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  • Banana

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    Everything posted by Banana

    1. https://imgur.com/a/kqjtnjQ "Dis me" mean "fuck you" or "fuck your mom".
    2. only thing that i can see from your comments that: YOU ARE WEAK
    3. HC was dominated at the beginning, why dont u guys make it great again from the start. The CS in this server is not designed for 10 chars/guilds. There are many objects you need players to keep and fight at (2 switches, crown, 2 statues, gigas).
    4. Dont be mad, nothing y can do with RF def. It about the dmg he will take and the stuck rate when fighting with other chars. I just dont want to see ppls all turn to play RF.
    5. If he kill fast, he should die fast also. That what a glass canon must be.
    6. Not only STR- ENE Rf but also V Rf. Can 1 shot any chars and very hard to kill.
    7. If noone care why this post on forum?. Here is genesis not inception. Do something rather than thowback. Hardcore players was dominated since the game started, ask them what happed at the begging.
    8. when you cant win go ban us? ::)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
    9. You did not give any evidence, how ppls can see any abuse? How do you know it it speed hack? Just because you lose the dule? A mobile-phone can help, why not use it? Come and fight, we have fought with 10 for CS many times. REST DL. can cry only.
    10. https://easyupload.io/aq8o57 https://easyupload.io/qjq2ip It is not fair when 2 vs 8 in IT
    11. IF you have Grim post, why not show to everyone?
    12. Banana did not make any "cry" on forum. Just reply to help some idiots have better views.
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