throughout even though they are part of your alliance.

    The only thing that's hardcore in your guild is your hatred. (Obviously several exceptions. Some in this chat. People whom I respect.)


    Monkey, I will not indulge you. I have proven my character to you and you shat on it the very next day.



    P.S.- I am not writing on this post anymore. I said all I had to say. Keep at it fellas.

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    1 minute ago, Endorphin said:

    I dont need to provide something. I didnt know about this till Monkey report it and nobody need to provide something. The guilty ones needs to provide something in their help, but seems Lanaya told us more than we need to know. 

    Why whould you do something for months if it doesnt work? You just hope to work and dont test it more? You think I used erf in lorencia before imperial because I liked to log that char everyday? I used because you pushed us to get better and better time. So dont come again here with your speach "if it worked", coz it worked 100%.

    Before you putting anyone into prison. You will need to provide enough evidence. Here only your words, how it possible? only your G mate believe that. 

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    10 minutes ago, Endorphin said:

    I dont need to provide something. I didnt know about this till Monkey report it and nobody need to provide something. The guilty ones needs to provide something in their help, but seems Lanaya told us more than we need to know. 

    Why whould you do something for months if it doesnt work? You just hope to work and dont test it more? You think I used erf in lorencia before imperial because I liked to log that char everyday? I used because you pushed us to get better and better time. So dont come again here with your speach "if it worked", coz it worked 100%. 


    You are right about something, if this has already been corrected you cannot prove it in any way, I once made a video and showed that preparing fenrir in place of 79% has 0%, you know what I received in response, a sad reaction to my post and on the second day the error was fixed.
    And in truth, can you prove that this was an isolated incident? did it last 1 day or 2 months? or half a year?
    This is an admin privilege. You can't prove anything.

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    This @dawi...:))) is like a coin.  Mate why do you even bother?? You cheated simple as that. Also trying to blackmail people that`s not nice at all. I don`t say monkey was right or wrong. The sad thing is the way you reported him. Why you did not reported him when this happen?  Also 0 character for doing that. The guy never asked you for money or to sell his account. He was just thinking. I`m also thinking to buy a mansion....that don`t means that I will do it.

    Stop being like a coin and accept the facts. You cheated for over 1 month. Your quote.

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    Can someone point me to where gion said EE BUFF and ERF from crywolf did not work this morning? Or in the last 2 months?

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    41 minutes ago, Banana said:

    Before you putting anyone into prison. You will need to provide enough evidence. Here only your words, how it possible? only your G mate believe that. 

    Its not my report. You cant read well?

    I always tell the truth, even when I lie.

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    2 hours ago, Banana said:

    You guys have time to check everything after this topic open (ADM cant fix everything in secs). Why you all came to throw shit on them without any evidence? Give some evidence pleaseeeeee. I WANT TO SEE HOW ELF BUFF WORK IN NORMAL SEVER. 


    Monkey made this topic to troll Hardcore? 


    As long as there is no evidence of anything this looks just like a free chat, not a report. It is alright that you can see a guild accusing the other of being favored by admins while this is strictly a business, like how much should one pay in order for us to fuck up our almost 10 years-long business? Think again.

    I wanna ask you some shit, but you might tell me a lie
    But, ayy, I barely care
    I no longer live in my feelings, shit, I'm barely there 
    I can never live in New York 'cause I can't carry there
    They say I can't live in my city 'cause it's crazy there
    I'm like "Shit, that's everywhere"

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    if someone admitting of abusing an exploit, which is now unproofable from users side i dont think this should go any further. 
    Just got a good point proofen, ty gion. 


    As anticipated Lanaya, status was shown and buff was there for at least "1 month" - Also it was increasing dmg but kek how can it be prooved now that has not been working after i oppenned this topic.

    BUT, here is something else:


    Energy RF applies same logic as (it was before ....) for Energy ELF. 
    1) You buff Cry Wolf
    2) You move to other map, and the buff you keep is the one from CryWolf formula :)

    As you can see from the images, it is not just showing in the status bar, but also the vitality is increased by 9k points instead of 3k. 
    Which was the same logic for months for energy elf, just increased raw damage (the one under str / ene) instead of vitality.

    Would you mind sharing with us simply account logs of elf Scheau, what server the elf was at the time that Lanaya's team cleared Gaion? 

    "We have used RF and Elf withing the last month" cit. Lanaya

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