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  • White1993

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    White1993 last won the day on January 12 2020

    White1993 had the most liked content!

    About White1993

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    1. The biggest mouth have Waste who even wasnt on CS ...ha ha ha. Why u comment things u have no idea about? You r so hypocritical... You like football? You know something about it? Let me give you example. Van Persie (Arsenal -> ManU), Luis Figo ( Barcelona -> Real). Footballers most hated by fan. Why? Becouse they go to opposite club. If you did nothing in db and you just take items from zutto to help hardcores u r funny. You are less than zero as person. People who did nothing shout the loudest. Its so funny. Second... if u sent fokume i think u want to offend Snook becouse if u steal staff, if u play so dirty your behavior is like gipsy behavior. So snook... if they call u gipsy they must have right.
    2. If you have no idea what happened last CS, why you write bullshits about that ? Where is paragraf about most importatnt incident tht Snook ripped of a set and a wings from BedeJutro and all time have him DC? Where is paragraf about dirty game of them ? We lost not becouse rise came... We lost becouse ppl who played with us long time have no honor and they are pathetic thieves and pathetic ppl. As i said better write nothing than bullshits...
    3. I think that LM is too easy to make. @Chukundah presented the best solution to this problem. Two 380 items from one LM and easy to get it make the diffrence between ppl who have castle and who want to get it is too big. So guild who fight about castle dont have a chance to get it.
    4. Match winner: NetherlandsGoal scorer: Depay1st goal scorer: DepayMatch result: 2-0Penalty kick in match: yesRed card in match: yesUnder or Over 6,5 yellow cards: under in game WhiteRaven
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