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  • Nephilim

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    Nephilim last won the day on March 2

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    About Nephilim

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    1. I totally agree with you. The cost of mix seems high for the percentage of success(token) and the benefit of the damage gain from the physical damage weapons doesn't seem that much. Another thing i would like to add is that huge percent of the elf's on this server play with crossbow(because of it's benefits),can we get an Old Crossbow too?
    2. Did you feel bad when you were abusing in game bugs and not reporting them?
    3. I don't see any disrespect from Emperror side here. How are those comments making other players feel very bad ????????? This topic seems to be just waste of time. Who is the reporter here btw ?
    4. You are incorrect. We were not in party and this can be checked by Gion.
    5. I wouldn't call this a hack,exploit or cheat. It's how the duel arena works. The potions could've been picked by SuperStar as well so it was fair for both sides. Why would you go gamble and not fight but stay 5 hours in there ?
    6. I suppose no need of translation for our pedo player https://imgur.com/a/ahqoljn
    7. I think it's good idea to make them convertable for some cost.
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