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  • Archie

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    Archie last won the day on February 18 2024

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    1. The "normal" text was to my friend with whom we speak as that so dont get offended by just passing by And regarding PM it's an acronym. Sooo yeah next time instead of making drama just ask and CUNT in game mate.
    2. Mate, it doesn't give power to scammers. You shouldn't try to buy items for more credits than 500 unless you wanna risk. Setting the cap of credits to 500 just limits the buying power of credits so jewels and zen are also usefull and valuable.
    3. Archie


      I'll just leave it here... Transfer Rules
    4. Early-Mid Game SMG is BEAST late game is still viable but yes it all about your prefecence about the playstyle etc.
    5. Taking into consideration all pverious DBs there were a lot of job done by Admin (and most active players feedback) to balance the PVP. So i would say that all classes are as much balanced as possible (of course some builds are just made for pvm). I wouldn't say that "there is one class/build to rule them all".
    6. @CristiDL as far as i know in BC the DMG on statue is calculated for whole party not individual, we had some feedback from @ADMIN here (https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/2134-explanation-of-pvmhunt-system/). I also did some tests some time ago and on statue the PARTY dmg mattered not the single person dmg. As killer of statue was shown highest dps from "winners"(highest dmg as a party) party, not the person who did highest single player dmg.
    7. Mu helper works as long as you have ZEN. If you mean the "offattack" feature then without VIP it works for 5 hours (which can be extended with VIP). On Inception the Stats are staying the same after reset, but on genesis after reset stats are erased and you get: SM, BK, ELF & SUMM receive 800 points per reset. DL, MG & RF receive 900 points per reset. You can find all required information (including the reset cost/stats etc.) as below Genesis: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/2503-genesis-official-information-many-details-about-server/ Inception: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/993-inception-official-information-everything-you-need-to-know/ Regarding the Class Balance and overall feedback about classes and builds you can find all the information as below: Genesis:https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/2502-genesis-characters-builds-info-buffs-formulas/ Inception:https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/2260-inception-characters-builds-info-buffs-formulas/
    8. I assume that about 160+ accounts has this issue . But yeah hopefully Admin will sort the things out as soon as possible.
    9. @Arrack i See that you got already two items with DSR, it's good for sure you should get full DSR set for early/mid game, dont fear of getting some Agility early as SM to get more DEF/Rate so you will be able to survive on better spots. I see you are using Platina Staff which probably costed you a lot of stats for 0 reset, might be better to get some lower tier Staff and put the stats into agi/vit/ene. I would also recommend to find for some ppl to make party (with about your level not to get into GAP). You can try to find some DSR item for 1b or 1s on Web Market. For zen i recommend to pick all Hearts/Medals and sell the dropped items to NPC same with items +3/4+Option (sometimes they are worth a lot of zen). These are the basiscs of how to survive early on better spots. If you would need any further assistance please reach me here on forum or in-game.
    10. Hello all Please find my reaserch below, please tell me if I am wrong or the Divine Stick is bugged? I've tested it on 6 different sticks/staffs/ Below Example(please see also ss's) Mystery stick, which gives 24% ... 3417 * 24% = 820,08 <correct> Excellent Violent Wind Stick, which gives 70% ... 3421 * 70% = 2394,7 <correct> Divine Stick of the Archangel, which gives 86% ... 3421 * 86% = 2942,06 <corr.... oh wait... +2565> So +2565 of +3421 is 74,97% instead of 86% - is it bug or I've missed something? (for other 3 weapons from the shop the calculations were correct)
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