Okay, I want to reiterate that I truly find this server exceptionally enjoyable, because whenever I post here, it's usually a suggestion or criticism about certain economic negative aspects which are hard to pinpoint.
It's a rewarding server. In spite of the non-liquid economy, collecting the set you want is hard, and getting new stuff is rewarding in general. Even though it skips over the reward of finding non-medal items.
There's a decent amount of honest normal players. It's actually been over 10 years since I've made a guild and actually made an effort to find nice guild members. To my surprise, I succeeded, and am actually predominantly partying with them, and having real conversations that are not Mu related.
The GMs and administrators actually answer people.
I frequently think to myself days after having written some criticism: "Hmm, this ain't so bad after all."
It's kind of silly that my list of pros isn't more extensively written than critical posts. I guess that's me being at fault for taking things for granted. I'll update this list when other positive aspects come to mind, because the reasons are plentiful. Some aspects could be a lot better, but others could be a lot worse. Overal, this server deserves appraisal.
Thank you.