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    1. Hello, Based on this topic https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/3311-futureee/ we decided to bring it up to the vote as it's an important concept that can change everything we know about MU (into a better thing, in my opinion). So, please bring your votes (asap) and any other observations so we can prepare the concept for Inception (if you want it). The idea is simple, do you want EE's to be out of "must-have-secondary-char" line? The first option is no, keep it as it was - nothing will change related to EE's. But, the second option is to remove the EE build as we know it and to integrate it into a Hybrid-AE build. That means, EE buffs will be useless on normal server (1), so you won't need EE's in order to level up or compete to PvP Events. For that, entire content will be adjusted (mobs, bosses, etc.) for such change, having lower dmg/def/hp as they used to, especially on low resets maps. More than that, the limit of accounts per IP+HWID will also be reduced to 2 instead of 3 (to match the new no-ee-need change). The second part of the idea is to implement the EE into a Hybrid-AE build. So, giving new options to AE players for their builds (instead of blindly going for full agi & vit). What that means? Buffs will be decent on server 20 (mainly CS) - so guilds should encourage Hybrid-AE's so they can push their chance at CS, at the cost of lower solo-impact on gameplay. More than that, Ice Arrow would be part of Hybrid Build, so only by having 5000-8000 energy you would unblock & use Ice Arrow - so not only getting EE buffs for CS as Hybrid-AE but also unlocking your strongest CC spell for other kind of support on both Server 1 and CS. Poll will close on 1st of September at 23:59. The winner option must have at least 70%+ votes in order to be applied.
    2. Hello OldSquaders, We have the news about Inception as we promised! The release date of Inception will be on Friday, 13 September at 19:00 Server Time (GMT+2) - mobs will spawn at 20:00. We're still working hard on it but we hope to give you the Public Test Server access with at least few days before opening, where you can test what you want for Inception. The Public Test Server will remain opened during the Inception life-time so you can always test anything you want there. The official info topic has been updated and it can be found here: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/993-inception-official-information-many-details-about-server/ It contains all the info about Inception - but they are only like 85% sure, things may change until it's open day, based on your feedback and suggestions that you can bring in this topic: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/3314-discussions-about-inception/ We'll continue to update/release info topics for Inception during this days so keep an eye on forum! We want to also highlight some of the important changes/features that Inception will bring: New Mother-Kid system, where Inception will be the mother server and Max50RR will be a seasonal (100 days) kid server with limited content (no sockets/wings level 4 available) from where transfers will be made to Inception at the end of each season. OFF-Attack is now available for everyone (5 hours, no auto-pick) while VIP's will boost it: Hunter - +5 hours, no autopick. Dealer - Autopick. Professional - +7 hours, with autopick. Box of Kunduns drops are reworked to give new chances for lower players/casual players to farm their items: BoK+1: 68% chance for BoK+1 item, 24% chance for BoK+2 item, 8% chance for BoK+3 item. BoK+2: 68% chance for BoK+2 item, 24% chance for BoK+3 item, 8% chance for BoK+4 item. BoK+3: 68% chance for BoK+3 item, 24% chance for BoK+4 item, 8% chance for BoK+5 item. BoK+4: 76% chance for BoK+4 item, 24% chance for BoK+5 item. BoK+5: 100% chance for BoK+5 item. Obs: The items dropped on lower BoK's are only Set Items (no weapons). Anti-Alt farm feature added: Now you can't use Helper in low maps (until Tarkan). You will be able to use a built-in clicker that is working based on Helper settings (using /attack command). In the rest of maps (mid and high) you can't use the /attack command but you can use Helper. Due to that, all drops from maps until Tarkan are highly boosted for active farm (jewels, spells, etc.) Maps limits for all classes: In order to keep the balance between RF, MG & DL vs rest of classes and to also keep the maps as they were intended (without lower level move from website) we added level-checks: Now DL, RF, MG can stay in low maps with -10 levels than rest, and on rest of maps with -20 levels than rest. Also, in order to progress on maps by feet (from kanturu1 -> kanturu2 or atlans1 -> atlans2) you'll have to have the map level (available for all classes). Maps are revamped: Now the 3 different types of maps are spread to make sure we have 1 type from each on any kind of map (low,mid,high,v high). Now Non-PvP maps no longer have exp penalty (from 15%) while drop penalty remains the same (25%). Now gens-maps will give you +10% exp compared to rest of maps but mercenary squad boost won't work on gens maps (but quests & points will still work). Now on normal maps you'll have Mercenary Squad that will boost your exp (+6%/+14%/+24%) and bypass non-pvp maps, etc. The new map system is made because of Mercenary Squad, instead of punishing less-active players we'll just reward more-active players, without affecting the overall gameplay for everyone. Balgass reward is now 2x Old Box 4 and 3x PoH, but can be picked by any Balgass contributors, neutral drop, not only by killer-party. Killer will still receive the credits. The same rule is also applied for Illusion of Kundun from now. Energy Elf buff-nerfs to make them less 'must-have' and more 'an extra advantage'. Exc items drop from mobs on low and mid maps is raised (so people have things to invest jewels in, on early-game), but they can only drop with 1 option but with 80% chance for luck. RF, DL, MG will go on same BC/DS/CC like rest of chars based on the same levels. Other changes: Now Rare items will drop with 4 options instead of 3. The chance to drop them is also lower. Now Senior Mix will give 2x Guild Master Boxes instead of 1. Each Guild Master Box will drop specific 380 exc item with 3-4 options. Now Bloody Queen will drop 2x Last exc. item tier items instead of 1. Royal Rumble, Death King invasions and /blockexp features are removed. Full HP Recovery option from Wings (level 3 & 4) is removed. Some Old Boxes drops reworked. This are just a part of things that we're working on, there are more things updated/changed/reworked, but you'll find them either on the info topics or directly in game. Don't hesitate to read entire info to have a great start on Inception! #MakeMUGreatAgain!
    3. Hello, We're waiting any feedback / suggestions based on the current info for Inception as well as for the incoming info topics. Cheers!
    4. Our next project will start somewhere at the beginning of September. OldSquad - Inception - The 3rd edition of the old Max30RR server. Inception is the server where everything started in our community, and we're working on a bigger revamp of it, bringing new systems and features for you to enjoy. A fixed date for the start will be announced at the end of August, along with full info about the server. So, make sure to be free at the beginning of September to start a new journey in our world! Stay tunned on our site & forum for news. OldSquad Team. #MakeMUGreatAgain!
    5. Last week was a kind of silent one, until a shadow came from past to hunt the top rankings reset players, a silent war started by Trau and his crew against those strong heroes, and the traces of midnight silent battles were seen every morning in safe zones.... The other wars for Main Events such as Invasions and Bosses were balanced, fights between NONE and Smurf were equal, pray divided between them. Another moment to remember this week was when NONE decided to share Land of Trial with all the server and invite all the fighters inside, to have an ancient epic feast, hoping that this generous gesture would straighten the eyes of the Gods toward them and with divine protection beside them will win again next day . Saturday came, NONE and Smurf have been intensely prepared for this fight and as I told you, another page has been written in the History of the Castle : NONE warriors fought hard, just before the first hour of the siege, it seemed they would not be defeated, as they successfully rejected Smurfs assaults , but then something happened, something broke , they lost their balance..... On the other side, Smurf fought hard from beginning until end, with the fresh memory of the last defeat, they assaulted the Castle without stopping, until they felt the "smell of blood". That was the moment when they attacked the "open wound" that was opened inside NONE's guild chest and hit it with their best shot.... NONE collapsed and didn't found the power to reorganize, after they lost Crown in the middle of the fight, they felt overwhelmed by the enemy's force. The remaining time passed quickly and Smurf's warriors managed to win the Crown and put it on Yami's head. After these events some new questions begin to appear while the other old ones remains unanswered : How long Smurf will dominate the server? Does NONE has the strength to come back next week and take back the crown? Will the curse hunt them down ? Did they got the antidote?
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