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  • snap4ik

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    Everything posted by snap4ik

    1. I've been duelling a lot so imma give ya my honest opinion on it : SM- imo is on a good spot: Many of the sm's cry mostly versus melee characters, but at the same time they are used to a DL gameplay : Aka tank face to face - thus not using their character perks like bigger range to play it effectively ( i can guarantee you if i play with an sm properly, neither a BK - RF - SMG - ELF can come close unless you let them when you have an advantage (like eat their sd before and after go for the kill) ELF - Elf is goodish (a bit weako) Either go for ICE for more of a supportive build with some lower DMG or go DPS either oriented to PVM advantage(i didn't fight elfs a lot but take MarcoPolo for example, he has ice and socket set, thus less dmg but is supported by his reflect) SMG - SMG is on a very weird spot (imo should have priority) SMG as it is right now its pretty unbalanced, mostly for the fact that fire slash is bugged. If its a big unsolvable problem, there can be other alternatives: An idea could be increasing fire slash debuff duration(right now it instantly disappears, so SMG dont have any other option than to use only fire slash) Debuff first and after use flamestrike, or powerslash if enemy running Increasing the duration of debuff could make also EMG more viable in PVP (aka debuff then skill, since Socket weapons have also wizardy increase). RF - Totally agree with above BUT ( the fenrir twisting slash thinghie, works only with RF's specificly - Low def (more twisting dmg) low pvp def rate(very few misses so a lot of stuns, since i have high attack speed) RF tho right now has more potential at mass fights than at 1v1's since EBK scales hp a lot and is the only race that can scale also DMG from buffers (erf gives raw vitality and increases his %Skill dmg) Summoners: good spot imo BK - decent spot IMO I know ya will say you say this only becouse you Monka BUT BK is the HARDEST character and the most skill based character on the server: 1) Builds: Bk is a pain in the ass to balance since to make a good build you have to balance hella things Just take into example attack speed, is not straight forward as other classes ( you just maximize your dps based on speed and how much you hit, you gotta be able to combo at that speed) Not talking about correcting combo when hit/ref stunned, or balancing energy effectively! So imo it is right, when you are able ,skill wise, to make a strong bk to be strong DL is broken just by holding right click, i dont wanna immagine what would happen if dl's start using stun effectively ))) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A big problem IMO, that could maybe help you with balancing would be fixing test server. Many people state that test server is not same as main server (formulas, balances ect) which idk tbh but I see no reason for test server to have points capped at inception level ... Some negative feedbacks on balances might also be becouse of unbalanced and untested builds (which imo has to be avoided both from the players side, and also from you guys doing balances)
    2. Character name that is submitting it (for the potential reward). = Monkey Suggestion type (server/website/forum). = Gameplay Suggestion content (make sure to include enough details so your suggestion is clear enough): BC rework idea: Hello, got no idea if its hard / impossible or real to make BUT we were throwing ideas in party during bc on how to make the event more fun and interesting and came up with smth tbh! Basicly the idea is to give BC, also some taste of PVP You know just throwing out ideas, maybe something fun will come out of it ^-^ How the suggestion can bring value.: It will give more value to the event itself by making quest more fun. Boosting reward will incentivize also people who are high ml already, to join the event (Optional) How would you personally implement your suggestion (your vision). - Boost BC quest reward - Increase statue HP - Enable pvp after it spawns - who dies gets tped at start, or maybe less far away for a "penalty" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Splitted btw Non-pvp and PVP bc ( like 1/2 PVP daily, with boosted reward)
    3. Np ya'll get recorded every IT, BTW that's why they are ruining IT (they got endgame quests) : https://imgur.com/a/AMizSUx TY JAGER FOR ADMITTING IT
    4. He got reported many times in Guild chat for antigame in IT. Hardcore is permanently farming IT like this, thus ruining the event for everyone. If you can trace how many IT's he joined and his performance would be surprized how many Illusion Temples are farmed like this. Ofc they are using VPN, in case he joined 1x IT in morning(alt) and 1x IT in evening(main), chances are high whoever got this alt didn't use vpn since there was no need for it. Just double check his IP idress if it mathes with any other (small hint Hardcore) and plz ban him too from IT. I dont like reporting players, but this pissed off too many people already!(Screen shots on link) https://imgur.com/a/FhrLk1B
    5. An early transfer IMO need to be considered later, based on competitive integrity on Genesis!
    6. i mean i'm not against gettin transfered early, i'd love to have more players at cs - events ect. But as now, this specific moment of the DB, you can drop your farmer on Inception and start another main on Genesis - participate to events on Genesis ect. Even if you had 20 hands and 2 pc, you could not play 2cs on both servers anyways(since its same server time on both). January is 99% surely too late for a transfer, but a too early transfer will simply kill any will of Genesis new players to keep playing(already low becouse of the lack of balance for competitivness like RR stages - unlocking game content gradually each stage ect)
    7. IG: Monkey Since tournament is almost always empty(not enough players to start it): Might be a nice idea to set always same stats, to incentivise any lower rr player to join it and make it as main pvp event on server. This way top guys will still have the gear advantage they managed to grind thanks to their rr advantage easily(basicly mafy's pt had monopoly on medusa and selupan so far)
    8. -You can use second client to play Genesis. End game on Inception you will have no need for a farmer, so can make end game/seeds ect on genesis account. Transfer ancients and harmony from inception, and mix em first day. -Even if early trasnfer is considered, please take into account for server to be competitive enough (rr's and ml proportional to inception after transfer on top100) -Another option might be a review at CS reward system
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