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    Showing content with the highest reputation since 05/12/2024 in Posts

    1. Chukundah

      Psycho anti-semitism

      Legit single digit IQ
      3 points
    2. OneWar


      again talk about israel all timeeeeee שע
      2 points
    3. myself

      Psycho anti-semitism

      Chukundah, just stop your logic makes 0 sense, why would anyone type S> over in a pixelated game where there's no oven and they typed it after talking to a jewish person trying to get him mad or whatever it doesnt matter. the fact that he humiliated them by typing this even if it wasnt on purpose to offend(which we both know it was) the man didnt even apologize for that and even admitted he's part of a racist group so cut the bullshit and stop typing let gion decide how he want to deal with it. you typing after every single comment just shows you know you are wrong and you are afraid he will be punished acoordingly
      2 points
    4. Hanna Lapinska - Pinterest actor, now roll down chubby chuki you are gaining to much mass. https://www.pinterest.com/hannalapinska/
      2 points
    5. xDoseD

      Psycho anti-semitism

      if u guys luagh on such matter as the holocaust maybe u guys areant humans like u said u getting called by other form of life but humans i bet it has something to do with ur sick sense of humor
      2 points
    6. Chrollo

      Psycho anti-semitism

      What does selling oven have to do with Nazis using gas chambers to kill Israeli?
      2 points
    7. Gion, I'm very offended by this. I hope you take action.
      2 points
    8. hellldrake

      Psycho anti-semitism

      Hi, I have really tried to not get involved in all these childish feuds, but this is getting out of hand: https://ibb.co/YWX50HS Psycho is making reference to Sell Oven towards Lidor, a clear Nazism reference toward him,as he is Isreali. Millions of people died because of the craziness of a madman, we don't need this nonsense on a game. If this can please be actioned accordingly.
      1 point
    9. hes waiting until friday to ban 2 days and skip cs + arena
      1 point
    10. For sure the reason is you 😂
      1 point
    11. MariusTMT


      inappropriate language on post again by Darknizard I think this things needs to be stopped, totally unacceptable. https://postimg.cc/WhHXq07k
      1 point
    12. shaderlold


      Just referring to your DonkeY picture, time to change the pic bip bip sheriff on duty.
      1 point
    13. Tautvis


      how is that not acceptable its basic shit talking, I cryyy
      1 point
    14. JUDG3

      DogShit alt from chukii

      Chukundah should receive the same punishment as all for "dog" . If you got something to add open your own topic, you never show the previous trigger of your reports.
      1 point
    15. OneWar


      mahito he my friend tell me bitch?i can write bitch for ppl?i dont bitch if this can say ppl bitch this bad for me i got friends dont know what this bitch
      1 point
    16. #freepalestine
      1 point
    17. HELLO THERE, Good morning all , I dont see Psycho harming no one in here , he can speack freelly , and use any word he wants as long he doesnt reference to none of you or any bad situation , AND in the SS i dont see him referencing your name before or after the OVEN word , so stop cry and go play the game you are not the center of attention.. i can talk about my mother oven , dads oven , my friends oven , there is no wrong on that , you guys are just trying your best to get people ban for stupid reasons.
      1 point
    18. all israely toxic + racist , just in game acting like victims
      1 point
    19. Tokyo

      Psycho anti-semitism

      But we are
      1 point
    20. Tokyo

      Psycho anti-semitism

      What about me??
      1 point
    21. RamsteL

      Psycho anti-semitism

      let's see if anyone will catch the anti-Semitism in the photo... for years there is a small community of Jews here and they are offended... edition after edition these people have to fight with words like: FreePalestine or more recently Oven...don't you feel ashamed? raise the penalties for antisemitism
      1 point
    22. myself

      Psycho anti-semitism

      says the one experienced all your racism shit so dont act stupid maybe gion doesnt know but we both know it is true
      1 point
    23. myself

      Psycho anti-semitism

      dont play the victim you are too part of the racists of null. you, psycho, knightmare, chukundah, zoro, floki are all part of this racists group this shit wont stop until you all get served acoordingly
      1 point
    24. Tautvis

      Psycho anti-semitism

      Thats some crazy accusations
      1 point
    25. hellldrake

      Psycho anti-semitism

      I don't know who you are, and this is not crying. I am reporting a breaking of rules which should be dealt with accordingly. If any other people break the rules,regardless of their guild, they should be banned.
      1 point
    26. Today morning I woke up and found this on the internet https://imgur.com/30JqwgU after closer look we can see that none of those reports made by chukundah this night doesnt contains any harder or none breaking the rules and he is reporting ppl for ridiculous reasons just to ban them since himself continues insulting and now he is only trying to shaking and yelling with him self crazy after beeing banned for real criminal acts and probably can not take that frustration. I am just reminding that this person was again insulting all ppl on server in post and pm and attacking and provoking everyone, calling ppl in bad words using autopost, /see some valid reports + screenshots / atacking in PM´s ppl from alt BigBoobs but I dont see anything on those 7 false repots of his, on some of them are photoshoped screenshots but any of them doesnt contain any breaking the rules in my opinion but only Admin will decide this, however it will just consume a lot of his time only to fix chukundah´s frustration about prolonging his ban after continuos insulting even after warnings and trying to blanket it with false reports https://imgur.com/KiT64vo Question for the end: btw If someone is BANNED, shouldn´t he remain BANNED? But I see this guy on 15 accounts using AD spamming and insulting more active than usual
      1 point
    27. Gion

      ramsterdam racist

      Ramsterdam - banned for 2 days. Locked.
      1 point
    28. As we can see its casual daily word which many angry players use on a daily bases, even in your G null as we can see on CS fight, so what ban everyone because you feel frustrated now? its nothing special here, nothing happens, nobody reporting, nobody is feeling offended just you chukundah make drama here, look at your own do**... kitties how they call dog as well https://imgur.com/yoJcCa8
      1 point
    29. I see u talking about Rudolph red foresekin , Nice sexual reference , there is kids playing this game i think u need a mute
      1 point
    30. sad sad boy is an insult xD its a description of person's emotional state. Im sorry If he is not a boy, maybe he is a girl?
      1 point
    31. ofc there is not any in this case but in your case it was allways 100% clear for everyone to see, not just me 🙂
      1 point
    32. OldWolf

      Chukundah (bigboss)

      Me and 100 people including Admin know that Bigboobs is you chukundah and you controll all other chars in party on ad and on other pc using VPN but there is only one artist insulting in post and pms hundred ppl at the same and everyone here knows that only you can make it at same time do it to half of the server and there is like zilion proofs for that, another own goal and incredible funny this argument, actualy I am crying from laugh now if you are trying to avoid that its not you this bigboobs on VPN, did you know that there is also IP history?
      1 point
    33. What are you offended for? Being a dog? or because LEGACY don't take you back in guild for being RAT? :)))))))))))))))
      1 point
    34. myself

      Psycho anti-semitism

      did you see me talking to you? if not then don't talk to me thanks
      0 points
    35. myself

      Psycho anti-semitism

      it's not something to be proud of
      0 points
    36. https://ibb.co/Jy2m5Zx
      0 points
    37. Chukundah, you made a combo of racism + insults and all of it on /post. And you are very aware of the aftermath of your actions. I think that what matters the most in a player/human being/admin/etc is.. the words. And it seems that you forgot our special agreement of you playing here after what happened in the past. Nobody asked you to be actually respectful, but we, together, agreed that you won't be disrespectful at least on global chat (not even talking about racism oO). It would be foolish of me not maintaining my word. For the 110th time: you can fight on global chat, but do not go as low as publicly discriminating someone or publicly insulting him/them. That makes it 110 times worse because every online player gets to 'taste' these sour comments. Chukundah - banned for 2 days for racism + 2 additional days imposed to the penalty due to our past agreement being broken, repeatedly + other insults on global chat. Alex +1 warn - muted for 12 hours. Locked.
      0 points
    38. KungLao


      -1 points
    39. you can suck my pula everywhere you want,you are so stupids!!!
      -1 points
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