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  • BiiMax

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    About BiiMax

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    1. Here is more picture proof that Chukun racist with some infomation he called "facts"
    2. @Chukundahsorry, im not usually come in forum to check post, just use it for report only. Can you come into game and whisper or post me Chukun? Thank you
    3. Hi i would like to report Knightmare for using racism word for Vietnamese (you can see he even using word Vietnam in post ) and using my name to sexual attack. I will underline all words he use. This is not the first time he using those word but hes still continue although he get banned many times. I know that hes been banned for 380 minutes but i think that not enough to make him not doing that again. Please consider my picture and give him right punishment
    4. I have more evidence that proof both Chukun and Knightmare using Racist words related to Vietnamese, the time showed that theyre just did recently. Although no one talk to them but they still using /post channel and make alotof people annoy
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