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  • Nephilim

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    1. Like
      Nephilim reacted to Doink in Adding a link to the community driven discord on the landing page   
      Character name that is submitting it (for the potential reward): Don't need a reward, hard work to make this possible was done by others, not me.
      Suggestion type (server/website/forum): Website
      Suggestion content (make sure to include enough details so your suggestion is clear enough):
      Hello, for the past few months a bunch of players started a community driven discord, functioning as a free market, focusing on giving new players a community to get knowledge from and giving them the opportunity to get recruited by the big guilds and experience endgame content. It's already greatly increasing player retention thanks to the work of the players who scout for newbies and propagate the server in game.
      The official discord server is quite dead, the phone number verification system discourages most people from participating in discussions on the official server and it really functions more as a hub for official statements by the Oldsquad staff than a place that brings the community together.
      Most servers have an official discord that functions similarly to what the community driven discord has achieved but on top of that people are able to speak their minds freely without the fear of getting banned or punished. It greatly increases player retention as due to the afk nature of the game many new players wrongly assume the server is dead or barely alive when they join, then leave after a couple of resets never to return. Ever since MagicGagi has started this initiative to hoard all new players in one place, giving them the opportunity to interact with the veteran players on their oldsquad journey, ask questions and form connections with others, player numbers started rising and new people who previously left before they got a chance to get to the endgame started staying.

      I think adding a link to the website with an invite to the community driven discord (with a disclaimer saying it's unmoderated by the oldsquad staff) might greatly improve player retention and make the game feel more alive. Almost everyone I talked to assumed the server is dead upon joining the official discord and a big chunk of players didn't even manage to find the invite link to the official discord. In this day and age most game communities congregate on discord so it would be a big step up if oldsquad supported this initiative.

      Here is an invite link to the discord, you can check the state of it for yourself and make your decision based on that.
      How the suggestion can bring value: mentioned above
    2. Haha
      Nephilim reacted to ibrahim in Bugexploit/hack by Chukanda? Nephilim involved?   
      u  noob dont undersand !? u who said u win like this vs pain  . short memory noob ? check up posts .  i dont said that pain recording   
      why u dont upload ur report noob  
    3. Haha
      Nephilim reacted to ibrahim in Bugexploit/hack by Chukanda? Nephilim involved?   
      u didn't report it . u said up u win like this before vs pain and . vs superstar u just use it  .  u call ppl come repot u and drop buff 🙂
    4. Haha
      Nephilim reacted to ibrahim in Bugexploit/hack by Chukanda? Nephilim involved?   
      this comment aprove that u lie when u say that this time is the same time i saw the bug in another comment right !! ? and whatever u know it before or not . u just use it instead of report admins about it .
      and u say that superstar who bring chars on gamble . admin will check all chats superstar too and saw that u lie again . 
    5. Haha
      Nephilim reacted to ibrahim in Bugexploit/hack by Chukanda? Nephilim involved?   
      https://ibb.co/bmygKrb sorry for this bad screen iam trying upload all the vedio  that show he make somthings wronge 
      also u can check all chats for sure 
      cici : nice more ppl to fight
      cici : kill bk 
      cici : xd 
      knightmare : u see thesee bks?
      PureNRG : yeah 
      this vedio and chats aprove that u lie on this post up when u said i ask ppl to come help me crazy cici noob . 
      check all chats plz gion .
    6. Haha
      Nephilim reacted to ibrahim in Bugexploit/hack by Chukanda? Nephilim involved?   
      really !! cici i have short memory !?  u lucky that i found the fisrt vedio i was make for report this bug after finish gamble but idk that u make all this . and about ppl  came first gamble its not bada . it ur friend Nightmare  was duel vs PureNRG  and vedio show too u said to him  ( kill bk )  . u are crazy .  u just said i need destroy the game  . and agian admin will check all chats between u and elf and dl and ur guild .about ask for pot 
      . thx
    7. Haha
      Nephilim reacted to Garbage in Bugexploit/hack by Chukanda? Nephilim involved?   
      Chuku reported the bug? Where is the evidence that he reported anything rather than trying to flip this around and making him the "good guy" while being the most toxic person on the server.
      Where is the evidence that the same thing was done by SuperStar?

      And you tone it down too with your "cringe" and "cry" talk kid. The adults are talking. 
    8. Haha
      Nephilim reacted to cccp in Bugexploit/hack by Chukanda? Nephilim involved?   
      who can interfere in 2 player gambel. not gion . Its nephilm
    9. Haha
      Nephilim reacted to Spawn in Bugexploit/hack by Chukanda? Nephilim involved?   
      Bullshit, in frame all can see what SuperStar cant took nothink but Cici got all pots becouse he stay with u in PT
    10. Haha
      Nephilim reacted to Dominic in Bugexploit/hack by Chukanda? Nephilim involved?   
      Should be possible to check by admin easily. Lets see. Macro, fine. - But cheat???

      So u can see on video that Superstar cannot pick the pots but Chukunda picks them? So that means in party with Nephilim/Crimson?
    11. Haha
      Nephilim reacted to ibrahim in Bugexploit/hack by Chukanda? Nephilim involved?   
      how many time u did it before !! how many credits u gain like this ?  chat btween you all gion will check it ez 
    12. Haha
      Nephilim reacted to Garbage in Redbull - not ENG in post   
    13. Like
      Nephilim reacted to ADMIN in Maintenance 22.02.2024 & Genesis Update   
      On 22.02.2024 (Thursday) at 17:00 GMT+2 (Server Time) we'll have a global maintenance on our systems.
      Genesis will be down for 30~90 minutes.
      You will also have to either update the client via Launcher (after Maintenance is over) or download the new Genesis client that will be uploaded on that day, in order to continue playing.
      The following update will be up on Genesis after the Maintenance is over:
      [ADDED] Custom Socket Set for RF (Tigris). [ADDED] Custom Socket Claws for RF (Devast Claws). [UPDATED] Increased PvP & PvM damage of RF by 10%. [UPDATED] Increased PvP damage of AE by 16%. [UPDATED] Increased PvP damage of SUM by 7%. [UPDATED] Increased PvP damage of MG by 5%. [FIXED] Item Glow of Lilium set & stick. [UPDATED] Increased base EXP by 20%. [UPDATED] Increased EXP for 51-55 RR and 0 GR by 150%. [UPDATED] Increased EXP after GR by 160%. [UPDATED] Released 20 extra Master Levels (up to 250) that have insanely low EXP rate. [UPDATED] Nerfed quests difficulty on 0 GR: Quest 1: Kill 35x Bloody Monsters Quest 2: Kill 1x Golden Budge & 2x White Wizards Quest 3: Win 1x Illusion Temple Event Quest 4: Kill 25x 'little' Rabbits Quest 5: Finish 2x Doppelganger Events Quest 6: Hunt down 1x Death King Quest 7: Kill Goldens: 10x BoK+1, 8x BoK+2, 6x BoK+3 Quest 8: Hunt down 1x Nightmare Quest 9: Give David 1x Old Box 2 Quest 10: Kill 5x Derkons Quest 11: Finish 2x Imperial Events in less than 300 seconds Quest 12: Win 1x Chaos Castle Event Quest 13: Kill 20x BoK+5 Goldens Quest 14: Hunt down 3x Kunduns, 2x Witches, 2x Cursed Dragons [UPDATED] Reduced the quest skip times on 0 GR: Quest Tier 1: 1 day Quest Tier 2: 2 days Quest Tier 3: 2 days [UPDATED] You can now sell in Market for up to 2000 credits/item. [UPDATED] Now Market sales in Credits have a 10% tax. [UPDATED] Now Gambles with Credits have a 10% tax. [UPDATED] Arena Tournament - Now only TOP3 based on total personal points (of all 3 Team-KotH rounds) are counted as winners of the day/tournament, and are qualified for Last Laugh (instead of entire team that reached last round). [UPDATED] Arena Tournament - Old Box 5 chances on weekly rounds: Being eliminated after 1st Team-KotH round - 3% chance for OB5. Being eliminated after 2nd Team-KotH round - 5% chance for OB5. Being eliminated after 3rd Team-KotH round - 8% chance for OB5. Being part of the winning team but not in TOP3 - 12% chance for OB5. Winners of Team-KotH - 50% chance for OB5. [ADDED] New end-game objective: OldSquad Artifacts. There are 2 types of Artifacts: PvM Artifacts - they can be obtained from Selupan, Medusa, Weekly Imperial, Dark Mammoth & Dark Iron Knight: Selupan: 50% chance for 1x Artifact as extra reward. Medusa: 50% chance for 1x Artifact as extra reward. Weekly Imperial: Having 7~23 Points = 1x Artifact as extra reward. Having 24+ Points = 2x Artifacts as extra reward. Dark Mammoth: 1x Artifact as part of the Special Reward. 10% chance for 1x Artifact as part of the Participation Reward. Dark Iron Knight: 50% chance for 1x PvM Artifact / 50% chance for 1x PvP Artifact as part of the Special Reward. 5% chance for 1x PvM Artifact / 5% chance for 1x PvP Artifact as part of the Participation Reward. PvP Artifacts - they can be obtained from CC7, Arena Tournament, Castle Siege NetWorth, Dark Giant & Dark Iron Knight: CS NetWorth: Having 1500~2499 NetWorth = 1x Artifact. Having 2500+ NetWorth = 2x Artifacts. Arena Tournament: 0% chance for 1x Artifact as extra reward if you are eliminated after the 1st Team-KotH round of the weekly events. 8% chance for 1x Artifact as extra reward if you are eliminated after the 2nd Team-KotH round of the weekly events. 15% chance for 1x Artifact as extra reward if you are eliminated after the 3rd Team-KotH round of the weekly events. 25% chance for 1x Artifact as extra reward if you are part of the winning team of the 3rd Team-KotH round but not in TOP3 personal points. 1x Artifact as extra reward if you win a weekly event (TOP3 personal points from a winning team). 1x Artifact as extra reward if you survive the 1st round of the Last Laugh from Sunday (LMS round). Bonus +1x Artifact as extra reward for TOP3 winners of Last Laugh. CC7: 25% chance for 1x Artifact as extra reward for the winner. Dark Giant: 1x Artifact as part of the Special Reward. 10% chance for 1x Artifact as part of the Participation Reward. Dark Iron Knight: 50% chance for 1x PvP Artifact / 50% chance for 1x PvM Artifact as part of the Special Reward. 5% chance for 1x PvP Artifact / 5% chance for 1x PvM Artifact as part of the Participation Reward. Artifacts are not tradable/storable/etc. [ADDED] New special Accessories obtained from Artifacts Mix: Old Pendant of Wind (Physical DMG) Old Pendant of Water (Wizardry DMG) Old Ring of Ice Old Ring of Wind These are Excellent Ancient Accessories that have both normal exc. options as well as Ancient Options. If you have 2 different Old Accessories equipped you'll gain +12% EDR. If you have 3 different Old Accessories equipped you'll gain +12% EDR and +6% Double Damage. Note: Having the same Ring equipped twice does not count for 3-Set options. They are obtained ONLY from Artifacts Mix. They can normally be traded & stored, without restrictions. They will always come with level 0, 4 random Exc. options and between 3% and 5% HP Recovery. [ADDED] New Artifacts Mix: Requirements: 6x PvP Artifacts 6x PvM Artifacts 120x Bless (4x Bundle 30x) 120x Soul (4x Bundle 30x) 90x Life (3x Bundle 30x) 60x Creation (2x Bundle 30x) 60x Chaos (2x Bundle 30x) 30x Harmony (1x Bundle 30x) Zen Reward: 1x Old Accessory as follows: 33% chance for Old Ring of Ice. 33% chance for Old Ring of Wind. 20% chance for Old Pendant of Wind. 14% chance for Old Pendant of Water. [UPDATED] Buffed Medusa, Selupan, Balgass & World Bosses. [UPDATED] Test Server with the current Genesis characters formulas & tweaks. 
      You can expect a 2nd GR release somewhere during Summer, that will require at least 1 GR & 54 resets.

    14. Like
      Nephilim reacted to Kenpachi in Multiple builds per character   
      -Character Name:-
      -Suggestion Type:-
      Multiple builds per character
      Content :- 
      We are approaching the level 400 when people will have to focus the quest system and some of the task will not be easy for certain classes/specs such as Energy BK / Energy RF and few others because they won't have strong PVM to be able to last hit a budge or last hit a white wizard which could be very frustrating to a lot of people.
      My Suggestion is to have 2 build per character (/build 1  - /build 2) with a set cooldown of 3 hours but able to reuse during event such as Golden/White Wizard/CC , main objective to give those guys who do semi buff character to help thier members to have a chance to progress through the quest system at 400 and able to somewhat compete for some events with a cooldown on it will ensure people will not spam /build 1 /build 2 during random times they will only use when they are after events.
      For example /build 1 could be Energy BK /build 2 would be Str BK and same rules apply to each spec, so once stats are added only way to change stats is fruits but now will have 2 different builds to upgrade/choose from.
      I normally would not suggest such a feature but since I saw how demanding the new quest system at 400 is, I feel some people will not get past 400 for weeks and weeks just trying to get some of those requirements for reset.
      How it will bring Value:-
      It will give people a fighting chance who have builds that will not be able to progress through quest system vs top hunter characters.
    15. Like
      Nephilim reacted to Reporter in The Third Rebirth of Phoenix "Bring the Light"!   
      Hello everyone,
      Did you miss me? Well, I don't know your opinion, but I definitely missed you! Today is a great day for Old Squad Community, a long-awaited one by many of the players who have already felt the taste of the quality of this server and, of course, the taste of the competition.

      The moment has come and we are pleased to enjoy this fresh data base with many surprises, from one data base to another we have seen these servers evolve based on the previous experience, we have enjoyed all those bloody "on the edge" wars, we have seen great guilds destroyed by the curse and turned in ash, we have also seen how some have managed to rise from their own ashes just like the sacred bird who inspired the name of this server, returning better organized and more motivated, with warriors led by pride, thirst for revenge and glory with great leaders who awakened an entire community, warriors who did not give up when everything was lost and made miracles overturning impossible situations, we saw battles won with pride but also shameful victories, we saw how hatred and pride turned strong characters covering them with shame, we felt many times the sour taste of disappointment seeing warriors we admire falling prey to recklessness, we all lived shameful but also glorious moments, everything happens here, dear readers in this beautiful community of which we are all part.
      A pleasant surprise was announced recently on forum by the founder of Squadron, TwoCheeks, a leader that is known as one of the most respected in the History of OldSquad, a leader who announced that will bring back the strongest core of this Legendary Guild and not only, also promising very interesting fights for supremacy.
      We already know that every database we have seen many guilds that we can say that are legendary, but we have also seen "unexpected" changes in the battle for supremacy and new guilds that have managed to amaze the entire Community. I wonder what will be the name of the guilds that will rise this time to face them? We already know the names of some legendary guilds who felt the taste of victory on the eternal battlefield called "Valey of Loren" so, will it be Hardcore? or Dynasty? or maybe  GROM? Will we see guilds like ATTACK or a return of some from the distant past like NONE? Will the battle for supremacy bring us new guilds? There is still time to find a guild that matches your type of gameplay, you can ask around: https://discord.gg/zjNSMPNc 
      One thing is for sure, time will reveal us the answers to all these questions and more. Having said that, all I can do is to wish you a lot of fun and I hope you relive all the feelings mentioned above!
                                                                                                     May the Curse stay away from you!

    16. Like
      Nephilim reacted to TwoCheeks in Squadron, we're back.   
      Hi everyone !

      We are excited about the Project Phoenix#3 and we will reunite again as Squadron guild.
      The server seems to combine the high-paced aspects of reset servers with the classic game-play of non-rr, which we enjoy the most.
      Along the years, we played with many good players that will start on this edition of OS. And we realize is impossible to reunite with everyone under the same guild. 
      This edition we will start as two parties, around 10 people and we intend to recruit as many new players as we can.
      We are convinced it will increase the competition and give new opportunities, for us also, to meet new people that enjoy the game as we do.
      The Squadron will be focused as usual on the pvp side of the game, CS as main objective, big bosses fights and applying pressure on the maps.
      So if this gameplay suits you, we definitely want you in our team !
      Add me on discord TwoCheeks#5899
      Thank you!
    17. Haha
      Nephilim reacted to hellldrake in zutto voyager perfect thiefs :D   
      Chukunda Strikes again, we decided to stay away just in case.
    18. Like
      Nephilim reacted to Reporter in [Interview] Gion   
      Helloooo, OldSquad Community!
      This is an interview I've been wanting to take for a very long time, it's an interview with my editor, can you believe it? What Reporter will interview his own editor ? Well, on OldSquad everything is possible and I'm glad to have this privilege (I just want you to know that this interview is exclusive and confidential, so if you read it don't tell anyone, please).
      I want to share my first memory I have with this player / judge / event maker, and more recently, since Admin decided to leave the "football field" and just get into the coach's shoes, he's not that old but it's like Murinho! So Gion isn't just my editor, he's been the chief of staff in the game for a few months.
      Uh, Oh, again I got off topic, well, let's go back to my previously idea, I was a new player on OldSquad, I didn't know anyone and I see an Admin online -> Gion, I start talking to him and he's not on any pedestal, he talks to me easily, as if he was a simple player, so I'm amazed: a server populated, hard to play with admins who don't think they are gods? WTF? Something is wrong, he is always naughty, he has a sense of humor and he is always active,  and I changed my mind instantly about this server, before I had tried many servers, so boring, those with high exp were interesting for a few days but this one at first view looks like it will last at least for few weeks, so I chose to stay and play here, I could write novels but let's limit ourselves to the interview of this editor of mine:
      Reporter: "Hello, Gion, and welcome to the NewsPaper Hall of Fame ! "
      Gion:"Hello, sir! I am glad that you have introduced me as well, it is a honor for me."
      Reporter : " Can you, please, give us a description of yourself? Name, age, occupation, hobbies, etc. ? "
      Gion:"My name is Rares, with the last 's' being read as 'sh', some Romanian thing. I am 23, and currently I study telecommunications, and you know , I can say that I also study MU Online, by any means. Mu happens to be also a hobby of mine, alongside music and things related to sounds/comms engineering."
      Reporter:" Where does Gion nickname come from?" 
      Gion: "It was kinda random, my idea at the moment of creation(2014-2015) was that I wanted to use a common name, but as it is written in Romanian, so the common name was 'Ion' -> 'John' into English, and then 'Gion', as we, Romanians, write it. "
      Reporter: "Tell us the story about how you got to play this game and how you got to be the chief of staff on one of the only server of MU Online which promises months of play, not just days / weeks? "
      Gion: "Well, since me and ADMIN were classmates since the 1st grade, we have a long story together. Long story short, ADMIN introduced me to this game about 11-12 years ago, if I am not wrong, since then we played together a lot, then, one day ADMIN came up with the idea that if we don't find a server for our expectations(and believe me, we didn't), we have to build one."
      Reporter: " Have you ever been a player on MuOldSquad?" 
      Gion: "Yessir, on different ocassions."
      Reporter :"How did you manage to get the Admin to trust you? (of course we need a story)"
      Gion: "I'm glad that you asked. As I said, ADMIN came up with the idea that we have to build this server. At the beginning he created the server on his own, with us, the real-life friends, being just players and only sometimes helping with small things, like doing an event for the players that were active at that moment, or things like these. He basically started everything on his own, and then, after the work volume has increased he reached me, because, I guess, he knew that I enjoy this game like .. a lot."
      Reporter : "How did you both come to the conclusion that this server needs a NewsPaper? Whose idea was it?"
      Gion: " We thought about it because looking at how nice and good the players are evolving around, like there are lots of unexpected situations, 500 IQ plays, etc that must be seen by everyone, so we wanted our players to feel that what they do will be acknowledged. We are creating, together, the History of OldSquad, The MU Continent of Legend, exactly as you say, with a lot of work, dedication and 'blood' from the deadly battles. "
      Reporter: "Does Admin pay you real money for the work you do??"
      Gion: " Since we are all doing this out of passion, I think that money talks are a bit offtopic. "
      Reporter: "What are your responsibilities, is this like a part-time job or maybe more like a full-time?" 
      Gion: "My responsibilities, and there is only one, in my opinion, is to make sure that everyone has a good time and a fair shot in the competitions, whatever they are."
      Reporter: " What makes you keep doing the job you do?"
      Gion: "As I said, I consider myself a student in MU Online by any means - technical, social, I even learnt how to manage a situation where there are some misunderstandings. I also get to know a lot of new people. It's basically you, the whole community, that keeps me doing it."
      Reporter : "Many times when I had the opportunity to talk to you, you were tempered regardless of the situation,  ... where do you got so much patience from? How do you succeed, you and Admin have such different temperaments and yet you are best friends (it seems to me). What is your explanation? " 
      Gion: " I think that knowing each other for so much time and playing together got us into having the same mentality and values, regarding this game. Also in real-life we are different but still best friends because even we have different personalities, knowing each other helps us to get the best out of each one. It is like an out-of-the-box experience, in terms of MU Online, me and ADMIN are the same person, same thoughts, like a multi-core processor, but it is still one piece."
      Reporter : " Is it hard to do what you do? Give us some examples of difficult moments you have faced since you were part of the staff"
      Gion: "It is not hard, not for me, the guy who always looked up to do something like this, I had previous experiences as a server administrator before, and not only MU. I cannot say that it is 'hard', it might be mind challenging, but I would not label it as 'hard'. You asked for an example: It was a nice evening of Phoenix, I was hanging around the server, just doing random things like answering PMs, etc, and while I was walking around the maps, I get into Relics, pass the safe zone, and there were some players apparently fighting. I pass them by a few steps and then I stop. By the time, one of the teams killed the other one, I think that they were organized in teams, and one of the guys there came to me and started attacking me (ofc, he was not really attacking me because the GM char has immunity), but I have answered with one shot that killed that guy, because why not. What came after this deserves to get in a novel: his whole guild came back and started to accuse me that I help the other team. They even started to cry on global chat, etc. The situation was more complicated than what I have exposed, but let's not concentrate on it, since you got the main point out of it. Since then I choose very carefully how to interact with the players. Btw, I don't even remember the names of those players, neither for the 'criers' nor for the team that 'I was helping', so you can understand my huge interest to kill some random player in a random map. " 
      Reporter : "I guess the work you do here on the game has a lot of challenges that keep you connected to the game, reveal to us the most intense challenges you have had lately"
      Gion: "The most intense challenge around is to maintain the server and come up with fresh stuff, but with the help of ADMIN and the Council, I hope that we are managing this."
      Reporter:" Every time a new database is released on OldSquad, a lot of new things appear, where do they come from?"
      Gion: "Most of the things come from, obviously, the previous experience. That's why each of our new version is breaking a past record. We basically improve the game constantly, as I said, as a team."
      Reporter: "One of your many new projects is The Council, what do you think about this project,
      does it bring the expected results? Are these Council members active? Give us three examples of requests / discussions between staff and board members that have added value to the gameplay. "
      Gion: "I think that this idea is the next step towards total democracy in MU, since we try to have a council member from 'each side' of the server. We do not discuss about Council in terms of activity, since there in only one channel where we debate the upcoming things, vote, suggest. I think that in this way we can hear you, the players, easier. I cannot name specific things, because we try to discuss everything there."
      Reporter: "Have you ever played a normal character while being part of the staff?"
      Gion: "Yes." 
      Reporter: "What happened to Grom and DEADCATS, why were they banned and what is your opinion about ADMIN refusing to let them play for so long?"
      Gion: "I think that when they were banned I was only the Event Manager, so I was not really into them things at that moment. But I am sure that they lost their right to be around here for a reason, because, as you know, we are giving paroles sometimes." 
      Reporter: " Do you believe in superstitions? Do you think the Castle is Cursed?"
      Gion: " I do believe in energies which may be translated into curses, so yes, I can say that I believe in curses."
      Reporter :" Because you should already know what's next, It's time for challenges, and I've prepared five for you, do you accept them?"
      Gion: " All of them, ese".
      Reporter:" Challenge no 1: Tell us the funniest two memories related to MU online, one in which you felt ashamed of what you did and one in which someone else did something funny!"
      Gion: " The funniest one , and I think that ADMIN can agree, was one time, long ago, when me and ADMIN were playing together on a server on which there was a special Elves' spot in Arena, with its entrance blocked, like when you tried to pass through it and you were not an elf, it pushed you back. Since the spot was only for Elves, any other character reported on that spot was getting one to three days ban , I don't remember for sure, but at least one day, and it was like this because that pushing entrance could've been abused with SM's teleport (as they knew until then, and they still don't know ^^). So I got into an argument at school with ADMIN which led us into a minor beef. I want to mention that at that moment ADMIN had a DL and he was ahead of me with a couple of resets, and it is obvious that when we got home after school, ADMIN was PKing me non-stop, chasing me everywhere, not letting me to do shit. I was mad as fuck, so later that night, when ADMIN went to sleep, I switched to my ~273 level BK, whose name ADMIN remembers as it was yesterday ^^, and started to move ADMIN from a regular spot towards the entrance of that Elves' spot, having in mind to sabotage him somehow, I was thinking to report him that he was trying to kill mobs from the outside of the spot/yard. But when I got there, I tried to do the impossible: I have skilled ADMIN until I pushed him THROUGH that gate. It was a premiere, and the last time when that happened. Now I had him pinned: he was inside the spot, still attacking, because at that time we used own clickers, but now I had to report him without anyone to notice my scam. I created another forum account and reported ADMIN. He tried to defend himself, he even told the staff that it was me, because he knew my alt, but no one believed so ADMIN ended up being banned and the case was closed. This is also the situation that I feel ashamed for, because that was simply not a fair win. But it was a win tho ^^^"
      Reporter:" Challenge no 2: Tell us about one of the moments when you and Admin quarreled, with details of course, and how you managed to get over ! " 
      Gion: " We do not argue over decisions here, on MU, because we take a decision by evaluating it from all points of view. But I've just answered previously to this one^^."
      Reporter:" Challenge no 3: Tell us the three biggest guilds that have ever played on the server (in your opinion), and name 5 players you liked, with reasons of course." 
      Gion: " The best three guilds, in terms of gameplay: (the order does not matter) Hardcore, Squadron, and a Greek guild from the 2019 Phoenix, I don't remember the name well. Also, I cannot name certain players, but I want to shoutout ADMIN, Mitsakos, Nina, also shoutout to Reporter and Wanheda, players which I will never forget. The list continues, but you asked for 5 namez."
      Reporter:" Challenge no 4: What has been your biggest disappointment since joining OldSquad? " 
      Gion: " My biggest disappointment is that the competition is not as it should be. Take for example the current case: first party from Inception is way ahead of the others. How is this possible? And I even hear guys complaining about it. How can you? How could they get so far while the other parties were killing them and stealing their mob's kills? Oooh, because no one PKed them, no one did what they did (party composition, decisions). That's why I am disappointed."
      Reporter:" Challenge no 5: I know that being part of the staff and always having the need to make decisions, sometimes they can be wrong. Describe the moment when you made such a decision that you regretted and if you did anything to fix that decision."
      Gion: " When we realize that we made a wrong decision we simply admit it and change it asap."
      Reporter:" Thank you very much for your honest answers, keep up the good work you do!" 
      Gion: " Thank you for having me, it was a pleasure ! Cheers ! "
       This was the interview of Gion, a young man, even though he is my editor, I learned a lot from him (despite the age difference between us) a man who brings great value to this community, yes, I know what's next to say, that the Reporter kisses his ass, well due to the fact that he earned my respect, I will make this sacrifice although (speaking only between us) I don't think he likes that :).
      I hope him to continue the work he does, and that together with Admin to take this server to higher levels, still giving their best!
    19. Like
      Nephilim reacted to ADMIN in Patch - 01.10.2020   
      Release date: 01.10.2020 at 15:18 - Updates are up and no restart is needed!
      Info: You'll have to update the game via Launcher in order to continue playing.
      Note: We also uploaded a manual patch that you can download (from Downloads) and manually apply it, for those that doesn't use the Launcher.

      BoK+2 Goldens are now released! First Gens Rewards will be available on November 1st, next month. Points gathered until now aren't lost and they will matter for the 1st rank rewards. Rewards for 1st Gens Rewards: First place from Vanert & Duprian: 4x TOCA. HoF badge 2nd place from Varnert & Duprian: 3x TOCA. 3rd place from Vanert & Duprian: 2x TOCA. 4th place form Vanert & Duprian: 20x Jewel of Harmony 5th place from V & D 15x Jewel of Harmony There are 25(50) extra rewards for top 5~30 players from Vanert and Duprian: 5x Jewel of Harmony OSGM #1 is starting from tomorrow! More info here: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/3998-osgm-1/ Soccer Nights are starting from next week! Keep an eye on forum for first edition! Current known problems that are waiting a fix: 
      Guild Masters can't see the guild chat, it is temporary fixed after a relog / move to another sub-server. Rare sub-servers crashes that causes a small roll-back and an instant reconnect. Changelog:
      [DOCUMENTED] [UPDATED] Lorencia mobs no longer dropping Heart of Love. [DOCUMENTED] [UPDATED] Non-PvP maps drop rate raised from 25% to 50% of the normal maps drop rate. [DOCUMENTED] [FIXED] Guild Alliance creation not working. [FIXED] One of the 2 types of mobs from CC4 missing one zero in HP. [UPDATED] Devias & Elbeland Jewels drop rate reduced. Early is over, let newbies have space to level-up. [UPDATED] Jewel of Soul can now be dropped starting from monsters level 44 instead of monsters level 40. [UPDATED] Spirit items now require lower AGI to be used. [FIXED] Some of the gates from Lost Tower asking for more level than the move level. [UPDATED] The gate from Elbeland -> Atlans now requires level 90 like the gate from Noria. [UPDATED] Quiz event answer is now on the same line with the winner so the question can be seen better - for the sake of info. [UPDATED] Now when you write /invasion during Rabbits on normal maps you will no longer see the counter for Atlans. Counter for Atlans can now be seen only in gens maps (and only Atlans counter). + Other small fixes/adjustments/improvements.
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