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  • Chuku

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    1. Thanks
      Chuku reacted to ADMIN in [Inception] Suggestion/Information   
      There's nothing related to hardware, not even 50% of resources are used from our machine, your example of test-server and server20 is clearly showing that, as both test server and server20 are on same machine despite no delays.
      Secondly, this is not the highest number we have online, we had over 900 (chars) as record on first 30rr edition, but we also had 2 sub-servers back then.
      Thirdly the "move-loops" are not related to lag but to move-speed-protection, that will probly be disabled on next update as it is giving false detections.
      There are too many people on same sub-server than it should optimally be on our files, but not enough to split in 2 sub-servers, not even saying that entire gameplay is thought for 1 sub-server, being 2 will hurt a lot starting from limit of accounts up to too many spots, goldens and etc.
      We'll hold a maintenance most probably tomorrow, we'll see how it will be after and what possibilities we have.
    2. Like
      Chuku reacted to Reporter in Inception "Back to Origins" start   
      Hello everyone, 
        A few days have passed since Inception "Back to Origins" started, and, as you can see, we already have 500 + online players , but taking a single look at the rankings,  Squadron guild dominates this server start, a start that seems to be pretty hard, because Icarus is a map that only players with reset will be able to fill, and the wings level 2 will not appear on the server too soon ... That means even more fun for the top players who are trying hard to reach the top ranks. 
       As for the guilds, as I said, the legendary guild Squadron, led by Voyager, has the fastest "ranking climbers" and the most active players on server, until now,  this guild has taught us over time that it can reborn from its own dust like a Phoenix  and that at any time it can fight with the top guilds. In past databases, Squadron was the only guild to rise and face GROM  (another legendary guild that dominated the server in the past).  
        Now with GR0M banned from the server, will be there a guild to rise and face Squadron? Will we see enough brave fighters to stand in their way? As far as I see, maybe LegendS or Templars, but if they will not start recruiting the guildless players from our top I don't see any chance for them , because, honestly, those guilds look good, but they need more power if they want to kick Squadron or even scratch them at the next castle sieges. Squadron seems united, I think they developed a good strategy on this start because I see in this guild top 10 players on our ranking, in top 20 they have 3 permanent parties and many names that already are legends in OldSquad history, one of them being ProtoType, a great leader who led a guild that measured its forces with the titans of the server. This guild name was DEADCATS, and despite the name, it was very "alive" and very powerful.
       Talking about top guilds, I was wondering what happened to NONE? (this guild was the best on Phoenix server and if I remember right, they said on forum that they will restart on this new data base), also some time ago there were rumors that another guild will come to light, MrChristians, Levis and Papi`s guild (used to be named Alliance on Max50 and defeated GROM with DEADCATS`s  power boost after those guilds merged )  but what happened? Only false rumors it seems...
        I am waiting with interest to see what happens next, and I will let you know in next articles with the hope you will all enjoy The Newspaper. 
    3. Thanks
      Chuku reacted to ADMIN in Discussions about Inception   
      Good note, they're added now, were missing.
      Neil - Silver.
      Lagle - Gold.
    4. Thanks
      Chuku reacted to trololo in Discussions about Inception   
      So I insisted, or remove the buff altogether, or to leave standard. Because I am 100% sure that there are people with the ability to create a EE and ruin the game for everyone else.
    5. Like
      Chuku reacted to ADMIN in Energy Elves as we know them - In or Out?   
      Thanks for your votes guys.
      We have a winner, Inception will be the first place where EE's won't be mandatory for the gameplay so everyone can have fun without depending on an alt-char or on other players alts in order to progress.
      It's a huge step towards a good direction, in my opinion, in a direction where alts will be slowly but surely out of gameplay so everyone can focus on his main char, raising both activity and economy.
      The following changes will be applied for Inception:
      - Maximum of accounts per IP+HWID will be 2 instead of 3.
      - Heal & SD Rec. skills are out of the game (you won't be able to find them anymore).
      - Greater fortitude & Greater defense will only increase dmg/deff with 1 on Server1 (basically, useless).
      - Ice Arrow now requires at least 7000 energy in order to be used.
      - Greater fortitude & Greater defense will have a decent power on Server20 (CS,Crywolf,LoT). But they are still nerfed to around 50% of their normal power from previous editions.
      - Elves now have 3 different directions to build up:
      1. Pure PvM build based on AGI+STR for max dps.
      2. PvM-PvP build based on AGI+VIT.
      3. PvM-Support build based on AGI+ENE with ice arrow as stun in PvP/PvM and with buffs for CS/Balgass for their teams.
      - All mobs/bosses will be adjusted in terms of damage & hp to match the new concept.
      We're really excited to see how everything will play out on Inception and we hope that you'll enjoy it!
    6. Haha
      Chuku reacted to Pulse in Discussions about Inception   
      Why not make 2 accounts per IP? And make add 1 more if subscribed to VIP. Earn credits from mercenary squad instead of in game items - will make more interesting Separate credits that can be used to upgrade items and buying items - to balance PaytoWin strategy Require certain donation when setting up and maintaining guild..Like you need to pay 500 credits to create a guild and in order for the guild to stay, they need to come up with 10credits x number of people in guild every week. That means all players in-guild need to donate 10 credits if they are serious in joining guild. -Server will benefit in this strategy Reduce the price to hide player info in site - A few to 0 is using this option. If you'll reduce it to let's say to 100 credits a week, more people will use it. Add the marriage feature? Add semi-block option to IP for toxic people? Might help in reducing A-hole players. Then add an option to unblock it for a certain amount of credits. They might as well help in maintaining the server than nothing. Also add cap on who many times they can unblock it.
    7. Thanks
      Chuku reacted to Endorphin in Energy Elves as we know them - In or Out?   
      Would be great without any buffs from EE. Just imagine a cs without elves who spam sd recovery on main chars. In this way any good chars can be killed and in my opinion the teams will win the cs, not the best players.
    8. Thanks
      Chuku reacted to ADMIN in Future&EE   
    9. Like
      Chuku got a reaction from Zutto in Future&EE   
      depending on a EE though the whole game i also dont like , because in PVE and PVP for those who dont have EE to rely on will always be weaker to compete ( whitout mentioning that playing EE is boring) , so removing the EE concept and make adjustments to EVENT MOBS and SPOTS etc would be nice

      would make the PVP system more balanced , and the PVE a bit more harder and carefuly chosing spots to stay longer to survive whitout the healing and buffs

      and whit this "Whitout EE" concept , u could make the 2 max account ip
    10. Thanks
      Chuku reacted to Mynd33 in Future&EE   
      Adjusting and scaling would be ideal, but there is even simpler solution- let us use town buff till max level for first few resets (for example first 5 or 7).
      With proper scaling or some help mechanic at early game there is really no reason you would need EE. To be honest the only time you would feel this change would be CS and lack of SD recovery on GM, but that would also mean faster and more dynamic pvp without mindless afk right-clicking someone for 2 minutes, because they get pocketed by EE. I doubt many would miss spamming buffs/sd for whole CS, because design of this character is flawed. In other games besides healing/buffs supports have:  CC and atleast some kind of capability to do dmg, while EE is just buff-bot. That's why people enjoy to play support like EneRF more, because he can atleast do dmg and be independent while still providing supportive buffs that are applied AoE so you don't have to cast them individually OR do boring SD spam. 
      OS already improved/balanced many features that webzen messed up (cd on certain op spells/ improved CS system/PvP invasions etc.) so optimal solution would some kind of EE rework, by nerfing buffs and adding new spells (for example Ice Arrow) thus rewarding active EE playstyle and nerfing impact in AFK content (leveling). I am not sure how much buffs need to be nerfed, because even 20%-30% dmg increase is enough to make it must have if you wan't to compete. Maybe during leveling/PvE events remove them at all and only enable during CS/PvP events? 
      To sum up, making leveling without EE viable would be HUGE, because as of now it is must have for parties, despite fact that noone actually wants to play her and she spends 24/7 time afk on spot.
    11. Like
      Chuku reacted to ADMIN in Announcing Inception - Back to Origins!   
      Our next project will start somewhere at the beginning of September.
      OldSquad - Inception - The 3rd edition of the old Max30RR server.
      Inception is the server where everything started in our community, and we're working on a bigger revamp of it, bringing new systems and features for you to enjoy.
      A fixed date for the start will be announced at the end of August, along with full info about the server.
      So, make sure to be free at the beginning of September to start a new journey in our world!
      Stay tunned on our site & forum for news.
      OldSquad Team.
    12. Haha
      Chuku got a reaction from Psyke in Offensive towards staff   
      what comments ? i didnt say u have anything to do it,but u as moderator have should have an honest sincerly opinion trough the reports, i dont u see going to comment in other reports that other players receiving , saying that he said that cause of this or cause of that , for example naplet got banned perm for language towards staff, same as michas did
      so naplet get perm ban, i didnt see u coming here talking for him
      PLUS yesterday full chat in polish , i wonder also why no mutes cause i dont understand anything all grom said during 15minute in post  x)

      and i can say whatever i want , freedom speech
      fuck you admin is not offensive ?
      so i say kurwa after cs i get punishment,fuck you admin +15m polish in post no punshtemt xDD loool im not making a sufferer of my self , i just like to see how some players are privilieged and protected x)
      nice answer , u just answered me why naplet gets ban and michas will not get ban for both same reasons x)
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