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  • flee878

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    About flee878

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    1. @ADMINdue to the benefit that credit give you at site features its hard to accept jewels like they really equal to credit and that what makes all those sellers to sell only for credit i really agree with you about that jewels should be consider as replacemant option for credit but... since you cant do much with jewels ppl will never consider them as 2nd currencey that acutally equal to credit. credit are way more benefit to the user who got them unless you guys will add some option at site to pay the features with jewels so the jewels will get their value back untill then ppl never going to consider jewels as credit and that the cause of the unbalance change to only credit transactions give us more option to use jewels except only upgrade to +9-->+15 ppl at at that phase of game most of them already done their set so they have no use for jewels make more option to use jewels as currency that what going to slove this problem of only credit transcations in my opinion at least
    2. dude i've already opend topic about this matter. I also asked Gion to make a clear rule to not bypass the limit at site, otherwwise its break the ToS and could get you banned. and I quote their words "we have no intention to change how the things works right now, because we trying to keep the values of the currencies at market" end quote I tried to get answer about what the point of putting a limit on the market, if nobody going to inforce that limit incase someone trying to bypass their limit that they have put in the first place isnt that funny? its a joke to be honest, how its works right now its really silly at one side they put a limit and at the other hand they dont do shit when sellers bypass their limit, everybody can bypass it without any punishment isnt that silly? so why there is a limit in the first place if you guys dont have intention to inforce that. its a joke!!! what should have been done, its to make a clear rule to not sell items above the limit!! otherwise you get ban!! like the same rule to not sell for real money its should be apply on this either. i dont ask you to ban sacammers nor to tell ppl to play wise i just asked you to tell sellers to sell in offcial trade channels otherwise you can get punishment. but you guys dont do shit about ppl who trying to sell outside of the limit, the real problem here is not the scammers nor the buyers its all about supplay and demand scammers pop up way often since they know you dont take actions against them just ban the sellers who trying to sell outside of ther offcial trade channels problem solve the market will be back to nromal prices since every seller wont gonna ask above the limit because they could get ban because of it
    3. Well I hope you guys will manage to do it at least in the near future, even if its not possible to do right now. I really think it will improve the market system, thanks anyway.
    4. I am facing this problem since I hit the level range for IT5. My fps drop dead when I try to click enter, and I never succeed to enter IT5, since its the most corwded IT over the others meaning I have no chance to get in to such a corwded event like IT5, not with my current pc (weak pc) atleast. I was thinking on two sloutions for making it better and will give a better chances to get in even for ppl like me with weak pc. 1. increase the capacity of ppl who can enter IT5 and only IT5 with sub server (Since its the most crowded IT, and it will give a chance to earn IT5 prizes even if I got weak pc, but as it for now I got zero chance to get in and I will never know how it is to put my hands on those prizes who can only be earnd at IT5. There are ppl with strong pc who can enter and will allways got the advantage over all those with weak pc, so I cant call it fair game. the event should be accussable to all of the ppl no matter what pc they got as it for now if you got weak pc you can't get in period) 2. Add more NPC entrence in different locations in each safe spot such as(Lorencia, Devias, Noria,) to avoid to much ppl at same place it will give fair chance to ppl who suffer from lower fps when the spot crowded with a lot of ppl Thanks In Advance! I hope you guys take it to your attention! Let's Make MU Great Again!
    5. Hello everyone I was thinking about how to improve the sell system at website market and I got somthing that i wish to see it install at the market now to the idea that I was thinking about I wish we had in website something like private trade or private sell to one specific person lets say I made a deal with someone specific and i wanna be sure he and only he going to get the item when i put it on market so i was thinking about something lets say the seller put the item on market but he also protect it with 4 digit code that only the seller know and will give it to the buyer so he make sure only the person he made the deal with going to buy it on website in general i wanna see private sell at market since only at market we can sell for credit other wise we were using trade in game but since we cant transfer credit in game we need also private sell or trade at market and i think my idea is do able the seller pick his item and he also protect his item with 4 digit code and that code going to provide the buyer accsess to buy his item and only he can buy it i think its good idea instaed of how it works now u need to be carefull and fast enough to buy it b4 some else can reach you its risky and it was happened to me with some items i made deal with person face 2 face and since site not so stable i had delay and someone else bought my item at my price that i was negociate for it feels sucks when someone else earn from your hard work THANKS IN ADVANCE! i hope you guys take it to your attention ❤️
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