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    Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/08/2024 in all areas

    1. Garbage

      events and game play.

      It would be easier to act like decent humans and recruit people not trying to act all smart on forums and believing that you have the intellect to make the correct suggestions to better the game when you only have self-interest in mind. But it is not easy for you, especially for Endo who always have to have the last say in the matter by using some corny line like "go outside". If you say things like "you only win by numbers" and then you guys win evening selu and medu by numbers, dont you see the irony here? People would agree with lower numbers but you guys are talking so arrogantly that you think that you are better than us with the same numbers. No one would want to agree to it since you dont want to have a good fight, you want to get the upper hand and the opportunity to use crutches so you could then win and talk shit and flaunt your egos. People like you and cici who only care about their skills in this game have no business giving out suggestions. Maybe it is you guys who need to go outside when you take this game so seriously that you have to prove that you are the best. Think about it.
      3 points
    2. And you are the entire circus.
      2 points
    3. https://imgur.com/a/3y1g9Kt
      1 point
    4. this garbage...give him a price :)) when superstar is calling almighty big white pig..you don`t make a post? :))) or when others talk shite..on post :)) . Gion should give u job mate..get some fresh air time to time..will help for your hate.
      1 point
    5. u noob dont undersand !? u who said u win like this vs pain . short memory noob ? check up posts . i dont said that pain recording why u dont upload ur report noob
      1 point
    6. we defend the domestic pets we have, why is this punishable? they should be punished from animal protection global service
      1 point
    7. u didn't report it . u said up u win like this before vs pain and . vs superstar u just use it . u call ppl come repot u and drop buff 🙂
      1 point
    8. 3. Any attempt of using hacks/exploits will be punished with block account(s) and IP+HWID ban. Exception: If you report the exploit/hack in the first 12 hours after you found it/used it, you won't be punished, but your advantage will be deleted. If you don't report it and we'll find it later on, you'll lose your entire work for nothing. 🙃🙃🙃🙃 use it instead of report about it . . . @Gion
      1 point
    9. just did , this was from 9h ago
      1 point
    10. 1 point
    11. Picture just taken 2 hours ago.
      -1 points
    12. lookie here, playing the victim. Such a coward.
      -1 points
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