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    1. Past hour
    2. IS there any bugs definition? Can anyone provide some information?
    3. https://www.waterstones.com/book/the-gypsy-killer/angela-dandy/9781800421103 its a book whats the problem ? i took SS to read it later , what about hitler and chucky ? cant i have SS's open now or what is this kind of freedom? the report is about sicktear nothing else
    4. Today
    5. Don't have 10 $ for original windows ? you poor thing =))
    6. You clearly did bug exploit and knew about it, dont come here and say "if it works"... Main thing why would you go in crywolf to buff your heros ? If you knew about it, why haven't you reported it and kept abusing it to get extra stats from buff ??? Simple, why ?
    7. do we see in that picture a picture of hitler and a picture saying "THE GIPSY KILLER" and you report for racism? man really?
    8. https://imgur.com/MBFJX0P clearly calling raffy "dog"
    9. @McDonald1234 this post is not related to your bussines , you can buy or sell whatever you want. this is related to you and negan being racist .
    10. Hello, the skin is internally managed and it is the same for everyone
    11. Uwu! U have something to say to me? Do i have to prove to you how many credits i payied for the caracter ? Who ar u?!
    12. if "dirty jew" can get 2 day ban, what does something like this deserve?
    13. Yesterday
    14. Anyway, the time is running out for you guys. Tic tac, tic tac
    15. Yes, I do this everytime when I do gaion, but I didnt cheat the system like your guildmates or like you.
    16. I should have said 'means warn for both of the players' and with this question I wanted to make sure that you are ready and aware that we will try the screenshot as a whole, since you chose to say that back to him and also to post it here. On the other hand that doesn't necessary mean that it would be a warn for you in this case. The actual resolution is the ultimatum when the topic is closed and we cannot be 100% sure unless the intentions of the reporter are clear, since the reporter could actually delete his report at any time while it is still ongoing (just like in real life). So unless enough time passed so the reported player can eventually defend himself and also unless we know the willingness of the reporter to continue we cannot throw around punishments. And also that does not mean that you will avoid the warn in this case. Everything but the resolution should be taken as advice since you can do whatever you want while the topic is still open.
    17. Hey, I would like to know if anyone knows how to replace the dark horse skin of the server by the classic dark horse, I have several clients season 6 so I have the files, I know it goes inside the data-skill folder but which files should I replace?
    18. will say it agine i dont payed any money here for any one ..give proof if u right ..secondly dont make drama here ..im not a racist im the affected here!!! there are thieves who deserve have to shame
    19. No offense Monkey, you give yourself way too much credit mate. Since you insist on keeping this very personal. I only pleaded with you & borderline begged you to stop being an ass. Yes, I indeed asked for you to give me some build pointers. That about it.
    20. Sorry but when did I insult him? I am not even the person he is reporting. All I've done is told him to not be surprised if someone is pissed at him after he killed them... and then reporting it on here wasting YOUR time on petty situations. When you have people from Legacy and Null going at each others throats 24/7 actually insulting each other and being racist. But I am getting a warning for this? When you have someone like Chukundah constantly mocking people on the forum? WOW. I'm done.
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