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  • Apokalypse

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    About Apokalypse

    • Birthday 12/18/1997

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    1. Cut out of context and me being unpolite towards you was reasonable at the time.
    2. See this is what i was talking gion, he is not polite and has no manners at all. Instantly after Ichi ban feeding post. That is kinda provoking a commitment towards verbal abuse from other players. Also english language is an international one, either you learn english or not write at all in foreign language, i understand 5+ languages too, do you want me to put reports in all of them? Sincerely your annihilator Apokalypse.
    3. https://postimg.cc/xkdg6GrT Date: 1.5.2025 - 15:40 sv time Character : Hobbit Case: Verbal Abuse
    4. Seems like you have no idea what term "toxic" means, swearing also belongs to a toxic trait, so your report is valid 100% no doubt about it, but my opinion is not based on any vulgarism or toxic trait, is just my point of view, since im playing mostly allday long for a long time period, so that said I can see your behaviors and analyze them ingame and make a clear opinion about your brain functionality is not worthy of a mature person.
    5. yes its a game, where we play together, just manners split us apart. How you dare to type its only a game when you are the toxic one overall. see you on spawn.
    6. To be honest, this kid cenzura does not deserve any good behavior, he is a little calculated who does things like lie to ppl about pricing(selling items for more thatn it is paid for defaultyl), also his behavior is total selfish, this kid deserves to be thrown into the depths of vulcanus so ppl will know what will happen to guys like cenzura. Nothing personal, but on behalf of deffending the blamers in the screens, im sure they just dont flame witohut any reason, all of us have encountered cenzurras unmannered behavior too but who gives a damn about that uselessness
    7. Fenrir item is high tier item, well you have to consider people will fight for it, either if you would put it to crywolf would not make any difference, just stronger players with guild who withstand fighting spots in k6 and understanding pvp would be more fed. Then you will post this again, you have to get pvp ready for k6 and fight the spots, get status or if by any chances some g would recruit you so they can help you fight the spots... otherwise no purpose of reworking fen mats/k6 its pure pvp - it is fine as it is
    8. Worthless report tbh, im spitting facts there...
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