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  • Flynn

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    Flynn last won the day on May 6 2019

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    1. not really, do you tested?yesterday i kill one guy on budge, after that these budge still is killed from that guy, now you tell me how?
    2. i remember that the elf was on a par with everyone, this is because people complain about the elf and it ha become shit, they are already shitting and now need waste 300 points to use ICE ARROW, and after putting it cant use at IT.
    3. f you want to be good and beat many people with BK you really need to have good combo-skills, else the character is a waste! AE is considered to be the TOP Hunter. SUM can be a real GOD on PvP if played very well (with all debuffs, sleep, etc.). EMG and ARF are TOP HOLDERS! Their power on PvP is limited, so go for SMG/VRF for PvP. All PvP characters (Not AE/EMG/ERF/ARF) are balanced for medium - early late game on PvP. On the same level / equipment there is a 50% chance on duel between each other to win.
    4. i will never understand why the elf must always be so disadvantaged, ice arrow 305 ene, main skill drop ds(low drop, no one have ) sucks in pvp/pve. Very Balanced, you ADMIN hate so much AE 😂😂😂😂
    5. @Gion i have a question, i tested on server test, Sum dont have Blast on Skill Three right? if i put 10 points on Chain Light that dont give more dmg for Blast. So at that point Sum is weak compared to other chars, or you guys thinking about something?
    6. So i have 1248 ENE on my SM 1248:52= 24% Why i have 22% of MS? and not 24%?
    7. Mana Shield: Max Rate: 40%. Formula: 1(%) + (ENE/52)(%) - Capped at around 2k ENE or lower with ML. Duration: 60(seconds) + (ENE/20)(seconds). Idk what there mean 1(%)+(ENE/52). Is each 52 points in energy is 1% of shield?
    9. Nickname Selphie. IT 21.30 warned from exit but she exit when its finish. Can you check pls?
    10. Flynn

      Isolde IT

      So, can Admin set who have more 400/500 Ene cant join IT?
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