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    PvP and Non-PvP invasions.


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    im not sure if you are aware, but pvp and non pvp invasions don't work as intended.

    "PvP Invasions: Free PK near Goldens (no penalty for killing), while killed player is respawning close to the golden" i am not sure about the penalty, but you definitely don't re spawn near the place you were killed.

    "Non PvP Invasions: Not possible to kill players during this Invasions, as long as there are still Goldens alive on that map, and 8 seconds after." Yes, you can very easy kill other players, right next to the golden mobs in fact, i've been killed many times during the hunt in "non-pvp invasion"

    Can you confirm that this is a bug ? or is this something that was left in information from Phoenix#1 and was forgotten to edit ?

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    23 minutes ago, Kaladin said:

    im not sure if you are aware, but pvp and non pvp invasions don't work as intended.

    "PvP Invasions: Free PK near Goldens (no penalty for killing), while killed player is respawning close to the golden" i am not sure about the penalty, but you definitely don't re spawn near the place you were killed.

    "Non PvP Invasions: Not possible to kill players during this Invasions, as long as there are still Goldens alive on that map, and 8 seconds after." Yes, you can very easy kill other players, right next to the golden mobs in fact, i've been killed many times during the hunt in "non-pvp invasion"

    Can you confirm that this is a bug ? or is this something that was left in information from Phoenix#1 and was forgotten to edit ?

    For #1, it does tell you left side in chat (with blue) if it could find good coordonates on respawn, if it didn't it respawned you on safe-zone. It tries 500 times to find right coords near golden, but it doesn't always find depending on golden zones. It works normally for me and it does announce me if it didn't find good coords for respawn.

    For #2, keep in mind that Mercenaries does bypass such non-pvp rule of the invasion, which means Mercenaries can kill each-others during non-pvp invasions.

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    #1 Dude, it's still bugged, mostly on raklion map, every time there is pvp invasion on raklion im almost always respawned on safe zone instead near gold. Maybe just check logs when there is pvp invasion, go as hidden gm and check if people respawn near gold or not? It's 22 days from this being reported and you still didn't fix this.

    Do you  need video with proof? I can record it next time.

    I think it tries to teleport to place of map which is unavailable and that's why it warps to safe because you shouldn't be here - it's my first guess.

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    53 minutes ago, Juri said:

    #1 Dude, it's still bugged, mostly on raklion map, every time there is pvp invasion on raklion im almost always respawned on safe zone instead near gold. Maybe just check logs when there is pvp invasion, go as hidden gm and check if people respawn near gold or not? It's 22 days from this being reported and you still didn't fix this.

    Do you  need video with proof? I can record it next time.

    I think it tries to teleport to place of map which is unavailable and that's why it warps to safe because you shouldn't be here - it's my first guess.


    yeah same here, please check again @Gion

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    As I said, on test server everything is ok, no matter how many tries. We can fix this bug as soon as we reproduce it. It is the only way for us to collect info about it

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    But, ayy, I barely care
    I no longer live in my feelings, shit, I'm barely there 
    I can never live in New York 'cause I can't carry there
    They say I can't live in my city 'cause it's crazy there
    I'm like "Shit, that's everywhere"

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