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    The Origins of OldSquad Players' Names


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    Before the start of a game, have you ever spent minutes thinking about what name to give to the character you will play? Have you ever wondered what inspired players to choose their names ? I did wonder, so, I started an investigation last week, I took 50 names from our Old Squad main rankings top and looked for their origins and meanings,I only found 30 online during this research but I won't bore you too much with this introduction, so let's see what these players said about their nicknames: 

    Snook: " My name comes from snooker, this was my first nickname when I was playing c.s.1.6"

    Makiavelli: "My name comes from a famous writer who wrote the book called “The Prince” which inspired Tupac in his creations."

     ShaDyzka: "I’m using this nick from like 10 years; it’s Shady mainly, I just added a suffix because I just liked how it sounds: (being in shade)"

    No1LiveEr: "it’s from when I was younger, it reminds me of the time when I met my wife"

    BBwojownik: "wojownik means “warrior” in polish, and BB are the initials of the real name"

    Nephilim: "Originally I used it as 'fallen angel', but after some time I understood it was some mythical monster: a Giant"

    Ripo"From nowhere, I invented it when I was a little kiddo, inspired by Warlords Battlecry where I played necromant"

    Zutto: " No juice story behind it, I choose just randomly, always used nicks started with “Z” "

    Duke: " it’s a name from British ppl, highest in rank; I chose it when I played BK and wanted to be rank 1 "

    Darkmaster : "I got this name when I started playing in last edition of phoenix, I liked how it sounds "

    Waste: "From nowhere, I was starting Oldsquad, sit in front of my keyboard to find out one, and this one came to my mind. "

    Limbo: " limbo it’s actually a part of hell in ancient mytology; it’s also connected to madaras technique "

    DarkYo: " I chose this nickname when I start playing mu for the first time, I was with some friends and I said that it sounds nice "

    Crucify: "There is nothing special about my name, I heard from a movie and I liked pronunciation; the movie was Spartacus, that I remember"

    Xinchao: " The name comes from a Vietnamese server where I played long time ago" 

    Peps: " it’s quite a dumb story, happened 16-17 years ago when I took a drink with Pepsi and Coca-Cola with a friend, because we are looking for nicknames I chose Peps and he chose Colas, and ever since friends call us that way"

    RuSuLeTzZz: " It’s my nick from childhood, when all called me like this deriving from my real name" 

    mafy :" long time ago, when I was a child, I played cs and I used the nick Mafyot, but all my friends called me mafy so I kept it in all games that I played " 

    Chukundah (quoted from his interview😞 )"From the actor Chuck Norris, I just tried to invent something after "Chuck" so it wouldn't be the same name , so I came out with Chukundah." 

    Fane: " My nickname comes from my real name, Stefan, who means “crown” in Greek "

    Moonlight: "My wife chose this name from Lineage 2, where she played a class named Moonlight Sentinel - an archer "

    RedBuLL: " My name comes from the well-known energizer with the same name that I frequently consume"

    Pershing: " Pershing is the nickname of one of the highest polish gangster, I'm interested in this kind of stories "

    Aloe: " I made an elf as alt on 50rr, and on my desk was an Aloe Vera plant, so here's the name: Aloe "

    Alex: "He is not playing anymore but Snook told us that this is the real name of the owner, that's why he chose it. "

    Diablo: "I chose this name few years ago, and it means "the devil" "

    5GSP0RT : "It comes from rap music, also 5 grams Marijuana sport; because I'm just smoking and is tell like that someone use runs gym "

    ALOHA: " When i join first time Oldsquad, I start with a new nickname took it from 1 streamers from dota2; but I played with nickname Gh0st more than 10 years and I chose it because was an unique name on that time "

    KAIDO: "it's from the anime ''One piece''; a younko have name Kaido "

    Juri: "Many years ago, like in 2000-2001, when I got internet , I was trying to figure out what nick to use so I decided to use it after Juri Gagarin , a Russian cosmonaut who flied the first time in cosmos " 

    Kreiser_VII: "My cousin suggested Kreiser me when I was like 12, my old username was kinda lame and I was starting a new MMORPG. I started using Kreiser_VII because I'd often see Kreiser already in use, and I love Final Fantasy VII, now I flip-flop between both depending on the type of character I wanna build."

    BataMG: " Also pretty boring, Bata is a diminutive of my last name IRL, and my friends have been calling me that since I was about 6 years old."

    Cerberus:"  I actually stole this nickname many years ago.. My first Season2 server that i've played (i think it was around 2008-2009) with some friends, there was this russian or ukrainian guy (i think, not sure) with a MG char called Cerberus. So this guy left the server after some time and gave the MG to my friends to play with it. So from that moment started my passion for MG (my fav char :D) and i started using that nickname most of the time when i play MG. The meaning of the name, copied from wiki: "often referred to as the hound of Hades, is a multi-headed dog that guards the gates of the Underworld to prevent the dead from leaving"

    These are the first 30 meanings of the nicknames of the players I found online, in this way I invite all readers of the newspaper to give a reply and tell us the story of your name, I will edit all these stories in the article!

    Freedom of speech is the concept of the inherent human right to voice one's opinion publicly without fear of censorship or punishment! 

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    Freedom of speech is the concept of the inherent human right to voice one's opinion publicly without fear of censorship or punishment! 

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    Kreiser_VII: My cousin suggested Kreiser me when I was like 12, my old username was kinda lame and I was starting a new MMORPG. I started using Kreiser_VII because I'd often see Kreiser already in use, and I love Final Fantasy VII, now I flip-flop between both depending on the type of character I wanna build.

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    2 minutes ago, Kreiser said:

    Kreiser_VII: My cousin suggested Kreiser me when I was like 12, my old username was kinda lame and I was starting a new MMORPG. I started using Kreiser_VII because I'd often see Kreiser already in use, and I love Final Fantasy VII, now I flip-flop between both depending on the type of character I wanna build.

    Nice, i updated the main article, Ty for your story !

    Freedom of speech is the concept of the inherent human right to voice one's opinion publicly without fear of censorship or punishment! 

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    Fane: " My nickname comes from my real name, Stefan, who means “crown” in Greek " 

    dont forget about ur surname, Spoitorul! aka Fane Spoitorul!

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    9 minutes ago, Speedyzor said:

    dont forget about ur surname, Spoitorul! aka Fane Spoitorul!

    Gotcha! :)) mystery revealed, everyone knows you now Fane :D 

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    Also pretty boring, Bata is a diminutive of my last name IRL, and my friends have been calling me that since I was about 6 years old.

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    Error404 :D


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    Cerberus: I actually stole this nickname many years ago.. My first Season2 server that i've played (i think it was around 2008-2009) with some friends, there was this russian or ukrainian guy (i think, not sure) with a MG char called Cerberus. So this guy left the server after some time and gave the MG to my friends to play with it. So from that moment started my passion for MG (my fav char :D) and i started using that nickname most of the time when i play MG.

    The meaning of the name, copied from wiki: "often referred to as the hound of Hades, is a multi-headed dog that guards the gates of the Underworld to prevent the dead from leaving"

    Fun facts about that server:

    • it was really hard, i think it was 3x exp with max of 2 resets
    • Rune Blade was never added to the item drop but that guy and my friends begged the admin for it and he actually gave them the item. This was the only MG on the server with a Rune Blade

    Peace is an illusion

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    16 minutes ago, Cerberus said:

    Cerberus: I actually stole this nickname many years ago.. My first Season2 server that i've played (i think it was around 2008-2009) with some friends, there was this russian or ukrainian guy (i think, not sure) with a MG char called Cerberus. So this guy left the server after some time and gave the MG to my friends to play with it. So from that moment started my passion for MG (my fav char :D) and i started using that nickname most of the time when i play MG.

    The meaning of the name, copied from wiki: "often referred to as the hound of Hades, is a multi-headed dog that guards the gates of the Underworld to prevent the dead from leaving"

    Fun facts about that server:

    • it was really hard, i think it was 3x exp with max of 2 resets
    • Rune Blade was never added to the item drop but that guy and my friends begged the admin for it and he actually gave them the item. This was the only MG on the server with a Rune Blade

     Nice story @Cerberus, and i want to thank you that even after you have quit the game you still read TheNewsPaper: )) 

    Freedom of speech is the concept of the inherent human right to voice one's opinion publicly without fear of censorship or punishment! 

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