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  • Roby

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    Roby last won the day on January 11 2022

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    1. Roby

      Class Ballance.

      Ofc i raged when i saw quotes like ''Oh DL has horse man, we can`t catch him '' or ''DL make invasion faster dude'' . I`m ussually a calm guy , and very friendly , but was crazy how people reacted here , with what arguments people camed here to put pressure .. Yes i agree he had high dmg , 10% nerf on chaotic or overall nerf (chaotic the only skill usable on both pvp and pvp) would be enough . But hey you all camed here even with arguments that DL it s OP even in PVM , well what can i say let s have fun with FIRE SCREAM . P.S. I hope your DL guildies are all proud of you ❤️ . Peace , out.
    2. Roby

      Class Ballance.

      You all cried about DL , and now come back here that was hit too hard ? xD People fcking wrote novels about how OP is DL , what did u expect ? I propose dmg of chaotic to remain the same (45% nerfed) and reduce 50 % def of DL !
    3. Roby

      Class Ballance.

      Ok i really tried to read ... But i stopped here -''At this point, when almost nobody has fenrir, DL can just leave a dust trail behind everyone else that tries to hunt goldens, because of his Horse he can reach the goldens before any other class, he can cover the maps before any other class.'' It s just so desperate and cringe to say that lol , hey let s remove the dark horse from dark lord . Second attempt to read ''VRF has no chance vs DL '' idk what server you play my man , but DL no longer beats RF no matter how much he kites . I m seeing your stats right now , you are 12 rr and equiped with acc set + 0 , and probably u have 2 k max vit , and u come to complain of pvp settings .
    4. Roby

      Class Ballance.

      So everyone went to forum , made a nice ''description'' about how DL is OP and bla bla bla , so now what you think about RF ? That he s unkillable on 1v 1 , very hard to kill even on 2v1 . Try DL damage vs a char with a set with DDI , no so much there fellowz , so stop the drama , chars are well enough balanced , except VRF def . Have a nice evening
    5. So , the time for Devil Square has camed , I as a really try hard player xD , i always try to reach first the top spot , bassically the best spot. I reached there first , all good. Attention , after 10 s chuckynda appeared, and started to bring his acolytes on the top spot too , probably hoping that will scare us and we ll leave . Well that didnt happened , what happened I let you all see below..
    6. Wow . You are really desperate if you screenshoted that , we were aware that you can see what we chat , that s why the comments from the screenshot (if you dont understand i can explain you in private) . That was probably our first in game chat with diamond players, if we had some conspiracy subjects , dont you think we would talk in pm`s ? Use your brain a bit mate .
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