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    Not that Hardcore ever had more ppl at cs than former Private guild etc? Since start u was 25 vs 15? Since when has ever any posted a topic to argue fairness about u having more players? Private/bada/infinity started recruiting and does to this point of game - nowadays mostly to help new ppl and keep server healthy.

    Many new players dont know how to play CS and if there isnt a spot for them - how will they learn/experience it? having Spark/null 15 best players vs inffinity best players - either guild would not want to take in 1 or more new members to teach or let them experiene the game cuz it will increase the chance to lose against and then be blamed of "noob players, learn to play CS". Im sure there are still some of the ppl playing that have done it and will probably do it in future. (Yes i understand there are those kinds of ppl on boths sides but point remains)

    But lets not forget that Hardcore was leading CS by skill and number of players for very long time of server. Endorphin u must remember the times? 

    Hardcore/Rampage/Null/Spark - Start recruiting! - keep server healthy. Some of u might wanna retire soon, then what? We change cs to max 10 ppl? Until its gone completely?

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    26 minutes ago, Endorphin said:

    Was less CS when your guild was lower number than us.
    And why should server to be split between 2 big alliances? You dont want to play CS in 3-4 guilds?
    Its not boring for you to to play? What you do with so many boxes?

    Everytime when I suggested something was for the healthy of the server, like last time about BL.
    About toxicity, should I remind you the language of your guild master? We have an expresion: "The fish start to stinks from the head"



    Are you serious right now? Toxicity? BL?
    You guys are always reported for doing it! Which clearly is the best example!
    Zaoo, You endo, Chuku, Knightmare. 
    It's like you guys get sick when the day passes without being racist or saying hurtful BL!

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    38 minutes ago, alegzander said:

    @Blank mate ok is in our advantage to play lower numbers on cs because we dont have many people as you. You are just trying to say that you can`t compete if we are lower in guild or what?

    Also nobody will stop you to make another guild to try to be competitive. You should be able to win regardles even if you are 20 or 40.. We dont have enough active people for that event. 

    If you consider that no cs is better for the game, feel free to support the game that is now and you dont need to support my idea. End story. Every sunday most likely you will play a friendly game betwen you guys and you 5/6 alts connected on VPN and make more pvp and more boxes. Everyone will be happy .


    It's not our fault lots of people quit your guild or stops playing Because you guys are toxic! 
    So should we be the ones to adjust because of that?
    And like I said before. You guys have ulterior motive which you guys clearly want an advantage.

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    I commend you on taking the time to write this.

    With all due respect, If only these suggestions didn't come now when it seems we are slightly on top. Didn't really see you guys being very concerned or complaining when you were dominating the server 2-3 months back. You did exactly what you accuse us of doing. And this is a recurring theme: when it works in your favor, silence; when we benefit from it cry on forum....not taking a stab here, just saying it as it is 💯 

    Also, I don't see you guys complaining about the ridiculous vRF and ice elf buffs since they largely benefit your alliance- whatever it is this week. If we got 10x vRF as mains you would complain about that too..

    Events do sound like fun, yes.

    /post griefing is also a good idea.

    The people that started eRF to ks you guys, was mainly due to your ridiculous bullying of the server and then "hiding" your chars either in Kar2 or K7 to clear your 40/ 100kills.

    It is hard to make the game fully fair for everyone when not everybody plays the same way.

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    1 hour ago, alegzander said:

    :))) @Doink mate do you have different personalities for all your chars? WTF are  you talking here? What do you smoke? apart from you and maybe 2-3 people nobody doent have more than 2-3 chars here.. and clearly nobody will put that much effort just to ks. Good on you go don`t have other better things to do. You play with 10 chars on ks :)). This is a game...not a life style.

    1 hour ago, DeepHouse said:

    Dude , i told u in game , i tell  now in forum , this game is melting ur brain , go outside . https://imgur.com/a/vsHEr9O  You can stop be a loser, just have will :) 

    55 minutes ago, Endorphin said:

    About toxicity, should I remind you the language of your guild master? We have an expresion: "The fish start to stinks from the head"

    Perfect example from the HC/rampage/null attitude toward other players. Only belittling others and never taking the responsibility of their actions and words.

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    I mean.. I wonder how someone neutral will judge . One side saying that would benefit the game , for atleast one event to be played fair play on equal numbers , and the other to say '' not our fault u have less numbers'' . It`s just not worth debating anymore , we want to play 15v15 or atleast 20v20 , and u say not our fault u dont have numbers. Than continue the farming , i see u all enjoy that . 

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    Can't even start an argument without having to call Doink "NAMES"

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    48 minutes ago, Blank said:



    Are you serious right now? Toxicity? BL?
    You guys are always reported for doing it! Which clearly is the best example!
    Zaoo, You endo, Chuku, Knightmare. 
    It's like you guys get sick when the day passes without being racist or saying hurtful BL!

    You are confusing me with someone else. I didnt spoke about any mothers, niece or familly. Can you show me a report when I used very bad language?


    24 minutes ago, Garbage said:

    Perfect example from the HC/rampage/null attitude toward other players. Only belittling others and never taking the responsibility of their actions and words.

    We are not the devil in this story and you're not the fairies.

    I always tell the truth, even when I lie.

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    16 minutes ago, DeepHouse said:

    I mean.. I wonder how someone neutral will judge . One side saying that would benefit the game , for atleast one event to be played fair play on equal numbers , and the other to say '' not our fault u have less numbers'' . It`s just not worth debating anymore , we want to play 15v15 or atleast 20v20 , and u say not our fault u dont have numbers. Than continue the farming , i see u all enjoy that . 

    You're being extremely hypocritical and only acting in your self interest, pushing a fake narrative on forums in the hopes of getting an unfair advantage in game. If that's not the case please provide some valid arguments.


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    maybe you guys dont want to have any action cs . fair enough. soon we will be even lower as people will start the other server again. will be a monotony on the server.

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    Just now, alegzander said:

    maybe you guys dont want to have any action cs . fair enough. soon we will be even lower as people will start the other server again. will be a monotony on the server.

    Maybe you guys don't. There are new players crying on /post that your members scammed them this very moment. Maybe do some recruiting and community service instead of whining on forums that you can't beat the whole server with 15 people after you turn everyone into an enemy.


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    Why not ask @Gionto make a poll, instead of this pointless discussion?

    By the way, some people here should not be talking about others abusing stuff (even if they got away with it 😀).

    Every post here is a loooong discussion about one guild abusing the other and vice versa. It's been like this since forever, and is a recurring discussion. Also, both guilds have a looooooong history of abuse (like 1 guild does some stuf, the other blowsit out of proportion), and now some ppl here pose as benevolent angels, helping the noobs....hahaha, what a nice joke :))

    90% of all you guys here have no ideea what fair play means, let alone about how to be a better human being.



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    10 minutes ago, Krize said:

    Why not ask @Gionto make a poll, instead of this pointless discussion?

    By the way, some people here should not be talking about others abusing stuff (even if they got away with it 😀).

    Every post here is a loooong discussion about one guild abusing the other and vice versa. It's been like this since forever, and is a recurring discussion. Also, both guilds have a looooooong history of abuse (like 1 guild does some stuf, the other blowsit out of proportion), and now some ppl here pose as benevolent angels, helping the noobs....hahaha, what a nice joke :))

    90% of all you guys here have no ideea what fair play means, let alone about how to be a better human being.



    Cry me a river, build a boat and row over it.

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    7 minutes ago, Krize said:

    Why not ask @Gionto make a poll, instead of this pointless discussion?

    By the way, some people here should not be talking about others abusing stuff (even if they got away with it 😀).

    Every post here is a loooong discussion about one guild abusing the other and vice versa. It's been like this since forever, and is a recurring discussion. Also, both guilds have a looooooong history of abuse (like 1 guild does some stuf, the other blowsit out of proportion), and now some ppl here pose as benevolent angels, helping the noobs....hahaha, what a nice joke :))

    90% of all you guys here have no ideea what fair play means, let alone about how to be a better human being.

    Take a good hard look in a mirror when you spew those words. I may not have the screens but ive seen you. 

    Also I like how some of the infinity/bada members are decent humans and actually help others and instantly you say that it is a joke. If you only farm in k7 and grind GR you might not have a clue what other players are up to.

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    And the bs...keeps piling on...

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    Need see HC oldboy

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    scamers . idiots . noobs . bad lowyer . and 1 2  3  good ppl . looks for health server  !!  wtf is that .  u noobs from few cs was - 6k and was 22 vs 24 and u lose . did u think u can even win 1 vs 1 5 vs 5 

    15 vs 15 :) :) 

    and looks like dionk  make u all afk spots in K 1 !! :) 


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    4 minutes ago, ibrahim said:

    scamers . idiots . noobs . bad lowyer . and 1 2  3  good ppl . looks for health server  !!  wtf is that .  u noobs from few cs was - 6k and was 22 vs 24 and u lose . did u think u can even win 1 vs 1 5 vs 5 

    15 vs 15 :) :) 

    and looks like dionk  make u all afk spots in K 1 !! :) 


    typical badabing vocabulary , i will say no more 

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    1 hour ago, Endorphin said:

    We are not the devil in this story and you're not the fairies.



    Start with your guild!

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    48 minutes ago, DeepHouse said:

    typical badabing vocabulary , i will say no more 

    I guess they do not sell mirrors wherever you live

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