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    13 minutes ago, Pershing said:

    I would like to confirm this. I’m not sure if we are talking about the same IT but we had pretty similar situation with Gruba and Mamelcia. Gruba is obviously one of Formoza’s ppl alt and he helps Mamlecia’s team to win IT. I’ve seen them participating IT together couple of times. In our case Gruba was in my team, Mamelcia in opposite so Gruba just took obelisk and was going towards Mamelcia’s tower just to let them register faster. Obviously everyone warned Gruba straight after but has it changed anything? Not really. They won easily cuz Gruba was actually their 6th player. Not sure if there is anything to do with IT unless there are players like these :)

    Ofc it won't change anything on that specific IT, just like if there was an actual video-proof report, nothing would change about that IT, but will change related to the player.

    In that specific IT the guy accumulated 9 warn points and had 6 warn points from previous day, what happens now is that whenever he will try to join IT again will be banned from IT on both the account and IP.

    As a conclusion: I prefer to have extra people warned for nothing in IT but get the actual TROLL punished than to have video reports where only 1-3 people would record such cases and have the trolls actually trolling every time, even if nobody else would be "warned for nothing".

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    3 minutes ago, ADMIN said:

    I stopped reading here, clearly you're just another keyboard warrior.

    LoL (the unmentioned & untouched by me, kid's game):


    Keyboard warrior? C'mon, you can do better than that, and as an ADMIN if you start using this 1984 jokes because you don't agree with someone,  well, that says enough about you ^^. You clearly have no ideea what "disciplinary systems" means don't you? Let me tell you so you know, next time when you copy-paste some words from other sources. Disciplinary system means that the power of executing discipline must be in the hands of some trained persons so as to ensure that they make proper use of "Power"(in this case, power means the right to punish someone for their behaviour if they are reported) on the offender only, but not on innocents. That is the reason why there are "Supervisor" that needs to be trained on when and how discipline should be used. You know who are those "trained" people? The exact people that personally check your reports before they punish someone. Of course, there is an auto system as well, that's why I said 99.9%, because for now, the auto system can't really detect if the reports are fake since there are 9 fake reports against one innocent player, that means the system will automatically detect it as true report, since there is a 90% report rate against that player and the player could be innocent, so he will be banned by the system for doing nothing wrong? No, that's why they call it a "disciplinary system", so they have to check it first.

    P.S: I've never said I am playing the game, so don't flat yourself so much when you say it's a kid's game by calling me a Keyboard Warrior. ;)

    No point arguing here, that's all I had to say.

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    1 minute ago, Juri said:

    Yea actions like this should be automatic ban for max days possible imho, like if you take a ball, you have it all the time from mid, not died and moved to enemy base. This is obvious anti-play which should have max punishment, despite warn mechanism.

    I know i started the topic, but comming with a cool-head and after some rest and thoughts, i have 2 issues with this opts (ye ye i know it's my own).

    Let's think of what we can to do improve it, like honestly.

    1. Go back to the old system of prints/videos?


    2. Implement a new system? 

    Here comes the real problem. Which one?

    First we/Admin need to come up with an actual implementable idea, which will takes at least 2 weeks, then the Admin needs to actually implement that idea (now, i don't know how easy hard it is) but i will assume it's at least 1 to 2 months, then we need to actually TEST it , so it s not even worse than the actual one, so that s another (let's be optimistic) one week. And we get to 2 more months.

    The easy way around i see, would be a poll made by admin and see what the players actually want. New IT system, OLD IT system, or THIS it system.

    But if the pool is 65% + and ADMIN counts for 20% we wont gonna get a vote on that either.

    I don't like or enjoy this system. It's allowing players to troll and gain advantajes, but for me this is not the biggest issue, the biggest issue is getting TROLL-WARNED, which for this, the rule with (Get 1 warn if you warn) seems decent, but not really. Why? Because  it punishes you when you want to report someone that played bad and you come to a point where you wont be able to WARN someone because you acumulated too many WARNS.

    It's up for debate though, but i don't see a fast fix.

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    Yea, but what, 4 days and he will do it again? I think punishments should be much bigger, like 14 days to 30 days, and procedure to remove those false punishments if some guild decide to warn you - then people will think twice before doing anti-game.

    The only easy way i see is:

    - add reason for warning - so when checking it by administration team they can actually check what was the reason for warn and if it was justified anyhow
    - add procedure to remove false warnings, there are logs on server where you can check things how players in IT played, or only by adding a video of a game
    - add much longer bans
    - add bans for people falsely reporting

    Like instead of reporting prints/video that proof that someone did anti-play, you must proof that you didn't to remove warn.

    This keeps the old system as it is + improves it more. Of course it requires some action being taken by administration team, but it will be less pain and actually easier to someone watch playing properly than to find in those videos anti-play.

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    3 minutes ago, enTaroaduN said:

    Keyboard warrior? C'mon, you can do better than that, and as an ADMIN if you start using this 1984 jokes because you don't agree with someone,  well, that says enough about you ^^. You clearly have no ideea what "disciplinary systems" means don't you? Let me tell you so you know, next time when you copy-paste some words from other sources. Disciplinary system means that the power of executing discipline must be in the hands of some trained persons so as to ensure that they make proper use of "Power"(in this case, power means the right to punish someone for their behaviour if they are reported) on the offender only, but not on innocents. That is the reason why there are "Supervisor" that needs to be trained on when and how discipline should be used. You know who are those "trained" people? The exact people that personally check your reports before they punish someone. Of course, there is an auto system as well, that's why I said 99.9%, because for now, the auto system can't really detect if the reports are fake since there are 9 fake reports against one innocent player, that means the system will automatically detect it as true report, since there is a 90% report rate against that player and the player could be innocent, so he will be banned by the system for doing nothing wrong? No, that's why they call it a "disciplinary system", so they have to check it first.

    P.S: I've never said I am playing the game, so don't flat yourself so much when you say it's a kid's game by calling me a Keyboard Warrior. ;)

    No point arguing here, that's all I had to say.


    Once a report is made our disciplinary systems will review the game within minutes to determine whether a penalty will be placed.

    Sure, there are SUPERVISORS handling 40 minutes length of games in few minutes to decide a report, instantly after you report as they are sitting there and instantly handling hundreds of reports per hour.

    The only thing you're right about is that there is no point arguing.

    "The only way to do great work is to love what you do" - Steve Jobs

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    2 minutes ago, ADMIN said:

    Sure, there are SUPERVISORS handling 40 minutes length of games in few minutes to decide a report, instantly after you report as they are sitting there and instantly handling hundreds of reports per hour.

    The only thing you're right about is that there is no point arguing.

    You don't understand one thing, for non-obvious reports actually human checks it. Not a automatic system, first there is automatic system which decides if there is any necessity of human interaction or not. But for punishments like an actual ban from a game(other than AFK) there is always a human action being taken.

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    Can we actually stop talking about LOL or whatever MOBA game are you discussing in terms of reports like it's comparable to a small-poll of MAYBE 50 chars in the entire server doing IT and try to see if this needs fix or not? I see no point in what you are doing right now.

    If you don't think it needs fix by any means, just close the topic. If you do think it needs some-sort of fix, addition, let's try to reach that on a 50 players pool instead of copying the system of a 100k player pool.

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    1 hour ago, Juri said:

    You don't understand one thing, for non-obvious reports actually human checks it. Not a automatic system, first there is automatic system which decides if there is any necessity of human interaction or not. But for punishments like an actual ban from a game(other than AFK) there is always a human action being taken.

    And I repeat, there is maybe a 1% human interaction with the reports systems, research and you'll understand, from 1% up to 99.9% of MANUAL human interaction on reports, like your guild-mate keeps saying, is a BIIIIIIIIIIG difference.

    But again, I'll stop. Y'all threat our current system like if you did nothing and were already banned 10 times, so unfair.

    Since IT was opened there was (and not even added yet) ONE Punishment, which was an actual REAL TROLL. Everything else is chit-chat, people looking for DRAMAS out of nothing. When you'll encounter REAL PROBLEMS with it, we'll have a REAL talk about it. 

    "The only way to do great work is to love what you do" - Steve Jobs

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