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    eRoby and Knightmare BL


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    "dis me" is an offencive expression in vietnamese. They are now taunting with that because they tried to report Mercury with the same /post text. 
    This is not "random one time thing". They are doing this deliberately.
    But its just the same old null/HC/rampage/start being toxic like usual. 

    Cant wait for the excuses and victim mentality in this topic. 

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    @Garbagei mean , isnt it the same post mercury did and gion dont mute him ? why should he muted them ?

    can u elaborate pls? im curious to know what u have to say

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    1 minute ago, Chukundah said:

    @Garbagei mean , isnt it the same post mercury did and gion dont mute him ? why should he muted them ?

    can u elaborate pls? im curious to know what u have to say

    I explained it in the first post you illiterate muppet.

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    Just now, Garbage said:

    I explained it in the first post you illiterate muppet.

    why are u insulting me? this yes is punishable yes , maybe some forum break is good for you

    and no , u didnt explain why mercury can say it whitout punishment and u want them to get punishment for same words , in this case shouldnt mercury be punished aswell?

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    2 minutes ago, Chukundah said:

    why are u insulting me? this yes is punishable yes , maybe some forum break is good for you

    and no , u didnt explain why mercury can say it whitout punishment and u want them to get punishment for same words , in this case shouldnt mercury be punished aswell?

    Why are you insulting other players? What you give is what you get. 

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    ''This is not "random one time thing". They are doing this deliberately.
    But its just the same old null/HC/rampage/start being toxic like usual'' 


    It s exactly the same report , which i tried to explain Gion in pm , but didnt answer. So looks like it s not punishable . Coming here to report that , looks like you want your friend Mercury  to get muted  aswell, well i hope they dont find ur identity . they might throw u back at bagading.

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    10 minutes ago, DeepHouse said:

    ''This is not "random one time thing". They are doing this deliberately.
    But its just the same old null/HC/rampage/start being toxic like usual'' 


    It s exactly the same report , which i tried to explain Gion in pm , but didnt answer. So looks like it s not punishable . Coming here to report that , looks like you want your friend Mercury  to get muted  aswell, well i hope they dont find ur identity . they might throw u back at bagading.

    If it comes to that, collateral damage cant always be avoided. If its not punishable, so be it. You just made it more obvious with your post what your intention was, mentioning "rip viets" beforehand. 

    Why do you even bother coming here and trying to explain anything. You are as racist as cici and knightmare. Since admins let you get away with it, I wont. 

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    You are racist to your own race lol . And from your prints shows clearly that i m not the one saying that, why try to put words in my mouth? I did not say anything else, except what i reported earlier,(dismechicken) and looked that it s not a BL afterall , how the admin judged that .  Why you don try to talk to your friends to stop beings racists and toxic ? If you are so correct and truly in justice ''wanna make'' , why you dont teach them to not act  like that ? I bet you encourage them doing that , to provoke us , so u can have posting material . 

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    8 minutes ago, DeepHouse said:

    You are racist to your own race lol . And from your prints shows clearly that i m not the one saying that, why try to put words in my mouth? I did not say anything else, except what i reported earlier,(dismechicken) and looked that it s not a BL afterall , how the admin judged that .  Why you don try to talk to your friends to stop beings racists and toxic ? If you are so correct and truly in justice ''wanna make'' , why you dont teach them to not act  like that ? I bet you encourage them doing that , to provoke us , so u can have posting material . 

    "racist against your own race" - how? I mean if any of you had half a brain to actually read and comprehend what im saying(not in this particular topic), you'd look less stupid making those comments.
    My "friends" are not racist and toxic. What do you think that only you can say racist stuff and talk trash but when other people retort its them who is toxic and racist? Are you stupid? Are you that hypocritical that you dont see yourself starting this shit?
    How can i teach people to not act like that? I wish that Infinity and bada members would be better than that but will it end there if they stopped talking back? Would you stop or you would just try harder to get more insults and bait people? Just like cici? You guys live off that trolling and attention. Even if we ignore you, you start doing anti-game stuff and forcing the attention from another angle. It doesnt end. It only ends when the people who started it stop and to know who started it? Every HC/rampage member should go and look into a mirror.
    I dont encourage anyone to do anything. Im just a bystander, a garbage man - i take out the trash.

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    Nah , the only hypocritical is you my man . You know that they also start the provoking and taunts , you know that they are also toxic .The difference is that, most of us don t bother reporting.  What you want more specific ? you try so hard to impress Gion with your spechees , with every single digit from your IQ , and that s kinda funny to watch lol .  Maybe you are one of them too , who knows, you talking behind a ''unknown'' user , nobody knows who you are . You could be one of the people that have been  reported for BL  and racism on forum from badabing . Looks like it s a new fashion among you, and your buddies to hide their identity on forum . I m gonna stop now , each answer you get more and more cringe

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    @DeepHouse why tf u even try to talk with people like him mate?  Regardless what you say or do he will always find excuses why we are bad and they are good. He even agrees why other people (from egypt or other asian countries)when they call us white fat pigs (he thinks we derseve to be called that way) .  He can only see like a horse with the blinds on. His heart is full of hate, as long as is for us is acceptable. Just ignore him. Don`t give him any value..

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    10 hours ago, Garbage said:

    "racist against your own race" - how? I mean if any of you had half a brain to actually read and comprehend what im saying(not in this particular topic), you'd look less stupid making those comments.
    My "friends" are not racist and toxic. What do you think that only you can say racist stuff and talk trash but when other people retort its them who is toxic and racist? Are you stupid? Are you that hypocritical that you dont see yourself starting this shit?
    How can i teach people to not act like that? I wish that Infinity and bada members would be better than that but will it end there if they stopped talking back? Would you stop or you would just try harder to get more insults and bait people? Just like cici? You guys live off that trolling and attention. Even if we ignore you, you start doing anti-game stuff and forcing the attention from another angle. It doesnt end. It only ends when the people who started it stop and to know who started it? Every HC/rampage member should go and look into a mirror.
    I dont encourage anyone to do anything. Im just a bystander, a garbage man - i take out the trash.

    u keep insulting every post u make on forum , why u so frustated? u avoid speaking in game but in forum u trow it all out to hide , logs should be checked and u be punished in game+forum

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    Yes, check logs of @Chukundah also and punish him more.

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    14 hours ago, DeepHouse said:

    Nah , the only hypocritical is you my man . You know that they also start the provoking and taunts , you know that they are also toxic .The difference is that, most of us don t bother reporting.  What you want more specific ? you try so hard to impress Gion with your spechees , with every single digit from your IQ , and that s kinda funny to watch lol .  Maybe you are one of them too , who knows, you talking behind a ''unknown'' user , nobody knows who you are . You could be one of the people that have been  reported for BL  and racism on forum from badabing . Looks like it s a new fashion among you, and your buddies to hide their identity on forum . I m gonna stop now , each answer you get more and more cringe

    Do they start provoking out of the blue while you were playing the game, farming, afking, doing bosses or do they start doing it while you win a boss fight and say "ez viets" in post? Because 99% of the time it has to be HC/rampage who always have shit to say, pk a spot or whatever. 
    I dont care if you report or not. The difference is that you dont banter or trash talk. You bully and insult. So people need to be punished, so you would learn something about being a decent human. I dont know any infinity/bada members who hide their identities in forum. My identity is not important? So you could come and bully and antigame me? The idea is that i could be anybody from bada, steppers or even rampage itself and you still would get punished for the things you do. If you lot cant be a good enemy/rival and have to resort to antigame and greifing and insulting, then i will always be there. If you could start saying "gg" after fights and telling cici to shut the fuck up racist scum not elevate him, then the community will flourish. Its all in your guild hands. really.

    14 hours ago, alegzander said:

    @DeepHouse why tf u even try to talk with people like him mate?  Regardless what you say or do he will always find excuses why we are bad and they are good. He even agrees why other people (from egypt or other asian countries)when they call us white fat pigs (he thinks we derseve to be called that way) .  He can only see like a horse with the blinds on. His heart is full of hate, as long as is for us is acceptable. Just ignore him. Don`t give him any value..

    If your guild every. single. time. start with the bullshit, then things calm down, now infinity decides to take revenge, you go crying that we are toxic and bla bla. And you still think that you did nothing wrong. This entire time ive been playing you have always started every beef, every antigame, etc. And then bada cant do anything in return? fuck is that logic. Never seen a guild meeting happen where people discuss "hey we should troll HC". Just people get harassed, anti-gamed, etc and then either retaliate sooner or later, we are the baddies. Whatever. I mean you also punish the whole guild for the actions on 1 so ofc its gonna be the same in return. I wish that i dont have to explain this every time but it seems like 100% of the time "we did nothing" except you always did something. Like how fucking mysterious that you cant see yourselves.

    4 hours ago, Chukundah said:

    u keep insulting every post u make on forum , why u so frustated? u avoid speaking in game but in forum u trow it all out to hide , logs should be checked and u be punished in game+forum

    If I talked in game you would spend all your life to anti-game me because you are a bully. I accept any punishment if need be. I dont like you, you are a shitty human who gets off from other peoples suffering. There is no need to be nice to you. You belong in a mental institute.

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    11 minutes ago, Garbage said:

    Do they start provoking out of the blue while you were playing the game, farming, afking, doing bosses or do they start doing it while you win a boss fight and say "ez viets" in post? Because 99% of the time it has to be HC/rampage who always have shit to say, pk a spot or whatever. 
    I dont care if you report or not. The difference is that you dont banter or trash talk. You bully and insult. So people need to be punished, so you would learn something about being a decent human. I dont know any infinity/bada members who hide their identities in forum. My identity is not important? So you could come and bully and antigame me? The idea is that i could be anybody from bada, steppers or even rampage itself and you still would get punished for the things you do. If you lot cant be a good enemy/rival and have to resort to antigame and greifing and insulting, then i will always be there. If you could start saying "gg" after fights and telling cici to shut the fuck up racist scum not elevate him, then the community will flourish. Its all in your guild hands. really.

    If your guild every. single. time. start with the bullshit, then things calm down, now infinity decides to take revenge, you go crying that we are toxic and bla bla. And you still think that you did nothing wrong. This entire time ive been playing you have always started every beef, every antigame, etc. And then bada cant do anything in return? fuck is that logic. Never seen a guild meeting happen where people discuss "hey we should troll HC". Just people get harassed, anti-gamed, etc and then either retaliate sooner or later, we are the baddies. Whatever. I mean you also punish the whole guild for the actions on 1 so ofc its gonna be the same in return. I wish that i dont have to explain this every time but it seems like 100% of the time "we did nothing" except you always did something. Like how fucking mysterious that you cant see yourselves.

    If I talked in game you would spend all your life to anti-game me because you are a bully. I accept any punishment if need be. I dont like you, you are a shitty human who gets off from other peoples suffering. There is no need to be nice to you. You belong in a mental institute.

    holy shit who comes to a forum to write all this i dont even gonna read this testomony , only thing i have to say is cry is free and go touch some grass

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    3 minutes ago, Chukundah said:

    holy shit who comes to a forum to write all this i dont even gonna read this testomony , only thing i have to say is cry is free and go touch some grass

    Touched some enough for today, I came inside to take out the trash. Maybe you should touch grass since you are 24/7 ingame to bully people? 
    I can next time try writing less, I didnt know you cant read so well.

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    Just now, Garbage said:

    Touched some enough for today, I came inside to take out the trash. Maybe you should touch grass since you are 24/7 ingame to bully people? I

    eyes on game

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    dis me chickens


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    eRoby - muted for 12 hours.

    Knightmare - muted for 24 hours.


    I wanna ask you some shit, but you might tell me a lie
    But, ayy, I barely care
    I no longer live in my feelings, shit, I'm barely there 
    I can never live in New York 'cause I can't carry there
    They say I can't live in my city 'cause it's crazy there
    I'm like "Shit, that's everywhere"

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