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  • xcited

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    About xcited

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    1. I am interested in this. As it might change my build. Have you tested it? Can @ADMIN confirm the numbers? Thank you.
    2. I have played Inception since the start and didn't spend any credits for VIP. I also haven't donated once. But I'm at top 100. I think it's just fair for players who are active to get more than players who are AFK all the time. I did have a dd hp set at +12 with yellow opt but I changed to Ancient set for extra edr/damage, so I think it's reasonable for free players to catch up in terms of items. And as I've said, for the goldens, the one who spends more time active gets more. I think the matter about events being full is just because of your timezone. Most players are active at 16:00-23:00 server time. I do agree on the economy part though. Specially when it hits the end game. Even now, seeing players wanting credits instead of jewels for their items. Jewels will have little to no value at all in the end game. Considering there's TOCA to save your items from disappearing. The only way I can think to save the economy is to add some gambling for jewels/zen. Removing TOCA from Imperial and make TOCA available ONLY for old box and jewel gambling at 1/100 or even 1/200 chance. Which would help the economy burn the jewels, and gives the player a very important consumable item. Cause if things goes as is, once all top 100 reach 20rr, they'll be having like tons of jewels at hand on which they won't even know where to spend.
    3. Up for this. @ADMIN it would be nice if you add something for jewels too. Since jewels are starting to inflate...
    4. You basically admitted that you made a deal with ATTACK xd
    5. ... I don't want to loot any useless normal items. I only want to loot the specific excellent item. lol I'd give you an example so you can get it ;=; Say I want Scale excellent items to loot. I don't want to loot the non-exe Scale items, only the excellent Scale ones. No other excellent items.
    6. Excellent item... I don't want to loot any non-exe. I want to loot an specific "excellent" item. Not all exces
    7. What should you put on the helper, the extra item part to be specific, to loot an specific excellent item while unchecking the excellent box?
    8. You get 4 points back when you reach 220
    9. Setting it to 50kk to 300kk zen per roll and with these odds 42% for hp and mana stacks of potions(255?) 33% for bless/soul/chaos/imp/angel 16% for life/creation 5% for buffs/event ticket entries (the 10 durability ones) 3% for 10stack bless/soul/chaos/demon 1% for toca/taliman of luck/feather/crest Then a different one for items and split it into parts (helm, armor, pants, gloves, boots, weapons, shields) 50% for bok+4 items 80% luck non exe 30% for bok+5 items 80% luck non exe 9.5% for bloody queen/380 tier items 80% luck 4% for bok+2 items with 80% luck 1exc opt 3% for bok+3 items with 80% luck 1exc opt 2% for bok+4 items with 80% luck 1exc opt 1% for bok+5 items with 80% luck 1exc opt 0.4% for high tier ancient items 100% luck 5stamina 0.1% for high tier ancient items 100% luck 10stamina So in total you'll get 8 categories. 1 for consumables, 7 for equipments
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