Firstly I want to thank you for your contribution and your input with the objective of improving the early-game experience in our community.
I'll reply to most of your messages, but I'll focus more about your negative points or the points that needs some improvement. But I also consider the good things you wrote and we'll try to exploit them more in future.
1. I do agree that the level 300-320 break was a bit harsh, but in my opinion we should also make the early game last even longer than it lasted (only reduced exp is not working 100%, it scares ppl more and the fact that low levels needs pretty low exp make it even faster). I think the best way to reduce the early-game speed while not having such harsh exp stage would be to lower the amount of mobs in spots for lower maps to 4-5 from 7-8 while keeping the exp a bit higher to no scare ppl off. And yes, I guess would be better to have more breaks but smaller than only 2-3 but harsher. Would work for some breaks at level 90~110, 180~200, etc.
2. Yea it wasn't a good idea because I didn't took into consideration that the non-exc items are dropping basically constantly, so farming such higher + and ADD was easier than expected. But it was the first time we experiment such things out, and they worked pretty good, we just need to balance the mobs items - medals items even more in future and it will work out great.
3. Yes, the medals received pretty much an overkill nerf, but we know and we'll took it into consideration.
4. I don't recall touching any item drop levels compared to default (only some mob levels).
5. Yes and no. While the idea looked really good on paper, and should have worked out great, it didn't. Why? Because of people. Because people made alliances, got used together (even if not going at CS at beginning), and then they started to register at CS with 2 teams playing for the main team. The idea is great, however, it depends 100% on players to work out, and only if 1 guild decide to use such 2 teams-advantage would make the rest of them doing the same to revenge. With current set-up for guilds, I don't say it can't happen, but the chances are much lower, due to no-alliance-friendzones to develop such strats, as each guild wants the best for his own team. More than that, was the only set-up we didn't tried until now (at least not from start of server).
6. The progressive CM was on the servers with stages (Phoenix doesn't have stages, which means progressive content, only Breaks). But, taking into account that we made the switch from +13 +14 +15 rates to +10 +11 +12 rates, I don't consider it having a higher impact anymore (from analytics, on NonRR for example in first month the amount of items upgraded with chaos machine from web was around 40% from total items upgraded on server - no matter + (10,11,12); on Phoenix the amount of items upgraded from web is around 20% - no matter + (10,11,12) ). So it's pretty clear that people started to use CM much more from game than web due to the higher chances that are here now.
Thanks for feedback, please leave char name for reward (here or in PM).
1. Yes, quiz was turn off after first days, the questions with yes/no will be reduced/reworked. Anyway, the purpose of quiz is not to 'generate profit', but to encourage players to read server info, or just simply giving them a lot of server info during quiz. If you don't manage to win - that's nothing to be sad for, you lost 3 jewels (6 for 2 questions - total max per player).
2. Already spoke about it.
3. Ehm, we don't usually have those, but we manage to fix any things like that in a short period while also compensating ppl out.
Thanks for feedback, please leave char name for reward (here or in PM).
1. I already spoke about them, but anyway, they aren't supposed to help you after first weeks anyway. They are a part of early-game experience and newbies experience, not something you would need later on.
2. Can't speak about it, only others can.
3. Yes, they were a bit too low, but they were updated.
Thanks for feedback, please leave char name for reward (here or in PM).
1. There was such limitation and people abused it. We're not going back to only hwid limitation ever again.
2. Icarus was always the example of how a 'farm map' should look like, and it delivered a lot of nice moments on all servers early-stages, when ppl fought a lot for spots there. However we'll think on some other ways of farming Feather, but one of them was already added on Phoenix - from lower ITs with a small chance.
3. Not sure what Jewel of life rate fix - it's normal. BK pvm damage was already boosted a lot compared to how it was before, not going anywhere higher than it was already.
Thanks for feedback, please leave char name for reward (here or in PM).
Yes, while chaos was needed a lot on early game (where the droprate was lowest), now it's time to adjust the system again on his drop (as 80% of people now are farming on mid-high maps with much higher drop of chaos than it used to be on early game when it was boosted). We want to keep the chaos as an important jewel, not like bless/soul are for upgrades.
Thanks for feedback, please leave char name for reward (here or in PM).
Your feedback isn't related to EARLY-GAME, this are just normal suggestions/opinions related to game overall.
I'll still reward you for your time though, so leave your char name here or in PM.
Same like the other guy.
Your feedback isn't related to EARLY-GAME, this are just normal suggestions/opinions related to game overall.
I'll still reward you for your time though, so leave your char name here or in PM.
Same like the other guys.
Your feedback isn't related to EARLY-GAME, this are just normal suggestions/opinions related to game overall.
I'll still reward you for your time though, so leave your char name here or in PM.
As far as I remember there are 2 conditions, either under x and y agi/str or over 70% of total points in energy, only one of them to match is needed to make it an EE.