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    Why this guy always mad . never happy?

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    So when you win boss fights and taunt with "ez viets", everything is fine but when someone says anything back you come to cry in forums?

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    And imagine this guy , who off topics my report and tries to be the lawyer of free folks . Imagine this guy who pretends to be the Justice Man of these forums , and hiding on a well suited for him, forum name . He is comparing , taunts (that viets does way more often than us) with insulting and swearing coming from nowhere, without any provocation. Well done mr.justice you have +1 reputation.

    Garbage , trash , junk , whatever u like to be called, my friend , ur viets brothers do that every fight they win , be toxic and taunt people, are u serious coming here with that remark? That`s so lame , even from you . 

    Btw Gion , why are people not punished on forum , when they off-topic a report , especially when  they are not involved in it? 

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    9 hours ago, DeepHouse said:

    Why this guy always mad . never happy?

    A racist made this post?

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    2 hours ago, DeepHouse said:

    And imagine this guy , who off topics my report and tries to be the lawyer of free folks . Imagine this guy who pretends to be the Justice Man of these forums , and hiding on a well suited for him, forum name . He is comparing , taunts (that viets does way more often than us) with insulting and swearing coming from nowhere, without any provocation. Well done mr.justice you have +1 reputation.

    Garbage , trash , junk , whatever u like to be called, my friend , ur viets brothers do that every fight they win , be toxic and taunt people, are u serious coming here with that remark? That`s so lame , even from you . 

    Btw Gion , why are people not punished on forum , when they off-topic a report , especially when  they are not involved in it? 

    Pretends? So when you bait and trigger people into BL you are a clean boy? Always mocking people with hidden racist remarks(that I often cant use for screenshots against you) and then now come to forums to silence other players when you are the same as cici and knight? A lot of the players, VN and others, are not toxic at all. How can you be so blindly hypocritical that YOU cause this and now YOU come crying? "Without any provocationg"????? REALLY? You provoke those people and now act like you dont? Man up and take some responsibilty  for your words that you throw at them all the time. Pathetic.

    I dont off-topic the report. Im claiming that for the past week you START the trash-talking in /post and now play the victim. Why must other people be quiet when you are doing the injustice?

    "ur viets brothers" - Im not vietnamese, i have explained this many times. Im just the garbage man, i take out the trash.

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    3 hours ago, Garbage said:

    "ur viets brothers" - Im not vietnamese, i have explained this many times. Im just the garbage man, i take out the trash.

    Ppls say that you are trash. Is that true?

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    6 hours ago, Garbage said:

    Pretends? So when you bait and trigger people into BL you are a clean boy? Always mocking people with hidden racist remarks(that I often cant use for screenshots against you) and then now come to forums to silence other players when you are the same as cici and knight? A lot of the players, VN and others, are not toxic at all. How can you be so blindly hypocritical that YOU cause this and now YOU come crying? "Without any provocationg"????? REALLY? You provoke those people and now act like you dont? Man up and take some responsibilty  for your words that you throw at them all the time. Pathetic.

    I dont off-topic the report. Im claiming that for the past week you START the trash-talking in /post and now play the victim. Why must other people be quiet when you are doing the injustice?

    "ur viets brothers" - Im not vietnamese, i have explained this many times. Im just the garbage man, i take out the trash.

    quiet garbage trow ur self into the bin

    +1 punish on mercury viets always toxic on post

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    How many time u received mute racism boy

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    bip bip its the forum police careful guys. Well i got muted for saying DIS ME you guys cried that it was so bad to say, and then go in game continue with your BL and not using english in post, i vote double mute for the leader of the boat people


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    8 hours ago, Garbage said:

    Pretends? So when you bait and trigger people into BL you are a clean boy? Always mocking people with hidden racist remarks(that I often cant use for screenshots against you) and then now come to forums to silence other players when you are the same as cici and knight? A lot of the players, VN and others, are not toxic at all. How can you be so blindly hypocritical that YOU cause this and now YOU come crying? "Without any provocationg"????? REALLY? You provoke those people and now act like you dont? Man up and take some responsibilty  for your words that you throw at them all the time. Pathetic.

    I dont off-topic the report. Im claiming that for the past week you START the trash-talking in /post and now play the victim. Why must other people be quiet when you are doing the injustice?

    "ur viets brothers" - Im not vietnamese, i have explained this many times. Im just the garbage man, i take out the trash.

    I could start talk also from memories . Although you could be right , there is not the case here, in my screenshot , shows clearly he started to swear without any provocation , he was just dying at maya. Stop crying , your buddiess are toxic too and insult and swear, stop posing  in victims , even when we come with solid proofs.

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    It is alright to use a different language than English on /post if it is not repetitive / bothering.


    I wanna ask you some shit, but you might tell me a lie
    But, ayy, I barely care
    I no longer live in my feelings, shit, I'm barely there 
    I can never live in New York 'cause I can't carry there
    They say I can't live in my city 'cause it's crazy there
    I'm like "Shit, that's everywhere"

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