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    1. Today
    2. Actually here you will find many players that are around for a long time, so these situations are rare and triggered. Also there is always a minimum of 12 hours of waiting time for a report (after the report is officially opened on forum) in order for the reported one to have time to defend himself. On the other side if the reported player is abusing even more then just share his next abuse in the already-opened report and his punishment will be increased (if it is the case). Cheers ❤️
    3. Gion

      Bug at CC

      Hello! It is a client bug, unfixable unfortunately. That is just how the game behaves
    4. Hello, this is a visual bug from the game client, unfixable unfortunately. Wearing certain items like a Fenrir or doing certain things can trigger this. That is how the developer made the game.
    5. Yesterday
    6. Good Day! GM/Admins/Mods, Please fix the problem with SMG, after killing the mobs in the spot, the mobs remains (immortal/can't be killed). SMG only attacks that mob and ignore the other mobs making AFK/leveling harder -_-.
    7. Last week
    8. Release date: 15.06.2024 at 01:30 - No restart will be needed (unless something goes wrong). Congrats to INXS, PIRVAN and RAzzVAN for finishing the Stage 3! Note: Everyone that progressed the Stage (having level 300+ and 20rr) can type /stagereward harmony in order to take the reward, after patch is up! Changelog: [UPDATED] You can now continue to reset up to 25 resets. [UPDATED] EXP for Stage 3 (20rr) is now removed. 20th reset does have the same exp table like 19th reset had. [UPDATED] 4th and last Newbies EXP boost added: 0rr: 600% EXP (constant level 1-350). 1rr: 600% EXP (constant level 1-360). 2rr: 600% EXP (constant level 1-370). 3rr: 600% EXP (constant level 1-380). 4rr: 600% EXP (constant level 1-390). 5rr: 500% EXP (constant level 1-400). 6rr: 500% EXP (constant level 1-400). 7rr: 400% EXP (constant level 1-400). 8rr: 400% EXP (constant level 1-400). 9rr: 300% EXP (constant level 1-400). 10rr: 300% EXP (constant level 1-400). 11rr: +200% EXP. 12rr: +200% EXP. 13rr: +160% EXP. 14rr: +120% EXP. 15rr: +80% EXP. 16rr: +40% EXP. [UPDATED] Jewel of Creation added in drop from Monsters level 100+. [UPDATED] Released Seeds NPCs. [UPDATED] World Bosses. [UPDATED] Medusa & Selupan now drops Old Box 5. [UPDATED] Maximum number of points that you can have in a single stat is now 27000. [UPDATED] Maximum ML is now 150. [UPDATED] Released Old Box 5. [UPDATED] Maximum number of players in guild is now 30. [UPDATED] Maximum number of players at CS is now 30. [UPDATED] Limit of items on market is now 40 items/day. [UPDATED] Highest reward from Weekly Imperial rankings is now 10x Jewel of Harmony + 1x TOCA + 1x Old Box 5. [UPDATED] OB5 can now be obtained from IT 4 and IT 5 with a low chance.
    9. Max DD and REF values are the same. You can see how sum ref works on test server, and that's kind of all. Locked.
    10. Actual insults have to be used, this is the internet. Locked.
    11. SupremE +1 warn, total of 2 => muted for 2160 minutes. Locked.
    12. Gion


      daddyChuki +1 warn, total of 2 => muted for 36 hours. Duke +1 warn, total of 2, no mute. This will stack with Duke's previous warn as well but no current punishment as it was Chukundah. Locked. LE: n3xt - muted for 4 hours. Being provoked does not grant you the right to insult back, even if it is small insults.
    13. The screenshot is not full, we cannot see the chat. Also this could've been random since I cannot identify Gruzo in your screenshot, dawi. Or it could be the other way, you might be on his spot and just catching a random conversation. More evidence is required, we cannot throw around warns for players. Locked.
    14. Dominic +1 warn, total of 4 => banned for 1 day. Locked.
    15. In order for a warn to be 'awarded' we need the actual target to report. But I know this is going for some time, so InNoVaToR - muted for 6 hours. Locked.
    16. After a thorough investigation, conducted together with ADMIN, we found no evidence that this ever worked. Indeed, multiple groups were involved but without any result (would have been great if you would have reported - not all of you, some did report since day 1 and I want to personally thank you for this!). There is another layer of 'security' now in order to make you feel safer (the buffs will be erased when moving away from Cry, it is up since you noticed it). Even if, let's say, this would have been real and the advantage would have really mattered, it is anyway almost impossible to convict someone only based on a banned player's testimony (in case of actual evidence - which is not the case here). Take this example ---> https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/5619-psycho-racism/ Tho the resolution is based on the ineffectiveness of the abuse, if it was effective then we would have imposed some punishments as well (probably not a permanent ban since the reporter is not a player here), but it is not. On the other side it is alright as we got to see that the players that really care about their ways are .. rare. Locked.
    17. Banana did not make any "cry" on forum. Just reply to help some idiots have better views.
    18. How rudely you spoke about your clanmates, almost the entire forum is filled with your clanmates "cry-post"
    19. Knightmare, the village idiot has arrived to the defense of his butt-buddies.
    20. only a ladyboy would cry on forum, suck a banana
    21. Fără supărare, ți-a dat cu eroare la mansardă ?
    22. The whole text was " Imi e frica sa nu imi dai vreuna, sa lesin si sa..." And my guards are following me
    23. Respectabilule Endorspin, If you are such a benevolent and lovely person, it does not behove you to lash out and call me a ladyboy on /post, as well as say that the only reason I offered to help Monkey financially was in order for him to let me suck his banana- creative, but degrading to your pristine character nonetheless. (I let that one slide and didn't take a lovely selfie with you on it). Mind your language and mind your business. mmk? In the meantime, sleep safely in the presence of the OldSquad city guards. They are doing a fabulous job at keeping the cities safe. dawi-
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