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Trâu reacted to a post in a topic: Why i (will ) quit ,
Maybe ill be back . If next project will be less items prohibited , ill be back for sure. Anyway , ty for your kind words Trau
Trâu reacted to a post in a topic: Why i (will ) quit ,
Trâu reacted to a post in a topic: Why i (will ) quit ,
Ty Mit , but as i said , i dont want to stress myself anymore. Really like party with you guys...forgot. Valhalla here. Regards to Tempest
GL guys then. Really apreciate ppl like you and hate ppl like me. Im not use to be chineze farmer . I already "left" the building. Went on more greener pastures :))
Sir , yes Sir :))
Well , Mu is AFK Game , even original devs created Mu Helper to be able to play while afking. To call "trash" players , the one who afk-ing cos they have families , or jobs ...its a bit harsh , dont you think ? And what are you doing while you sleep ? You close PC / Laptop ?? or you continue lvling ?
Tell me ing Name pelase
Dont know how much you know about ML...in non pvp maps you gain like 4-6k / mob ML Exp , and for one lvl you need around 6 billions.... So what you're saying its to spend like 3-4 days fore 1 ML lvl ? Told you once , ill say it again. Dont try to be smart ass if you dont know what you're talking about , please
Yea , imo to make battle map , THE ONLY GOOD MAP FOR ML , its not a smart idea , and yes , agree with you Amatv. This game is afk game . To not be able to be afk and farm ML , its kinda game breaker for me also. I could understand if a player kill me 1-2 times / day , just cos he feel like, but Krass its over the top. In 1 hr he killed our party like 4 times. Obvious is a frustrated kid . I dont know who's foult is for this mistake , as far as i know battle maps were choose by the players. I can understand a battle map , like Raklion , where Selupan is , but to be battle map on a farm map , this is wrong. Prolly ill take Amatv advice and let Krass to be the King of Swamp. To finaly have a joy in his sad life
Agree with Trau. I also faild 3 times at w3 , 3 times at Fernir , not even at black fernir , faild 3 times on red , first fernir , with 50% chance .I cant stop wonder what happens when i will try to Black Fernir where succes rate is 30% ?! Mu should be a fun game , where you experience everything , from the +13-15 , from w2-w3-w4 ,from red fernir - golden fernir , not in 3-4 months to be able to try ONCE on one or two items .Yes , server is nice , best server i saw , but that does not mean i have to play on such server and dont feel the game in full. I know ADMIN dont like to get mtas for many items , by farming. Well , this game is a FARM fest. Days / weeks for making lvl 400. Weeks / months for ML... If next project will have same chances like Phoenix have , same drop , same Goblin chances , im out. I wont stress myself anymore
Ammodytes reacted to a post in a topic: Why i (will ) quit ,
In the past 2 weeks players quit playing on this server , and probably , many others will do. If is any reason that can be addressed , please , share your reasons here. Maybe dev's /owner will do something to prevent this in next project
@codrutz Drop aint quite awesome , but its million times better then last version. Point is that you fail a lot , so you need weeks spend it there. But...what can you do ? If you dont have luck on OGSV , you have to spend weeks in Crywolf . I really think this low succes rate in creating Fernir was made based on much higher Drop Rate for Fernir mats What is unfair , imo , is that few players won 2 times in row , and have 2 fernirs, while other players , unlucky ones cat even get a single one
Well , im really afraid that 150 % increase in drop dont mean to much. If drop was 0.00001, now will be 0.000025. So in a week now will get 3-4 claw's instead of 1-2
Mitsakos , 2 months for one fernir ? First Fernir is red , next is Blue , black and last is gold. All fernirs have low succes rate. A "slightly" drop rate increase wont change a thing trust me. ML there is too small , its around 8k. Exp is ok around lvl 250-270 but, at lvl 270 with all my chars (SM 4 rr, 32ML , EE 2 rr 71 ML, and AE 4 RR 92 ML ) couldt stay afk. I've try and i woke up dead. For an afk game , rate should be at least triple. Imo you should be able in 3-4 days to do one try for red fernir. Some ppl will get black fernir into 2-3 weeks , some luckiest will get it faster , others with no such luck will get it much harder .....Meanwhile player base is dropping faster
Mitsakos reacted to a post in a topic: [Phoenix] Mid-Late Game Feedback
Whats "end game " item and when you should have it ? When you pass lvl 300 ? When you are 400 ? When you have 1 rr , 2, 3 ? And if an "end game" item its hunt with "alts" then , that player its out of his mind. And that map isnt easy , trust me
Well..., Battle map , again... ? Why dont we ask for all maps to be battle maps , except Lorencia