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  • Spawn

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    Spawn last won the day on February 21

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    1. https://imgur.com/a/b3ljwWz translate: otto f**k your mother, where are you? Son of a bi**h
    2. Np for me mate, i can skip any interactions with this "guy". But i will answer him same if he will start any trash talk, any insults, doesn't matter its big or small.
    3. Did u read what i wrote ? oh i forgot u can't read with your end 3 classes. i REPEEAT for necărturar I didn't agree with this fix, they must be change RF but not in this way
    4. My plan was increase RF defense and decrease dps, to equal fight, they(admins) made a trash again.....
    5. All ur arguments are based by duels, with full SD. In normal conditions this chars(summoners) suck without SD
    6. that's proof, after each hit sum remain with 5-20% HP, and now imagine what summ attacking RF and took reflect from him, in 95% of cases sum died after first hit.
    7. What u told ? maybe u will say to our public what summoner can't do nothing except debuff in battle maps ? because her hits split on all close targets. your summs can kill someone only if 5 of your temates stay behind her
    8. Is that all you came up with in 2 hours of thinking? "was probably edr + double" you said you're "best player", know all here about balance, build, how to play, but u dont know how look edr + double ? ridiculous You told u come with solid arguments, isn't ? You want to show arguments, show us duel in tarkan for example, each without SD, how u play in normal events like CC, Arena, medusa etc. Wow in 1 year someone except BK and RF won Arena, SOS, i cry, how its possible, protest, ADMIN HELP Cry it's free tzigane
    9. yes? srsly ? im too Moldovan not ''moldavian'' and if u are romanian why u mad ?
    10. P.S. Sorry about guild words, ofc not all has dumb, i want to mention Emperor with his special words "how u make it? " "how u did it ?" a half of ppls in ur guild i respect, like Marlboro
    11. don't be dumb like a half from ur guild, just fell hours ago u posted a movie with summoner duel. And now u lie here about ur dmg ? You do 3.5k dmg to summoner or u did https://imgur.com/a/8BzAaL7 8206
    12. 7 6 5 3 7 3 5 5 5 4 5 5 6 / 13 = 5.07 medium that's number of ur success hits in ur own movie If u will learn to read u will see, i write RANDOM not MIN and not MAX https://imgur.com/a/9qGhx2h look here 72652 can be much more but just 1 double DMG https://imgur.com/a/vF109kA look here, only 4 success hits 50716 here i show only 1hit dmg, not sum of feel hits "focus" target https://imgur.com/a/fxh3fMp right in this moment when i made this answer, RF kill BK from 1 shot.
    13. In events u haven't SD, its a reason why they show real pvp situation, RF need 1-2 hits to kill character without SD, other need to "focus" for fell time target to make dmg And a such big difference when u need to make 20-30 hits for kill and when u need 2 click, burst DMG always won Which events we fight with full SD ? NO ONE, u have full SD only when u came after dead. And who won when chars have 30-60 HP but your(RF) hit is ~50k ?
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