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    Phoenix#2 The War for Supremacy episode lV


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    Another week has passed and a new page in the history of Phoenix is to be completed by the bravest players of the server, players who do not give back and do their best to raise their guild to the highest level. In the mean time, as I used you to, I will make a short summary of what happened last week:
    Squadron started in defense, they had a small deficit but they upgraded the gates and crystals so that they could recover from this deficit and to make it much harder for the attackers to get inside the castle. This guild with an enviable organization prepared to the smallest detail this battle start. 

    On the other side, Hardcore, with the "fresh blood", received recruiting Dynasty warriors, organizes like never before, 5 minutes before the start of the battle parties seemed ready in CryWolf and from the first minute they besiege the castle gates, the destruction of the gates and crystals lasts about 20 minutes and the siege of the castle begins .

    Squadron has a solid core, they were impeccable in organization in the fight for registering the seal, they managed to move mafy (iced) a few times in the corners , JoliGarcon and SupremeAE managed to freeze everything in their way. Squadron's elves are at least one game play level above ShaDyzka's and Maria's, who did try but failed to rise to the level of their opponents. And, as for the hold of switches, if in the first two fights Squadron had difficulties, now they evolved and are getting better and better in this regard, maybe last week were even better than Hardcore.

    Hardcore, although they had some weak points in terms of their Elves with Ice Arrow, and they start to lose ground on holding switches, they started to count more on kills: Makiavelli, RuSuLeTzZz,No1Liv3r and RedBuLL were pure killing machines and above all, Crucify was incredible. 

    Squadron tried to balance the killing points, even if str MG was banned, without their lethal weapon called BBwojownik,  they counted on the other top pvp damage dealers: Zutto, as always, was top number one holder and the best Blade Knight on kills, Voymax , Alex, Chukundah, FKinGCunT did also a good pvp fight. 

    The fight was tight, it was balanced, but Squadron was always one step ahead of Hardcore and the result at the end of this battle was 15918 at 12506 in Squadron's favor and  they managed to match those from Hardcore and, so far, the global score between these top guilds on Phoenix #2 domination is 2: 2 . Hardcore seemed refreshed and I am convinced that they will do better and better as time bounds the friendship between the players that are playing together at this moment but in past were enemies.

    Tomorrow Squadron starts with a deficit of 2000 points and Hardcore has again the advantage to ban a build, I am convinced that we will see another battle for Supremacy  that will remain printed in our memory for a long time.

    Freedom of speech is the concept of the inherent human right to voice one's opinion publicly without fear of censorship or punishment! 

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    I trully believe the administration did this CS changes so SOFTCORES can have a chance taking the crown in the end, when Squadron will have -15 000 points and some other debuffs for their GM :)

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    The System was released before this version of Phoenix

    I wanna ask you some shit, but you might tell me a lie
    But, ayy, I barely care
    I no longer live in my feelings, shit, I'm barely there 
    I can never live in New York 'cause I can't carry there
    They say I can't live in my city 'cause it's crazy there
    I'm like "Shit, that's everywhere"

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    34 minutes ago, Jawbreaker said:

    I trully believe the administration did this CS changes so SOFTCORES can have a chance taking the crown in the end, when Squadron will have -15 000 points and some other debuffs for their GM :)

    Are you already looking for excuses? 

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    Excuses for what? You can't win thats all. After Inception and the previous Phoenix it seems they wanna make the life easier for you so you can win some CS's. However losing rewards for CS is kinda better than the rewards winning CS you take :))) So again you are favored as losers and benefit more :P

    p.s. I will be straight - SOFTCORE is not a good guild and it will never be, cause of the core people who can only trash talk about the rest of the server and being selfish. Second they are not organized and they can't simply invent tactics in mid-game CS, the thing they do is just to copy the opponent. Since GROM and DEADCATS, we do not have any opposing guild so far which is sad.

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    4 hours ago, Jawbreaker said:

    Excuses for what? You can't win thats all. After Inception and the previous Phoenix it seems they wanna make the life easier for you so you can win some CS's. However losing rewards for CS is kinda better than the rewards winning CS you take :))) So again you are favored as losers and benefit more :P

    p.s. I will be straight - SOFTCORE is not a good guild and it will never be, cause of the core people who can only trash talk about the rest of the server and being selfish. Second they are not organized and they can't simply invent tactics in mid-game CS, the thing they do is just to copy the opponent. Since GROM and DEADCATS, we do not have any opposing guild so far which is sad.

    Where is your tongue now?

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    Where were your tongue when you were losing? You will go and punish your kid to collect JOGZ for the guild? :D

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    @Jawbreaker You are the only who is always trashtalking here, mate. :)

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    1 hour ago, Jawbreaker said:

    Where were your tongue when you were losing? You will go and punish your kid to collect JOGZ for the guild? :D

    A white-haired child making jokes about children, hilarious!


    6 hours ago, Jawbreaker said:

    p.s. I will be straight - SOFTCORE is not a good guild and it will never be, cause of the core people who can only trash talk about the rest of the server and being selfish. Second they are not organized and they can't simply invent tactics in mid-game CS, the thing they do is just to copy the opponent.

    Couldn't describe squadron`s core in better words myself, you said SOFTCORE but you were looking in the mirror my friend.

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    2 hours ago, mafy said:

    @Jawbreaker You are the only who is always trashtalking here, mate. :)

    Well, I kinda started the disrespect cause Rusu started it calling us exe guild, trash people, total noobs and etc :)) 

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