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  • ibrahim

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    1. Haha
      ibrahim reacted to Banana in Question to ask as I am not very sure about some of the rules in pvp part of the OldSquad   
      Is that not possible for my grandma and grandpa play the game?
    2. Hype
      ibrahim reacted to Banana in BL + Racism - InNoVaToR   
      I did not see any BL and Racism here. There are chars name ZaooDog, EndoDog, HardDog.....
      BTW. I have seen many similar posts recently. Did Hardcore really stolen something? Are they hungry?
      Did they feel ashamed after?
    3. Sad
      ibrahim reacted to Endorphin in Report: Bug / Exploit used by non other than Lanaya   
      We're not running for records. We dont play alts or pvm chars. We didnt had so many points in first 4-5 days from long time ago. Every week we was struggling to keep a chance for ob5 reward, but many times we lost. Whats going on with you this week? And dont say we are running 7/7 buffs coz this is a bullshit.
    4. Hype
      ibrahim reacted to alegzander in Bad Language -Player and Staff Members - ferrari   
      @Gion i think this guy needs a break...he is out of order
    5. Haha
      ibrahim reacted to snap4ik in Report: Bug / Exploit used by non other than Lanaya   
      it is how the server is configured lol, btw no need to make new account to write on forum 😃

      USA - joined yesterday - who it might be 🤔
    6. Hype
      ibrahim reacted to RatONE in Bad Language -Player and Staff Members - ferrari   

      Images speak for themselves. No other comments 
    7. Haha
      ibrahim reacted to Gion in Ferarri   
      NEGAN - banned for 2 days.
    8. Haha
      ibrahim reacted to Endorphin in Report: Bug / Exploit used by non other than Lanaya   
      We are not so desperate to win everything. Summer is here and we dont time every sunday evening to play CS.
      If we lost it last time doesnt mean you are so good players. You was 26 vs 13-14 from us.
    9. Hype
      ibrahim reacted to Banana in Report: Bug / Exploit used by non other than Lanaya   
      The sever is balance when you could not take a CS for 2 months?. Another 6 months break?
    10. Haha
      ibrahim reacted to Krize in Report: Bug / Exploit used by non other than Lanaya   
      I personally never heard any discussion about this on guild/ally chat/discord channel/or voice. 
      Also, this discussion is getting to long, so ill keep it short.
      1. stop trying to justify it - dawi already admited it (respect for that). Also he is not the only one to blame, even if he wanted to protect the others.
      2. some punishment is necesary, or else other bugs/misconfigs will be found and used instead of reported.
      3. Nobody expects this punisment to be a permanent ban - but it needs to be strong enough so others don`t try stuff like that.
      We will see what Gion decides.
    11. Haha
      ibrahim reacted to Endorphin in Report: Bug / Exploit used by non other than Lanaya   
      I dont want to see nobody permanently banned, because will distroy the server balance, but they need to be punished in a way or other. 
    12. Hype
      ibrahim reacted to Banana in Ferarri   
      People have the right to know the reason of his post.
    13. Hype
      ibrahim reacted to Banana in Ferarri   
      I give you my house key it doesn't mean you can take everything. Hoping you guys did not do similar things in your real life. Thieves
    14. Sad
      ibrahim reacted to Krize in Report: Bug / Exploit used by non other than Lanaya   
      Relax bro, 
      This rivalry has gotten out of hand.
      But to answer your taunt, they don't make gaion with full pvm characters, so it's harder for them, and also their choice... (probably because they are not so desperate as you think they are).
      Anyway since this is taking so long to conclude, I don't think there will be any punishment because if dawi gets banned so should all other caracters+ip's you guys used at gaion for the last 2 months and that means a lot of ppl from your guild would be banned = almost empty server. The claim that he's the only one to blame is paper thin since he didn't play alone all 5 caracters/accounts that make 3/4...n partyes. Also, good on him that he's trying to clear your asses.
      More than that, you had 2 days to transfer gear to wherever you want since I don't think Gion or any other admin will waste a few days to track all transactions:))
      Also, in the future if you plan on doing more of this "testing", maybe ask Gion before using the "test result" so this doesn't happen. 
      So tomorrow, if not earlier, you can go and brag all day on post about how good you are at this game, like a little child who is happy because he escaped his punishment:)))).
    15. Haha
      ibrahim reacted to myself in sicktear racism (trash portuguese) + hard insults   
      do we see in that picture a picture of hitler and a picture saying "THE GIPSY KILLER" and you report for racism? man really?
    16. Hype
    17. Hype
      ibrahim reacted to McDonald1234 in Ferarri   
      will say it agine i dont payed any  money here for any one ..give proof if u right ..secondly dont make drama here ..im not a racist  im the affected here!!!
      there  are thieves who deserve have to shame
    18. Hype
      ibrahim reacted to alegzander in Ferarri   
      https://imgur.com/a/vauhCPC he still keep using those words . Negan his main account or superstar
    19. Haha
      ibrahim reacted to alegzander in Ferarri   
      @McDonald1234 this post is for you being a racist. I do not care how much money you paid for accounts or other things. This topic is only because you are a very racist person towards white people. This should not be tolerate and i hope @Gion will do what he thinks is correct towards your main account. This server don`t tolerate any kind of racism.
    20. Haha
      ibrahim reacted to RatONE in Ferarri   
      I wonder how much did he paid for that account tho'...


      ...and how many other account he bought with real money.
    21. Haha
      ibrahim reacted to alegzander in Ferarri   
      I`m getting tired of this guy spamming non stop every day. 
    22. Haha
      ibrahim reacted to AlexMG in AlmightySM racism on post   
      All i have to say for him is i did it for free bro 

    23. Like
      ibrahim reacted to snap4ik in Artefacts System discussion   
      Hi everyone,

      i wanted to open this topic to understand if there is demand of making PvP / PvM artefacts tradable or convertable.
      By convertable i mean keeping them non tradable, but convertable (like x pvp = 1 pvm and viceversa). 

      Rn me personally i have 20 PvP and 3 PvM and i heard of opposite situations where people have PvM and close to 0 PvP. 
      Idk just throwing out this post to see if there is high demand on server for such a thing!.

      Thanks in advance!
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