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  • alegzander

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    alegzander last won the day on October 26 2024

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    About alegzander

    • Birthday 02/12/1988

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    1. i will rather be called a cunt..than to eat pets..just an honest opinion. You can do whatever u want in your country..your law..and rulles... I personal don`t agree with that. can i have an opinion? being a cunt dont kill any animals...or pets. don`t try to compare apples with grapes. And again.You guys try to divert the reason of the post. You used a word that is bad or racist towards another player. We talk 2 much non sense that is not regarding the main reason of the post. I don`t even understand what takes so long for a post for bad language. Seems that we are all doomed . I personal will not come on this forum for report again. I waste my time for a simple thing. If u used bad languge or other things u should get muted. If not can you please @Gion close this topic. If u guys want to report other people @BiiMax just make another post. Regardless the guild or person. If someone was doing something bad..should get muted or banned. Take care..and that`s me done here.
    2. maybe if you will ever leave your country..and let`s say you come to scotland..you will understand that my name..have nothing to do with you or other people on server, it`s a sarcastic name, nothing else the word cunt it`s not even a bad word in uk. Cunt (Scottish Definition) Used widely in the Scottish dialect to replace the word "person", not necessarily always used in a derogatory manner. Also replaces words which end in "one", referring to another person. Use of word Cunt (Scottish Definition): Where's my lighter? Some cunt's got it! Are you coming out tonight? Everycunt is going. How many cunts liked your Facebook status? Does anycunt know the time? He's an alright cunt him. Same way goes with many other words in many other languages. Romanian language is also very famouse of ussing words in a slang. PS. F its coming from my 1st name, King dont need translation and cunt refering to one. if you really want to know the meaning of my name.
    3. you guys pretend to be smart. this post it`s about a guy who is racist. or use bad language. I`m not here to talk about other topics. Open topic about whatever u want. every single post i see comments about things that are not concerning the post. Is not hard to post a print when people trash talk or when people are abusing. Every single post that we make..you try to divert the topic to other things. My topic is simple. He was using a language that it`s not supposed to be. If @Gion consider it`s ok, all good we move on. I really dont understand why people waste their time to comment non-sense (regarding this post non-sense)
    4. mate u dont get it..i posted u. you can make a post with thier language. u act like them..u are like simple as that.
    5. regardles...you dont understand..when u claim people are bad..and you do same as them..u need muted . is no difference between u and them if u act like them
    6. mate those post are old..and also just because people said something in the past..that don`t means you can say whatever u want ..when u want. I`m pretty sure they got punished. don`t change the topic.
    7. https://imgur.com/a/h5T22ux racism all day... or even bad languange and after you wonder why people are getting trigered. In typical usage, retard is a pejorative term either for someone with an actual mental disability, or for someone who is considered stupid, slow to understand, or ineffective in some way as a comparison to stereotypical traits perceived in those with mental disabilities.[1] The adjective retarded is used in the same way, for something very foolish or stupid.[2][3] The word is sometimes censored and referred to as the euphemistic "r‑word" or "r‑slur".[4]
    8. @ADMIN @Gion will be nice if we can have an answer about this. This bugg (aparently legal) ruins even the ice arrow on elf... ae +4k ene feels useless vs mass tp. For a better game in my personal view..should have a cd between 6-10 seconds at tp ally. |SM it`s kinda invulnerable +his party, you can`t attack anyone..you can`t even stun..you can`t do anything.
    9. @Dominic the difference betwen fenrir BK with ts and VRF its huge. Bk was beating every single class, keeping them non stop in stun. VRF beats probably only eMG easy, the rest of clases are pretty equal or Vrf Lose . I can make A bet with you, Let`s say that instead of 4 Rf`s on bottom switch will be 4 smg, or 4 ae. I can bet with you the result be the same. Ae and smg can do same dmg or even more, only one difference, they will attack each other also, but result will be the same, even with 4 DL`s.
    10. even if you come even if you dont come..same result will be if equal numbers.. You lose. Better dont come..we can register alt guild more gm boxes and more pvp. (hope you will understand the sarcasm)
    11. im not going to try to expain you. you dont lose because of rf. Rf is not OP, You can ban rf every single week, If number are equal. you got no chance. Its not about chars, its about people who plays them. But yeah If admin thinks rf its op, he can sort it. Just dont come try to find excuses every week.
    12. we coordonate both sides...if you think it`s that op..why you guys dont play rf? ,,you got many rf`s, probably u dont have the skill to be able to play a rf. And as I said...rf never in top 3 pvp .
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