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    1. Past hour
    2. Hello, as promised Gion i'm here with a gift i found out from our dear Lanaya. As we all know, Energy Elf works only Castle Siege Server, aka Cry Wolf right? RIGHT?? well... WRONG. If you simply take buff, and move to any other map (exept lorencia ring ofc, which reset all buffs) magic will happen. You will have Energy Elf buff for whole 2minute. Just enough time to make your best ever record on Gaion Ranked. How did i found out? well... i wondered what is a full energy elf doing in Valley of Loren same time as Lanaya was doing Imperial. Oh and this was 2 months ago i think, but sadly i am a too good guy to report after he pleased me not to becouse he needed an "edge" aka cheat to beat hardcore gaion ranked. This was taken 30th of May https://imgur.com/a/R18D2Su , server time in image. You have: 1) Elf name 2) Date and server time in which she was buffing 3) Some hint to who might been doing Gaion at that exact time. Now my biggest curiosity, will you investigate how long has he been cheating or just patch exploit and no consquences?
    3. Today
    4. yeah i pay 8kCredits to buy it for set and spend 5month in K6 farming to make Feniri and much more time and working hard to make my character and jewels stolen too and my crediets ...what u talking about!! wat worrng with you??!!
    5. As I see, he is spreading awareness about a guild who stole items. Only selling accounts for irl money is punishable. So buying doesnt matter. Even if the account details were not changed, HC/rampage guild stole the items. You can always be a good sport and say "hey we know your login, stay safe." But this was blatant theft that is now being justified with bullshit reasons AND mocked about. Says a lot about the integrity of the guild. Or you want to explain how HC/Rampage managed to aquire zBzz and Black(now Error)? Bet you have a really "detailed" explanation for that. @RatONE
    6. I wonder how much did he paid for that account tho'... https://imgur.com/a/gYe75XD ...and how many other account he bought with real money.
    7. I`m getting tired of this guy spamming non stop every day. https://imgur.com/a/kSK6ZNW
    8. hhahahaha yaba daba cryyy yappps maxxxx chuki chuki chuki
    9. https://imgur.com/6Rd9SF1https://imgur.com/6Rd9SF1https://imgur.com/6Rd9SF1 Here is the provocateur who complains that he is being threatened. And he do this all the time!!!!! But this time is my turn to report this noob who swearing all the time and talk shits!!! https://imgur.com/a/RXzYC2Q
    10. i saw Chukunda almost every day in IT, so he doesnt get ban or he is a BUG user
    11. Yeah my dark boy 🤭 I did quit but as I said I am still in touch with my boys, and I just want to proof that I was right about you and your admin friend 🤭 you know it took me 2 min to report you from my phone, so doesnt really wasted much time in order to make my point. You are welcome to join our whatsupp group and show me where I was "crying" 20+ days ? 😂 The day I said I leave I left and never had any talk about the game anymore. I have a competitive character in whatever I do but the moment I saw you and your party have these kind of "advantages" I lost interest and dont forget this game for you is just a game (pixels) but for the admin is business and I bet my life in the last 2 db I supported them more then you in the last 5 🤭, so the only one who lost here is not you, not me but the business.
    12. Nice one, I reaaaaaallly dont understand what is going on
    13. Brother please... unless you have something to say regarding the subject of this post and not being this toxic just stay quiet. People honestly have had enough of you constant pointless comments. If Gion banned you for you previous mechanic abuse in Illusion Temple and you are still somehow participating in the event he has every right to report this.
    14. 1. I'm talking in general about PK in game, perhaps you killed him on Battle map idk and couldn't care less not the point here. 2. Just to clarify that ain't me so that you reported. 3. Even if you "Repealed" his quest whatever that means, you have killed one of my Chars on a non Battle map for no reason and I lost a whole day of exp while I was away. Again... there has been reports of people calling other players FARRR worse then this. Stop being a baby or carry on killing people and take the consequence on your chest like a man.
    15. Yesterday
    16. didnt u quit? why u still here crying about me, wasnt enough crying for the last 20 days and in ur whatsapp group? sad life
    17. Sorry here is with the date... before any "excuses" https://postimg.cc/HjzPYrxV/356fcfa6
    18. Dear @Gion how is that possible you ban your Chukunda on 21th may for 14 days and on 31th may he is in IT ? Chukunda, Duke, Cursed - banned in IT for 14 days...isn't it ? Chukunda the Vip member on this server 😂 https://postimg.cc/7GKzJ8jr/c5dbbcd9
    19. PK ? it was your quest that i repealed and you started swearing =))
    20. Last week
    21. "aint something I can tolerate" Though luck bro... start to tolerate trash talking after you PK someone, or find a new game. Stop wasting the Admins/GMs time on petty reports kid.
    22. https://ibb.co/z7vfwMR TzH2O being very rude after gens.
    23. https://imgur.com/a/uMgpnMR Dude got killed while pvpquest and got a bit frustrated i guess .. but the language aint something i can tolerate
    24. Alex/Gion will mute u for this forum post.
    25. Well than provide that I am wrong... you pmed me trash not me.
    26. thats not the full conversation, why don't u show what you have above ?
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