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  • Banana

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    Everything posted by Banana

    1. Nope, monkey will be banned forever. Try to earn money by other ways. Good luck
    2. I did not see any BL and Racism here. There are chars name ZaooDog, EndoDog, HardDog..... BTW. I have seen many similar posts recently. Did Hardcore really stolen something? Are they hungry? Did they feel ashamed after?
    3. Nothing to say rather than that? It very simple to use google translate. Go learn more
    4. Dose it matter with pvm chars? Why dont you guys make pvm build? ADM stopping you guys? IF there is no record of the last week, how people can imagine the difference? There are many scenarios: 1. They are bad at Gaion now, but what reason? No buff (doople, elf)? Running with 4 or 3? 2.You guys can make more pvm build (no need to be full pvm). 3. I have seen you do it with 5 doople buffs ( including edr crit ?) 4. You can have vip to make more runs ....... Before thing become clear, just dont guess or saying nonsense.
    5. Do you have the record of their gaion times last week? it will be better for ppls to compare.
    6. Before you putting anyone into prison. You will need to provide enough evidence. Here only your words, how it possible? only your G mate believe that.
    7. Can you make it more clearly? How they can do it? Please
    8. I am stand on the RIGHT. You don't need to provide something or you don't have things to provide. A liar?
    9. It is your words. It has no value unless you can prove something. Bad players always have excuses for their noobness.
    10. My first time here. If my presence makes you feel uncomfortable. Please forgive me.
    11. You checked and you did not save any evidence? How can ppls trust you? Provide something please. The only 1 who can change the sitting is ADM. Are you referring to him?
    12. The most realistic is go check buy yourself. Why not? Were you too excited when you have a chance for throwing shit? It is on your face now.
    13. It is RF buffs and RF buffs work on normal sever. Could you please try with elf to see how it works? Seem you know those kind of thing for years. Why don't you report it earlier but just after you got ban? Have you use it at any fight?
    14. You guys have time to check everything after this topic open (ADM cant fix everything in secs). Why you all came to throw shit on them without any evidence? Give some evidence pleaseeeeee. I WANT TO SEE HOW ELF BUFF WORK IN NORMAL SEVER. Monkey made this topic to troll Hardcore?
    15. The sever is balance when you could not take a CS for 2 months?. Another 6 months break?
    16. This did not prove that you dont know about it. Just some words cant be used as EVIDENCE
    17. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OoQ7b41Wda-yAwCcvDlJ2h0KVmUVDh1F/view?usp=drive_link Where is his power from? You guys in pt with him dont tell me that you dont know.
    18. Is that the elf you see on the post not in castle siege server?
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