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    1. Today
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    3. i cryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy by laughing HAHAHAHAHAAHAHA
    4. Yeah, that's the conversation input level that I might have expected from you :)
    5. ZpOoN - the mute from minutes ago boosted with another 12 hours. Locked.
    6. Cabrakan - muted for 24 hours. Locked.
    7. ZpOoN - muted for 24 hours. Locked.
    8. CallMeBob - muted for 6 hours. This is for the non English. If you'd like to report for insults please read reporting rules. Locked.
    9. Last week
    11. Hey, Not sure if this is indeed broken or not but there seems to be something wrong with the Old Jewel mix. 14 tries and I only had 2 successful. Other ppl from guild had it very similar, like 0/4 or 2/12. Is this really 40%? Please check as it seems more like 20% or less atm. Cheers
    12. I solve with the guy in game.
    13. admin doesn't care i guess, we go other server waste our money there.
    14. Same here, added the whole folder into antivirus exception, have all the files and still getting this....how to fix?
    15. no one is answering even on the Facebook support(24/7) .....
    16. I dont know why man but you and cenzura you are the only people on server i feel happy when i curse you..
    17. Hello, I'm trying to play the game but when i download and try to run the game, nothing happens. Tried every solution in the forum and "!!!!ATTENTION IF GAME IS NOT WORKING" file. Nothing worked yet. PS Gameguard runs in the background but game doesn't start. Is there any other solution?
    18. same thing as me, i have done literally every step i am running windows 11. i even downloaded a VM to put it on windows 10 and it doesnt work. 2 days been trying to fix this. any updates at all??? we are rich and want to spend money on a mu server.. someone help?
    19. Hey, Me and a few of my friend are not able to play the game as we get disconnected after 5 second of open the game We did all the (!!!!ATTENTION IF GAME IS NOT WORKING) Fix and noting worked. I check all over the forum and noting. We are in different countries and even used a vpn to test but still noting.
    20. https://imgur.com/a/b3ljwWz translate: otto f**k your mother, where are you? Son of a bi**h
    21. drops from Karutan 1/2 mobs upwards. You can only use elf buffs at siege though.
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