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    [Genesis] Characters Builds, Info & Buffs Formulas


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    Note about Characters

    • If you want to be good and beat many people with BK you really need to have good combo-skills, else the character is a waste!
    • AE is considered to be the TOP Hunter.
    • SUM can be a real GOD on PvP if played very well (with all debuffs, sleep, etc.).
    • EMG and ARF are TOP HOLDERS! Their power on PvP is limited, so go for SMG/VRF for PvP.
    • All RF builds require STR for their base damage, VIT/ENE/AGI only increase % skill damage, so you need both.
    • All PvP builds (Not AE/EMG/ERF/ARF/etc.) are balanced for end-game on PvP. On the same level / equipment there is a 50% chance on duel between each other to win.
    • Keep in mind that without at least 2000-5000 VIT on ALL CHARACTERS your chances on PvP are low due to dying before SD is down
    • Rageful Blow is now the main PvM skill for BK early on (has been buffed).
    • Same can be said about Summoner and Lightning Shock.
    • AG cost reduced for Rageful Blow, Fire Slash and Lightning Shock.

    Extra Chars Info

    • Max Mana option (excellent) is now 15% instead of 4%.
    • %Mana per mob option (excellent) is now 7% per mob instead of 12% per mob.
    • Pendant of Ability now increases AG by +10%/+20%/+30% instead of +1%/+2%/+3%.
    • Pendant of Ability (non exc) can drop with only +10% AG.
    • Pendant of Ability (exc) can drop with +10~30% AG.
    • Ring of Magic now increases Mana by +10%/+20%/+30% instead of +1%/+2%/+3%.
    • Ring of Magic (non exc) can drop with only +10% Mana.
    • Ring of Magic (exc) can drop with +10~30% Mana.
    • Excellent Shields can no longer have ZEN option.
    • BK can no longer use Rageful Blow for combo.
    • Max DD and REF is 60%.
    • EE build is useless on Server1&2 (only good at CS, but there you have /rebuild).
    • SD Recovery option from 380 sets is DISABLED.
    • You can get DDI% (from harmony) only from item level + 11 (instead of + 9).
      • Note: Maximum DDI% per item is now 5% instead of 7% (1% at +11, 3% at +12, 5% at +13).
    • Elves do start with Infinity Arrow skill (from level 1).
      • Note: After you finish Marlon Quest, you need to do a relog, as the Quest will *mess* your skills.
    • Tank builds are eliminated, you can use them at CS for free, with /rebuild.
    • Support builds are now reworked into Hybrid builds (with limits on the buffs).
    • Full HP Recovery option from wings level 3 / 4 does not exist.
    • Heal & SD Recovery are removed from game.
    • Summoners can learn & use Cometfall as well as wearing Spirit (Elf) Items.
    • Poison does not work on bosses/mini-bosses (including Goldens/WWs, etc.).
    • Skills like Chain Lightning, Chaotic Diseier and Dragon Roar do have an internal delay when there are more than 300-400 online on the same sub-server, damage showing slower than usually.
    • DL/RF/MG does need the same Kalima level like rest of chars, despite showing a lower level ingame for them.
    • Ice Arrow is disabled at Illusion Temple.
    • Ice Arrow does require minimum 4000 energy in order to be learnt and used.
    • Teleport is disabled at Imperial Event, Illusion Temple and in 6x6 range of Switches at CS.
    • Power Slash is nerfed, so SMG is not that good HOLDER, his power is on Hunt/PvP.
    • Earthquake cooldown is 6s.
    • Summon cooldown is 80s.
    • Teleport cooldown is 3s.
    • Most of spells have 5 range (instead of 6).
    • Mana cost of Dark Side is 35 (instead of 70).
    • AG cost of Chain Drive is 14 (instead of 20).
    • Teleport Ally & Summon are disabled if there is not at least 1 member from same guild or alliance in party.
    • On Lorencia Circle you can only have your own class buffs (the rest are deleted).
    • Summon on Gens map is working when there is a boss alive.
    • Summon is disabled in Lost Tower and Devias while Death King is alive.

    Characters Buffs Formulas

    • SM:
      • Mana Shield:
        • Max Rate: 30%.
        • Formula: 1(%) + (ENE/689)(%) - Capped at around 20k ENE or lower with ML.
        • Duration:
          • 180(seconds) for Server 1&2 (Normal Servers).
          • 60(seconds) + (ENE/80)(seconds) for Server 20 (CS Server).
    • BK:
      • Greater Fortitude (Sweal):
        • Server 1&2 (Normal Servers):
          • Max Rate: 65%.
          • Formula: 5(%) + (ENE/200)(%)  - Capped at around 12k ENE or lower with ML.
          • Duration: 180(seconds).
        • Server 20 (CS Server):
          • Max Rate: 40%.
          • Formula: 3(%) + (ENE/109)(%)  - Capped at 4033 ENE or lower with ML.
          • Duration: 90(seconds).
    • ME:
      • Greater Defense (Deff Buff) - Server20 (USELESS ON NORMAL SERVER):
        • Formula: 10 + (ENE/18).
        • Duration: 120(seconds).
      • Greater Damage (Dmg Buff) - Server20 (USELESS ON NORMAL SERVER):
        • Formula: 20 + (ENE/15).
        • Duration: 120(seconds).
    • MG:
      • Fire Slash Defence Reduction:
        • Max Rate: 20%.
        • Formula: influenced by STR.
    • DL:
      • Critical Damage:
        • Formula: ENE/25 + CMD/500.
        • Duration:
          • 180(seconds) for Server 1&2 (Normal Servers).
          • 60(seconds) + (ENE/80)(seconds) for Server 20 (CS Server).
    • SU:
      • Reflect Damage:
        • Max Rate: 35%.
        • Formula: 5(%) + (ENE/620)(%).
        • Duration:
          • 180(seconds) for Server 1&2 (Normal Servers).
          • 45(seconds) + (ENE/120)(seconds) for Server 20 (CS Server).
      • Berserker:
        • Max Rate: 50%.
        • Formula 1: (ENE/380)(%) - For Damage.
        • Formula 2: 40(%) - (ENE/450)% - For DEF/HP reduction.
          • Note: Minimum 10% of HP & DEF will be reduced, no matter the Energy.
      • Sleep:
        • Server 1&2 (Normal Servers):
          • Max Duration: 4.
          • Formula 1: 30(%) + (ENE/300)(%) - For Hit Chance.
          • Formula 2: 1(second) + (ENE/2500)(seconds) - For Duration.
        • Server 20 (CS Server):
          • Max Duration: 4.
          • Formula 1: 80(%) - For Hit Chance.
          • Sleep duration on CS server:
            • Under 15000 ENERGY => Sleep is blocked.
            • 15000 - 27000 ENERGY => Sleep duration is 2 seconds.
            • 27000 ENERGY => Sleep duration is 3 seconds.
          • Players that are under Sleep effect on CS server can't be damaged.
            • The immunity gained by a player under Sleep effect does make him immune from being moved as well.
      • Innovation (Lesser Deff):
        • Max Rate: 30%.
        • Formula 1: 30(%) + (ENE/400)(%) - For Hit Chance.
        • Formula 2: 5(%) + (ENE/900)(%) - For Defense Reduction.
        • Duration: 5(seconds) + (ENE/1000)(seconds).
      • Weakness (Lesser Dmg):
        • Max Rate: 20%.
        • Formula 1: 30(%) + (ENE/400)(%) - For Hit Chance.
        • Formula 2: 3(%) + (ENE/1200)(%) - For Damage Reduction.
        • Duration: 5(seconds) + (ENE/1000)(seconds).
    • RF:
      • Greater Ignore Defense (Ignore Buff):
        • Formula: 2(%) + (ENE/2500)(%).
        • Duration: 60(seconds) + (ENE/80)(seconds).
      • Increase VIT:
        • Server 1&2 (Normal Servers):
          • Formula: 80 + (ENE/9).
          • Duration: 180(seconds).
        • Server 20 (CS Server):
          • Formula: 20 + (ENE/3).
          • Duration: 90(seconds).
          • Max ENERGY you can have at CS: 5000.
      • Greater Defense Success Rate (DSR Buff):
        • Server 1&2 (Normal Servers):
          • Formula: 60 + (ENE/15).
          • Duration: 180(seconds).
        • Server 20 (CS Server):
          • Formula: 25 + (ENE/7).
          • Duration: 90(seconds).
          • Max ENERGY you can have at CS: 5000.

    Characters Main Builds

    While there are a lot of builds possible for any character, based on your own needs and creativity, each character have at least 2 main builds.

    • SM:
      • ESM -> With focus mostly on Energy for full MS & PvM potential.
      • Hybrid -> With focus on both AGI & ENERGY for full PvP potential.
        • Main PvP Skill: Blast (Cometfall).
        • Main PvM Skill: ES.
        • Main Hunt Skill: Blast/Flame.
    • BK:
      • SBK -> With focus mostly on Strength for full damage potential.
      • ABK -> With focus mostly on Agility for full combo potential (combo speed & survival).
      • Hybrid -> With focus on both Energy & STR for full greater fortitude & PvM potential.
        • Main PvP Skill: Combo.
        • Main PvM Skill: Rageful Blow.
        • Main Hunt Skill: Death Stab / Combo.
    • ME:
      • AE -> With focus mostly on Agility & STR for full damage potential.
      • Hybrid -> With 4000 Energy for Ice Arrow & higher VIT for full PvP support & survival.
        • Main PvP Skill: Multishot from melee range.
        • Main PvM Skill: Multishot / Triple Shot.
        • Main Hunt Skill: Multishot / Triple Shot from melee range.
    • MG:
      • SMG -> With focus mostly on Strength for full PvP & hunt potential.
      • EMG -> With focus mostly on Energy for full PvM potential.
        • Main PvP Skill: Fire Slash (SMG) / Blast (Cometfall) (EMG).
        • Main PvM Skill: Power Slash (SMG) / Gigantic Storm (EMG).
        • Main Hunt Skill: Fire Slash (SMG) / Blast (Cometfall) (EMG).
    • DL:
      • SDL -> With focus mostly on Strength for full damage potential for Solo-Play/Hunt.
      • EDL -> With focus mostly on Energy for full critical damage potential for Party/Events.
        • Main PvP Skill: Fire Scream / Ravens.
        • Main PvM Skill: Fire Burst.
        • Main Hunt Skill: Fire Scream.
    • SU:
      • ESU -> With focus mostly on Energy for full PvM & buffs potential.
      • Hybrid -> With focus on both Energy and Agility for sustained damage and more survival, mostly for PvP.
        • Main PvP Skill: Blast (Cometfall) / Chain Lightning.
        • Main PvM Skill: Lightning Shock.
        • Main Hunt Skill: Blast (Cometfall) / Chain Lightning.
    • RF:
      • VRF -> With focus mostly on Vitality for full PvP & hunt potential.
      • ARF -> With focus mostly on Agility for full PvM potential.
      • ERF -> With focus mostly on Energy for full buffs potential for Party/Events & decent PvM.
        • Main PvP Skill: Chain Drive (VRF) / Dark Side (ARF).
        • Main PvM Skill: Chain Drive (VRF) / Dark Side (ARF) / Dragon Roar (ERF).
        • Main Hunt Skill: Chain Drive (VRF) / Dark Side (ARF).

    Note: This topic is 100% made by me and it's especially for our server characters!

    Note2: The Master Skill Tree has some usual issues so we recommend you having it tested on test server before adding points in the tree!

    Enjoy building your chars!

    "The only way to do great work is to love what you do" - Steve Jobs

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    • [UPDATED] The duration for Mana Shield, Swell, Reflect, Critical, DSR and HP buffs is now 180 seconds for Normal Servers (1&2).
      • CS Server duration of these buffs was not influenced.
    • [UPDATED] Small PvP Tweaks for all characters.

    The changes are live.

    I wanna ask you some shit, but you might tell me a lie
    But, ayy, I barely care
    I no longer live in my feelings, shit, I'm barely there 
    I can never live in New York 'cause I can't carry there
    They say I can't live in my city 'cause it's crazy there
    I'm like "Shit, that's everywhere"

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    The remaining tweaks were added and are already up.


    • [UPDATED] Flame Strike for MG has now the same range and slightly better damage than Fire Slash.
      • For the debuff you will still have to use Fire Slash.
    • [UPDATED] Some more small PvP Tweaks.

    I wanna ask you some shit, but you might tell me a lie
    But, ayy, I barely care
    I no longer live in my feelings, shit, I'm barely there 
    I can never live in New York 'cause I can't carry there
    They say I can't live in my city 'cause it's crazy there
    I'm like "Shit, that's everywhere"

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    • [UPDATED] Plasma Storm's durability reduction effect removed.

    I wanna ask you some shit, but you might tell me a lie
    But, ayy, I barely care
    I no longer live in my feelings, shit, I'm barely there 
    I can never live in New York 'cause I can't carry there
    They say I can't live in my city 'cause it's crazy there
    I'm like "Shit, that's everywhere"

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