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    18 minutes ago, Doink said:

    Oneshotting almost everything in teamfights  and needing 2 hits to kill tank chars while having an aneurysm and mashing the keyboard with your face is only well balanced when half of your guild mains RF, understood.

    This is a trash talking. RF was for almost 2 years the weakest char in terms of defense. He is a melee char and its obvlious that he need to have a higher dmg than other classes. I agree with you, a vit rf can kill a tank with 2 hits, but that tank means to be in ancient set.
    And about half of the guild are rfs... are you kidding? Our rfs was main characters from the begging, not like your alt OMENN and the new ones Bardagul, Bodammayjo,junnn who appeard from nowhere after  the last char-balance.

    I always tell the truth, even when I lie.

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    2 minutes ago, DeepHouse said:

    Including me , who i just started 2nd gr and scocyecu who barely plays , we have 5 rf in top 10 , and u have 3 active big RF in top 10 . https://imgur.com/a/tirvJzi What`s the drama ? I know u wanna look cool on forum to ur friends ,and  trying to make smart replies but let others do that , u become boring with ur need to stand out

    Top 10 pvm players is hardly a good metric for what actually happens at boss fights and CS. You yourself play VRF, with all the aforementioned suggestions you and your guild made it's clear, you're trying to get an unfair advantage by pushing a false narrative with your friends. Why are there 5-6 RF at selu, yet I'm consistently the only BK who plays killer at boss fights?


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    12 minutes ago, Endorphin said:

    This is a trash talking. RF was for almost 2 years the weakest char in terms of defense. He is a melee char and its obvlious that he need to have a higher dmg than other classes. I agree with you, a vit rf can kill a tank with 2 hits, but that tank means to be in ancient set.
    And about half of the guild are rfs... are you kidding? Our rfs was main characters from the begging, not like your alt OMENN and the new ones Bardagul, Bodammayjo,junnn who appeard from nowhere.

    Yesterday I got 2 shot by E-Roby on an ice elf tank with 100k hp. Not even glass cannon BK builds have that damage output, building that bursty on bk would mean you oneshot yourself with ref. I don't think RF should return to its previous state but it's certainly far from balanced. Our "alt"' Omenn and "new ones" Have been playing rf for longer than I play on oldsquad but thank you for your input. There are balance issues with BK and Summoner too but I don't see your guild lobbying the admin with those as changing them would not benefit your guild in any way.



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    1 hour ago, DeepHouse said:

    RF is well balanced right now , it`s glass cannon char, he does dmg , but he also gets lots of dmg due his low defence. You want rf to be just buffer or what? And btw, rf has no chance vs good bk and vs good dl 

    If he kill fast, he should die fast also. That what a glass canon must be.

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    You can t stand with RF 2 seconds face in face vs DL , also vs AE , bk also 2 combo dead .. The only gameplay RF has , hit and run ... You catch him , insta dead.. How lower the def should be?

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    Do you catch rf and make it insta die? xD

    Please make a video and prove it :)

    Im truly curious...

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    10v10v10v10 cs, monitor anti game, gg

    15v15v15 cs, make CS great again

    if antigame inevitable 15 v 15 2 impose guild cap 

    thanks for your time


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    2 hours ago, DeepHouse said:

    You can t stand with RF 2 seconds face in face vs DL , also vs AE , bk also 2 combo dead .. The only gameplay RF has , hit and run ... You catch him , insta dead.. How lower the def should be?

    Dont be mad, nothing y can do with RF def. It about the dmg he will take and the stuck rate when fighting with other chars. I just dont want to see ppls all turn to play RF.

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    3 hours ago, DeepHouse said:

    You can t stand with RF 2 seconds face in face vs DL , also vs AE , bk also 2 combo dead .. The only gameplay RF has , hit and run ... You catch him , insta dead.. How lower the def should be?

    While we're at it, VRF has the highest PVE damage while having a full PVP stat build. All other classes have to sacrifice vitality in order to compete for PVE dps, VRF does not, make it fair :). We just lost a BQ fight 3v10, I'm thinking locking vulcanus down to 3 people from each guild during BQ would make it fair and balanced, that way there is always enough people for fair fights. People can take turns fighting, guilds can make queues so everyone gets to enjoy BQ at least once a month. Better yet we could introduce matchmaking and an ELO system so all fights are as even as possible, ranked mu when?


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    @BananaVrf have no chance vs dl...vs summoner don`t think he beats bk even ae beats him. No idea what are you talking about.. it`s very easy to kite him. Yes big dmg..but dies very fast.

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    5 hours ago, Banana said:

    Dont be mad, nothing y can do with RF def. It about the dmg he will take and the stuck rate when fighting with other chars. I just dont want to see ppls all turn to play RF.



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    7 hours ago, DeepHouse said:



    Realistically we know f*ck all about the PVP balance until we're all maxed and run a couple 100 duels vs every matchup against competent people who are able to push their class to the limit. Just wanted to see you squirm a bit when I do the same thing you do - make suggestions affecting the health of the game and the server not for making the game better, more fair, fun and enjoyable for everyone, but for personal benefit.

    I think BK and rf might both need very minor nerfs but there is no way to determine that until the top players who are actually good at their classes max out and start duelling/bringing main chars to boss fights. Testing builds against undergeared alts and various agi rf and fenrir bks with death stab in arena does not yield usable data...

    Regarding summoner I'm not sure why she's not able to use debuffs and tome spells in non gen map scenarios (possibly engine limitations, spells unusable everywhere where you need to hold ctrl). It greatly limits her skill ceiling and in most major events it devolves the character into a right click dps bot instead of a versatile spellcaster with many spells and buttons to press that has an answer for every situation. Of course if giving summoner access to her full kit would make her too powerful, various things could be tuned down to bring her to line with other chars and allow summoner players to shine through skill and good spell usage instead of being pigeonholed into playing essentially pve dps right click builds or ref tanks with their only tools being buffs and right click. I think even sleep could be enabled with a sufficiently long cooldown on the spell.

    The 330-350 players you see online are not in fact all alts, the game is constantly getting new players thanks to the server actually being really well made, competitive and probably the best iteration of season 6 so far. All the money and resources sunk into pushing out new content, balance patches and having a regular update schedule are not in vain, new people are constantly coming in and a surprising number of them is sticking around and grinding it out. Thanks to the clever design that makes this server competetive with no obnoxious cash shop pay to win, balanced (incredibly well in comparison to the competition) and an addicting gameplay loop with events contributing to the majority of players income, the game feels lively and as of now probably the most fun it has been in a while. Oldsquad has more than 8x the players than Concord, a newly released flagship title that cost Sony millions of dollars to develop over the course of 8 years :D


    Past 2 days I noticed a couple hardcore players joining the new player discord lead by magicgagi and actually being a positive influence on the community for once. Of course most of the loudest voices in this thread had no contribution to that but it appears there are some of you who decided it's better to actually mentor new players instead of investing hundreds of hours into bullying them off of the server. Perhaps if a couple more join in on the good work, hardcore can once again take the castle with superior firepower while contributing something more than toxicity and bitterness to the community.

    These are my 2 cents, hope to see you in castle siege with even greater numbers than infinity soon, peace.


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    Edited by Doink
    misclick doublepost


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    Problem when adm make max point 30k.

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    2 hours ago, Doink said:

    Realistically we know f*ck all about the PVP balance until we're all maxed and run a couple 100 duels vs every matchup against competent people who are able to push their class to the limit. Just wanted to see you squirm a bit when I do the same thing you do - make suggestions affecting the health of the game and the server not for making the game better, more fair, fun and enjoyable for everyone, but for personal benefit.

    I think BK and rf might both need very minor nerfs but there is no way to determine that until the top players who are actually good at their classes max out and start duelling/bringing main chars to boss fights. Testing builds against undergeared alts and various agi rf and fenrir bks with death stab in arena does not yield usable data...

    Regarding summoner I'm not sure why she's not able to use debuffs and tome spells in non gen map scenarios (possibly engine limitations, spells unusable everywhere where you need to hold ctrl). It greatly limits her skill ceiling and in most major events it devolves the character into a right click dps bot instead of a versatile spellcaster with many spells and buttons to press that has an answer for every situation. Of course if giving summoner access to her full kit would make her too powerful, various things could be tuned down to bring her to line with other chars and allow summoner players to shine through skill and good spell usage instead of being pigeonholed into playing essentially pve dps right click builds or ref tanks with their only tools being buffs and right click. I think even sleep could be enabled with a sufficiently long cooldown on the spell.

    The 330-350 players you see online are not in fact all alts, the game is constantly getting new players thanks to the server actually being really well made, competitive and probably the best iteration of season 6 so far. All the money and resources sunk into pushing out new content, balance patches and having a regular update schedule are not in vain, new people are constantly coming in and a surprising number of them is sticking around and grinding it out. Thanks to the clever design that makes this server competetive with no obnoxious cash shop pay to win, balanced (incredibly well in comparison to the competition) and an addicting gameplay loop with events contributing to the majority of players income, the game feels lively and as of now probably the most fun it has been in a while. Oldsquad has more than 8x the players than Concord, a newly released flagship title that cost Sony millions of dollars to develop over the course of 8 years :D


    Past 2 days I noticed a couple hardcore players joining the new player discord lead by magicgagi and actually being a positive influence on the community for once. Of course most of the loudest voices in this thread had no contribution to that but it appears there are some of you who decided it's better to actually mentor new players instead of investing hundreds of hours into bullying them off of the server. Perhaps if a couple more join in on the good work, hardcore can once again take the castle with superior firepower while contributing something more than toxicity and bitterness to the community.

    These are my 2 cents, hope to see you in castle siege with even greater numbers than infinity soon, peace.

    I dont have time to answer you for all u said, but this is a false scenario about my guild. We dont need to be in a discord group to help new ppl. We do it in game when someone ask for. I was never known on this server as a great killer, because every time I was playing to support these players. Helping them I was helping also players outside the guild, like your mate Dominic long time ago, and most of my mates are not greedy ppl.

    You spent too much time to hate us on forum. Better take a break, its better for your soul.

    I always tell the truth, even when I lie.

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    lower number of players per guild for cs, lets make CS great again


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    9 hours ago, Endorphin said:

    I dont have time to answer you for all u said, but this is a false scenario about my guild. We dont need to be in a discord group to help new ppl. We do it in game when someone ask for. I was never known on this server as a great killer, because every time I was playing to support these players. Helping them I was helping also players outside the guild, like your mate Dominic long time ago, and most of my mates are not greedy ppl.

    You spent too much time to hate us on forum. Better take a break, its better for your soul.

    Rotten leadership, rotten core members. Be very grateful you have Archie, Krize, Nephilim and Dikutzz trying their hardest to fix your PR and get new people in. Maybe if the rest of the guild didn't actively work against them it would speed up the process.

    I'm sorry you were never known as a great killer, despite all your efforts you got overshadowed by your minions.


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    1 hour ago, Knightmare said:

    lower number of players per guild for cs, lets make CS great again

    Start recruiting nib stop crying about not enough players - theres alot of them who would like to learn, experience and attend at CS. Its not meant for just top 15 players. Get new players for outside statues so you top15 can go inside. 

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    you two goofballs been toxic spamming every time someone comments. we get it you dont want a fair numbers cs cuz u wont be able to farm your boxes and abuse for rewards with vpns. go outside for 5 minutes pls. let the grown ups collaborate and find a solution to keep the games best event fun for other players


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