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  • DeepHouse

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    Everything posted by DeepHouse

    1. https://imgur.com/a/0S4Szv8 where he started and provked Than our continuation on pm https://imgur.com/a/mOYmSTM From his screen, there i found out he is moldavian not viet, but it s like 2 mins after we both BL and racism in pm . Why are allowed screens without char showing , and without date showing?
    2. There are restaurants in Hanoi , many restaurants, serving dog food. so stop the bs , it s a well known dish in your country, and very frequented. In most countries across the continent where the trade exists, dog meat is only consumed by a small minority of the population, whereas the latest Nielsen opinion poll commissioned by HSI in September 2023 shows that dog meat is consumed by nearly 40% of the Vietnamese population, more popular than cat meat at 21%. When i said 'above 'you guys eeat dog food'', i generalized ,eat or not , your choice. Your printscreen of me in this report , it s that i say save scooby , from there you say i`m racist. Didnt went a bit too far mr vietnam justice guy. For you it s racism even if we simply type your country name Vietnam, spoken from our mouths , it s racism to you xD .
    3. Why your people swear about family? , we talk about dishes , and you swear about families , whos the cringe ones?
    4. Dog meat is consumed in Vietnam to varying degrees of acceptability, though it predominantly exists in the North. It's a winter food which believed to keep you extraordinarily warm on cold nights. Dog meat is eaten in a variety of ways, from grilled, stuffed in spring rolls, stir fried, to added to soups. There are multiple dishes featuring dog meat, and they often include the head, feet as well as internal organs. Dog meat restaurants can be found throughout the country. If you are in Hanoi and you are eager to try this dish, please come to a restaurant on Nhat Tan Street - Tay Ho District. Typically, a chef will choose one of seven ways to cook dog, collectively known as "cầy tơ 7 món". You can choosesteamed dog meat, dog sausage, steamed dog in shrimp paste, ginger and rice vinegar, grilled dog meat, bamboo shoots and dog bone marrow or fried dog in lemon grass and chili. Here, you can see groups of customers who seated on mats spending their evenings on sharing plates of dog meat and drinking alcohol.
    5. added more, eRoby keeps it very subtle but intentionally is triggering racist conversation again. Lol ? I mean i`m sorry if i hurt your feelings, but you also trying to pose too much as a victim . That s the truth, you guys eat dogs, where is racism in that ? And my quotes not even about that, was about saving scoobyyy . Not my fault if u upset about that. You guys swear about family than cry on forums cause we talk about VN dishes , who`s the crybabies and cringe ones?
    6. https://imgur.com/Bk5dJon "dit me may" or similar "dit con me may", "du ma may" is a Vietnamese curse word. Its mean "fuck your mom".
    7. Black Jack Event 04/08/2017 1st place MichaeL21 -reward 2 talisman of chaos +50 os points 2 nd place ThunderBR -reward 1 talisman of chaos + 35 os points 3 rd Deelis -reward 20 joh + 20 os points Consolation prizes 2 bok + 5 and 5 os points for : Sonic Arioch Ciello tatatat Hagen Dizia degre
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