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Everything posted by Colossus
no one talking about summy high defense and high attack speed ?
What I see here ,is that you all complain about your characters .You all want your characters to be top in hunt,pvp ,pvm .Till now DL was OP ,now some1 was complaining about ELF being OP ,now another one said that VRF is OP ...wait till late game and see that fenrir will be OP ,but not for all ...and keep this topic to cry each rr.
SM: ESM -> With focus mostly on Energy for full MS & PvM potential. Hybrid -> With focus on both AGI & ENERGY for full PvP potential. Main PvP Skill: Blast (Cometfall). As you can see ,SM can't HUNT .PvM is on spot (holders).sMG can HUNT if u check the topic with characters build .
For new players:NOTHING will change . For old players: You already know that NOTHING will change . Now the topic may be closed :))
A suggestion would be : The characters that are banned,sell them to other players for credits.This will help new players get 'competitive' characters .Same time ,the one that has been banned for bad language or for hack ,will be IP banned ,and some1 else can use his character(new player) .Or maybe make this available in mid-end game ,so in end game people start to compete more.
The only one su*king here I see it's you ...2 times per day at selupan ,2 times per day at medusa and so on ... I see you have time to su*k us all in a week
I think no one used bad words.Cuz If we have used ,we would have told that you are the prostitute cuz we are just sharing you to kill .Taking turns in beating the shit out of you .You can give even your account to some1 to play this CS.
As i know in our guild there were no internal fights .The only problem was that we had a lot of afk players ,and my team mates re-made parties when CS started and we started playing each other on other ones accounts to try to make something .I also came at 6 ,so i've been there just 1 hour .As for mafy's wish ,I never seen him say that he want peace ,so let's not all make a fuss .Also there won't be any peace ,if they choose to start a thing ,i wish them the courage to finish it as they started ! Also i've read the interview and i can say that beside other members from that guild ,i respect mafy more ,cuz he personally said that sometimes he may get overwhelmed by rage and do some shitty things ,while his others mates are fine being assholes .
What can i say is that this Castle Siege may be the fairest from this db and also the best by players experience.Even if hardcore joined ,we know that playboys didn't had a deal with them and they were fair play .Also the CS was so balanced ,that in the last 15 minutes they took the crown ,and we took it back in the last 5 minutes ,that made us win .Congratulations to all PlayBoys players ,and respect to all players from there.
Believe me we are nothing like you ,nothing would have happened .Also u made "fun" cuz u d.c-ed in selupan and medusa...As I've said ...you do shitty things for a game ,things that show us your character as a man(pussie).Same things today at CS ,you tried to make us lose and again you failed ...i Think it burns you ,you die slowly :))
Sparkle ,i think that all members of attack guild ATM can say that we are sorry for what ZaZaX said .we know he was overreacting most of the times.But as i said ,firstly we helped squadron ,its true .And after what they did,we choose to never do it again.But your friends started to do shitty things as I've said ...d.c-ing almighty in events and some other trashy things ,we choose to never let you get the Caste .Also ,please be realistic that every time ZaZaX said a bad word about you ,he was also provoked by one of your guild mates .So some of you have a part in it also ... But maybe u dont accept it Also as you've said in game ,each of us has different expectationa about the rivala caractere ,lets keep our personal ideology to us and play .If some1 does shitty things ,lets expect that they will be hated in the server and not insult each person that does a thing that we individualul dislike . Long made short : shut up and play 🤣
and also d/c our players in events .Cuz just you know how do you know their passwords.
Like you? As i know you left server cuz u get really upset on changes...or again is a hardcore player on other forum accounts?
Same flaws affected all players ,but some choose to cry about it ,and others choose not to.And if we take it like you say ,each character can find 10 different flaws than others and lets all cry on forum that the server is not what we individually want to be .So please ,if some want to behave like 14 years old children ,we are not supposed to support them in this .Go cry home to mommies and daddies.
Some from hardcore do really have a BIG problem with the ego ...BEST here best there best there and oh ,they are best even there ... While they have 1 HARDCORE player playing on 5 accounts ...
You know just cry cuz you lost guys .When you do shitty things no one cries .You cried from the start of the server ....i don't expect anything more from hardcore .If you dont win you cry .Cuz we joined them ,cuz rf is strong ,cuz sd potins restore too much ....Long ago started to be lame what you do ,now you just make us sure that you are totally lame and u can't sleep at night ,cuz you have " The perfect builds " and you still can't get the CS .The only player that I can truly say its a good player it's Muerte .Without him your guild won' existe ,nor your items ,nor your actual level in resets. You started with anti-game and with shitty things like d/c-ing our players from long ago .You started playing this game like trashes and now you cry cuz we entered PlayBoyz,while you are too afraid to let us participate at CS .
I am curious what you will write the next week .Let me tell you a subject :LOSECORE registered 3 guild to CS(Beside LOSECORE) ,so they could make a party with adrian and teleport them in room ,where their guild members will kill so they could gather enough points to win the castle .But unfortunately ,another shitty tactic that didn't got them the CS .Lets see what will they stormbrain for the next week .
You just hold your point that RF has Huge Def .Let me show you that in end game you have higher ,and you can beat him . My SM with 12 rr ,9000 agi and 16 points in first defense ML ,has 4300 def rate. My RF with 16 rr 16000 agi and 18 ML points in def has 5300 def rate.If i go till full agility ,RF defense will be approx. 7500 k. while a SM defense with 20 000 agi will be 9 k def rate.Lets not speak about BK which has highest def rate (ADMIN said very clear agi BK will be best in PvP) .Your only problem here ,is that your characters need vit/ene/str right now to deal pvp ,while aRF add agi and get damage too .But this thing will change .If u wanna beat us now ,go add agi ,otherwise you are crying for nothing .As I said before ,you say that RF is OP now .Same was sMG ,sBK and tank DL for CS ,the only difference is that we are not some crybabies and we waited for our characters to have upperhand .We know that in end game situation will change ,but please ,some of you need to use that test server ....otherwise you are just complaining. ADDED AFTER EDIT: Also seriously guys ,you darkyo ,you complain cuz he killed u and u have just made 16th rr and he almost makes 19 rr .Also at 16rr i hit the max agi for this stage (16 000) and you stil cry about it .My Dmg doesnt rise till first 3 make a rr ,so till i am 20 rr i have same dmg .Please ,stop this trash talk ....and go make some resets ...with a gap of 3000 points its normal for him to beat you .
If people will leave ,they will be the owners of MG's .Cuz they got used to being best character in pvp hunt cs ,and now they find a lot of reasons to keep their position .No one left when just MG was top ,lets remember ....just Zutto could compete with MG's ,and no one left .Now same for Oklahoma .He can be killed ,but if you guys don't use all buffs in CS while he does ,its your problems .You can get 120 more attack rate from buffs ... All this trash talk just show how much need of appreciation some of you need and you don't make the difference between a game and real problems .Those kind of guys will always find a problem when they are not top .Try getting in top by not destroing your competition ,but by doing better than them . Good luck with this topic !
Personally i did test it in end game ,and tested it to moon and back for end game .Everything will be more balanced .I expected to be this way ,cuz agi vit str gives dmg to RF while now ,rest of the classes add vit ,or agi ,or ene .We permanently receive damage ,but in end game ,it will be balanced .It is true that i didnt test it for 15-20 rr .But thats it .sBK had his first rr and also still now can be good ,aSM is also good now , sMG had its resets so people should stop complaining .Lets remember at 5-10 rr when MG had so high attack speed that you had no chance to hit him back ....
I think you dont know how to read in english ....i said both times we didn't cry when you OP 5 players at once .But i dont expect much
yeah ...i see who is complaining about game ... you try to do something with that shit build .Change to sm and go str SM ...same thing with you build .
I just read what some of you write here and what i can say is that you are naming yourselves PRO PLAYERS. We have here some pro's who know that in this season,normally rf îs much more OP in other servers.From the start rf was OP and admin did Something about it. As I've said it is true that now rf may be OP ,but it is overpowered cuz ii can rise his dmg a lot ,till the opponents have enough def and HP .It îs true what ADMIN said about agi rf ,his Power in the end will be limited ,cuz If not i would add 34k agi to match your end game state . Some of you said to lower the DS range .If You test ,a summ Sm and DL can hit a RF from a distance that ragefighter cant hit them ,but as i see You are capable just of crying and no testing .I am a RF and those range thing happened when fighting : PornStar,Skitch,Kumaniok,Gh0st and some others .Why don't they complain ? Cuz they know how to play . I've said it before ,dieeee ,no one cried when You fought 5 players in arena in the same tine and won,so keep your mouth shut.You all had access to test server ,it is free not a privilege ,so go and test .Dieee If You were a fair player ,You would have cried about your mg killing each boss and also going to CS and same time solo-ing .At the moment rf can just pvp .Și stop this non sense .U cant use attack speed buffs cuz u personally choose a build that doesn't let you. As for those DL tanks in CS .You all chose the DL to tank .Change Race in BK ,make agi vit build ,get a set and what a surprize ? U can tank better ! I was prezent ar CS and was dissapointed ,most powerful players from Hardcore(, not tanks) held the switches .The tanks ...where going to kill Oklahoma ....No Buffs No parties . Guys ...help your existing rf guild mates ...make a strategy and go buffed to the castele as they did ...and You will win .... Also ,get an EE for CS to complete guys
1.you got the wrong guy .I am not in the video . 2.you cant expect to beat no one if you are lower rr ,so make rr and make a set and a build .Build does everything here ,this server is Hard style ,so get along .Get 30 rr and show us u are good . 3.Arf truly hits insane with fenrir ,but same for SM and other classes ,so again dont cry for this one