Character name: GalivanRF
Suggestion Type: Server
Suggestion Content:
Problem: When there are multiple invasion(i.e. goldens and Cursed Dragon) you can't see the first row of goldens. Thus missing important goldens such as: Budge/GGD/Drekon.
Fix options:(Best to worst IMO)
Make the message display more lines in a time
Join the Golems and IronKnights lines together - now we have 1 less line to show which is exactly what we need
When goldens up, remove other invasion messages
Move the Drekon/Budges line lower in the order
How it brings value: Better quality of life for people in invasion
Problem: If you come late, and a budge is killed, you don't know where did it die
Fix options:
Add a location for the budges. when a budge dies, remove the location from the msg, just as we have with WW.
Example: Budges: 4/4(Lorencia, Elbeland, Noria, Devias) -> Elbeland dies -> Budges(3/4)(Lorenica, Noria, Devias)
How it brings value: Better quality of life for people in invasion